Annabeth is currently the girlfriend of Percy Jackson . Ella the harpy recites the prophecy in front of the Senate at Camp Jupiter, when Percy Jackson and his friends are trying to ward off attention of Ella's ability from people such as Octavian. They kiss, and then fall asleep. Annabeth tries to get her attention by calling her Athena, but the goddess dreamily replies that "that was my name, before they sacked my city, took my identity, made me this. Light Physical attack against all enemies. She also thinks about how they could use their powers to get down the cliff or gain help in some way, but she has nothing. Annabeth says that she still has nightmares about the Cyclopes' voice and finds it very creepy when a Cyclops mimics another person's voice, such as when Tyson mimicked the voices he heard on the Princess Andromeda. The three of them discover Luke, who has become Kronos' vessel. He would occasionally ask her to return home, but she always refused. What did Percy say the scared drink of Dionysus was? When Annabeth was seven years old, she and her father visited their family for Thanksgiving at the Chase Mansion in Boston. Shortly after Beckendorf and Percy find Ant Hill and Beckendorf decides to try to recover Festus' head from the Myrmekes, Annabeth and Silena Beauregard, who have been following them all along, show up. Does Annabeth appear in The Mark of Athena? Ten years after the quarrel between the three Chase siblings, Annabeth and Fredrick go looking for Magnus in Boston after being notified by Randolph that Magnus has been missing since Natalie's death two years previously. She previously recited the first two lines of the prophecy before Frank Zhang alone, but couldn't remember all of it at that time. Annabeth joins forces with the campers and goes to New York City to save Manhattan and Mount Olympus itself from Kronos' Titan army. He said - he said I might as well fight him right there because it was the last chance I'd get Hermes was right. In The House of Hades, he still felt very guilty about her and Percy falling into Tartarus, but tried not to dwell on that thought since he knew moping around wouldn't bring them back. She considers herself useless and invaluable because she is the daughter of the seemingly 'useless' love goddess Aphrodite. Later, Jason sat next to Annabeth at the campfire, making Piper more jealous, and comforted him when he was embarrassed by Drew. She then puts her knife to Circe's neck, and threatens her. Avenge me. During the events of The Lightning Thief, Annabeth introduced Luke to Percy and acted shy around him. In the months after, Jason described Reyna to Annabeth. Although her hair was said to have a streak of grey as of The Titan's Curse due to the pressure of holding up the sky, she already lost it by The Mark of Athena. Annabeth's birthday is July 12th, which means that she is a Cancer. While Annabeth is certainly shocked at such an unexpected revelation from Nico, she smiles at the son of Hades and high-fives him. By The Mark of Athena, Annabeth and Leo had become good friends and had helped build the Argo II. Annabeth likes Percy, which she hints at, but she still had lingering feelings of kinship towards Luke. After he left, Annabeth told Percy she was worried about him and scared he would talk to Minos again. Magnus and Annabeth played in an upper level of the house while the parents argued. There are five beads on Annabeth Chase's necklace at the start of The Lightning Thief, from the years before Percy Jackson's arrival at Camp Half-Blood. Hazel calls for Arion and distracts the crowd by riding straight through it. When Thalia was revived due to the Golden Fleece, Annabeth was the first one to find her and stayed by her side in shock, but didnt celebrate the moment because she wondered what it would mean for the future. One of her most impressive displays was in The Titan's Curse, where after holding the sky for hours and starting to die, she vehemently protested against Artemis for taking her burden. Their reunion was cut short when Annabeth began falling into Tartarus, and Nico rushed to try to save her, using his strength to hobble in her direction. Upon hearing Thalia's last name, Jason remembers that Thalia is his older sister to Annabeth's shock. When Percy returns, she is extremely jealous because she suspects he has been with Calypso, who is cursed to fall in love with any hero that lands on her island. Annabeth repairs the dragon to the best of her abilities, then activates it. Eventually, Octavian began insulting Annabeth, Reyna said that Annabeth was there in peace, then told her that Percy had spoken highly of her, which made Annabeth realize she tried to make a move on Percy. She was shown to be very cold towards Percy and found him annoying at first, which only became worse after finding out his father was Poseidon, her mother's rival. In The Blood of Olympus, Jason promised to protect Annabeth, per Percys request, when they went to Ithaca. In The Battle of the Labyrinth, Percy believes that Luke has become completely lost after forcing Percy to fight another demigod and almost kill Annabeth and Rachel Elizabeth Dare, making off handed remarks after they escaped about how evil Luke had become. He quickly introduced her to Hearthstone and said he needed to go on a personal quest, and he will explain everything to her when it was over. In The House of Hades, Hazel missed Annabeth very much and regarded her as the leader of the seven, and the smartest demigod, the one with all the answers. She is the head counselor of Athenas cabin and the architect of Olympus. Hazel even trusted Hecate and decided to have the ship go the most dangerous route to Epirus just to ensure her survival. Her possessiveness for Percy is revealed when she becomes annoyed at him after she finds him escaping with the mortal girl Rachel Elizabeth Dare. (Suh Fah was a loosening spell.). After she rewords the sentence and finds that the giant Cacus is in the meatpacking district. Annabeth then elbowed Percy saying that he keeps trying to die and he put his arm around her, kissing her blonde curls on the top of her head, making Magnus's heart do a little twist, reminding him of what was at stake if he didn't stop Loki. Every time I said something, she scowled at me, as if I'd just poked her between her eyes. By The Hammer of Thor, Annabeth has started growing out her hair and the way it caught in the sunlight briefly reminded Magnus of Sif. When she finds out what happened to Percy after he tells her and Chiron in Chiron's office in the Big House, Annabeth angrily exits after guessing where he was stranded and obviously feeling jealous. Annabeth was upset when she found out about Nico's imprisonment, and listened to the news sadly, shaking her head, but she wasn't surprised at all by the news, and figured out he would die on the Kalends of July. The next morning, Frank finds them and is terrified that Coach Hedge is going to kill them for sneaking out, as everyone thought they had been kidnapped. But Annabeth still cannot shake the feeling that something is about to go terribly wrong. Annabeth realizes that the Mark of Athena leads to a statue which the Romans took, and the children of Athena have been searching for it for centuries, starting civil wars. During the events of the next few books, she begins to show feelings for Percy, but every time Percy brought up the fact that they have to stop Luke, she would always defend him. She later meets up with Jason in Cabin One and informs him about Thalia. When Percy wakes up, he feels bad that he will have to ignore Annabeth and go on the quest anyway as the Roman campers need him. However, through the challenges and difficulties they faced, their relationship has become stronger. When he left with Reyna and Hedge, she wished Im good luck, and he wished her good luck in return, without making eye contact. Reynas expression looked the same as it had at Camp Jupiter when she realized Jason had found another girl. He later mentions that she must have kissed him a lot - also hinting that he did stupid stuff a lot too. Choose an item you would like to buy. The demigods hold a conference in the mess hall, Piper tells them about her visions that she has seen in her knife. Magnus promised, saying that Chases have to stick together. Previous books of The Heros of Olympus focused on the new heroes discovering that Gaea is trying to overthrow the Olympians with her children, the giants. As the daughter of the goddess of war and wisdom, Annabeth knows she was born to be a leader, but never again does she want to be without Seaweed Brain by her side. On the third night, Annabeth ran away from home. Percy lets go and he and Annabeth fall into Tartarus together. Annabeth is seen in Tartarus together with Percy Jackson. By the end of the book, Nico finally finds the courage to tell Percy and Annabeth about his past crush on Percy, coming out for the first time. Though she is very kind-hearted, Annabeth can be very harsh and judgmental during first meetings, but she is very loyal to those who later had win her approval. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. While watching Jason Grace prepare for the meeting, she could not help but not trust Jason, as he always seems too perfect (always acting nobly, always does the honorable thing, and even looks too perfect). Percy, remembering the lines from the prophecy ('cursed blade shall reap'), uses Riptide to slay the Titan and the others erupt in cheers over the victory. When she was five, her father got married and had two sons with her step-mother, the twins Matthew and Bobby. Annabeth was also suspicious of Hazel when she covered up what Ella was saying, which was clearly a prophecy. Leo also joked around with Annabeth, and could not stop grinning when she spent the night in the stables with Percy. A lot haha some Percy and Annabeth bickering from TLT and then draw their other moments from there. When the group ate dinner together, Annabeth recognized that Reyna was deeply saddened to see Jason's relationship with Piper, and it made her eyes stormy, reflecting Reyna's pain and bitterness. Annabeth is the captain for the team opposing Percy's in Capture the Flag at Camp Half-Blood. When Beryl Grace appeared to Jason and tried to Charmspeak him, Annabeth tried to snap him out of it and told him that wasn't his mother anymore. Annabeth gave a broken laugh when Magnus told her to tell Percy he kept his butt clenched the entire trip, and she promised to tell Percy. Rachel felt guilty, and said she messed everything up. As Annabeth and her friends Jason, Piper, and Leo fly in on the Argo II, she cant blame the Roman demigods for thinking the ship is a Greek weapon. After she fell into Tartarus, Jason tried to dig through the rubble to find her and Percy, to no avail. In The Battle of the Labyrinth, Annabeth finally expresses her feelings for Percy by kissing him good luck before she vanishes using her Yankees cap. As revealed in The Mark of Athena, Annabeth was assaulted by a flood of spiders sent by Arachne at night for three days. Annabeth knew Piper very well and could tell what she was feeling, and she hated how oblivious Jason was to Pipers jealousy towards Reyna. Magnus realized that Annabeth had been crying and asked what was wrong. However, Annabeth is horrified when the gods offered Percy with immortality, though she looks happy when he declined the offer. She yells at the sky saying,"What do you want from me? Before Percy goes on his quest to free Thanatos, he has a dream and sees Annabeth. Since Percy was taken by Hera, Annabeth has become reckless when a situation concerns him and developed a fear of being separated from him for a long time. Percy lets Tyson take over driving the boat with the thermos while he sits on the end with Annabeth. After Frank rescued Percy and Annabeth, he asked them what happened in Tartarus, and they said they would tell him, not not now, they weren't ready. Her actions effectively caused the Sphinx to attack them. Later, they got to Mount Tam, Thalia demanded that Luke let Annabeth go and almost killed Luke to protect her, despite Annabeth's protest. At that moment, Annabeth noticed that Reyna had the same expression on her face when she found out about Jason's relationship with Piper. She said she wouldve came to Boston sooner, but she had enough to deal with already. Birmingham, to the Sea of Monsters. Interestingly, she also shares her birthday with. Piper was a mess from last night. But a raid of campers led by Clarisse snoop on this and throw them into the camp lake. During the battle, Annabeth receives a cut on her leg and spills blood and Percy gets a bloody nose. Annabeth thinks about the last time she met her mother, in her Roman form as Minerva. In The Battle of the Labyrinth, she helped Annabeth and her companions in their quest many times. Tyson thought they Annabeth was pretty and tried to touch her hair, but she slapped his hand away. Piper even stressed out about the Prophecy of Seven because she could imagine what Annabeth would be like if Percy died. Frederick Chase met Athena, the goddess of wisdom, battle, and handicrafts, while he was studying History at Harvard. They also took a lot of pictures during that time. Though not as scared of Cyclopes as she is of spiders, it still takes her most of The Sea of Monsters to be able to get close to Tyson, even though he was Percy's brother and helped her a lot throughout the book. However, Reyna realized that Jason and Piper were a coup. Annabeth to Percy Jackson in The Last Olympian, . What was one of the souvenirs they got from Atlanta? What book does Annabeth cheat on Percy? Later, Juno tells Percy Jackson that Annabeth Chase has a difficult job ahead of her and that it would cause trouble for the Seven's quest. However, he was unsure if he could get her back safely. When Annabeth found Tyson and Grover's footprints, she was insistent on finding them and said they were her friends. Annabeth even thought Hazel and Percy were a couple, but she dismissed the thought when she realized she was dating Frank Zhang. Nevertheless, Magnus still cares about her and thinks about her, and has a picture of her in his hotel room. 1 / 30. Nekhbet agrees with Setne that Percy was foolish to turn down immortality, but Percy fights back then plummeting to the ocean. 7 What happens in the Book Mark of Athena? Distracted by Tyson's reappearance, who explains that since he is a descendant from Poseidon the water healed his wounds, the fleece resurrects Kronos and the five of them work together to defeat him. Annabeth tried to get Leo to get along with Butch Walker on the way back to Camp Half-Blood, saying that he is the best equestrian and great with the Pegasi. In The Blood of Olympus, it is revealed that after her return from Tartarus, Annabeth approached Nico as he was tying up the Athena Parthenos. She must bear the responsibility of being the quest's leader, but she also has a unique assignment from her mother, Athena. When questioned what other enemies the gods have and what exactly Zeus has been threatening, Hermes dodges the question. In order to provide a distraction, she puts on her invisible Yankees cap and tells the cyclops she is "Nobody," angering him to no end as he smashes rocks and stops around, eventually capturing her. Thalia told Percy that the best two years of her life were running around with Luke and Annabeth. She is a demigod, meaning she is half-mortal and half goddess. To retrieve the lightning bolt. Who was the Roman that wants to kill the Greeks? He came under a flag of truce. Luke and Grover are captured by Kronos and swallowed, emitting a shocked reaction from Annabeth and Clarisse. Annabeth decides to follow the monster, as they normally do not leave demigods like her alone. He and Annabeth plummet to Tartarus. While in the air, Setne tells Percy he was a fool for giving up immortality. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. She tells him that Annabeth will cause him trouble in the future. A train pulls in and Sadie casts a few spells on the monster. The curse came from Calypso, who felt alone and abandoned after Percy left Ogygia to return to Camp Half-Blood. Annabeth told Thalia a lot about architecture, having Thalia memorize a lot of facts about monuments. Click the card to flip . As revealed in The Mark of Athena, Annabeth was assaulted by a flood of spiders sent by Arachne at night for three days. The followers of Mithras believe that Annabeth is some form of an all-knowing entity when she begins to reveal their secrets. Magnus tried to leave to find his friends, but Annabeth told him not to and that she needed some answers, and reassured him she had been in dangerous situations before. Led by Annabeth, they look for the dragon's body, finally finding it in another part of the woods. Coach Hedge was stubborn but was never crazy enough to defy Annabeth, even if he didn't want to do something, like when Annabeth ordered him to check if the fires were out, even though he already did it and grumbled, he did it anyway. When they came back, he scowled, but he had a gleam in his eyes that showed that he was happy to see them. Annabeth started to like Luke when he gave her his knife on the streets when they traveled from monsters with Thalia. Despite this, Reyna reluctantly let her go and stalled Octavian, respecting her boldness, but she warned her that the next time they met, it would be in battle, ending the friendship for now. Frank and Hazel tell the others about Leo's plan. Who does Annabeth have to get past to reach the end of her quest? Annabeth questions if she is actually Minerva, her Roman form, but she yells at her to never call her that. After finding him, the quintuplet goes after the crown so he doesn't turn into the ground. Percy, on the other hand, makes Nico pledge to bring the others to the Doors of Death on the mortal side, which he accomplishes. She almost cried when she realized it was only a matter of time before Jason died, since he was stabbed with Imperial Gold. After leaving Sally Jackson's apartment, she went to take a train at Grand Central Station and saw her mother looking at a map. Jack chastised Annabeth when she called him "it" and she quickly corrected herself and said "he". Terminus sniffs, but agrees to "for now," and allows them to climb down the ladder to New Rome, but pleads them to not destroy his town. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Piper explains what happened; the conversation with Bacchus who told them to go to Atlanta and find Phorcys, the trap sprung by Gaea and the eidolons and both Percy and Jason thank her for saving them. When Percy asks for the caduceus back, Cacus claims he will figure out how it works and become the god of traveling salesmen, mostly by forcing George and Martha to listen to him. Annabeth also learned about Reyna from Jason in The Lost Hero. The monster starts running away and Annabeth and Sadie introduce themselves. Annabeth burst out laughing and said that her life was weird, and Magnus said he felt normal around her, and they shook hands, deciding to not hold secrets and make the next Chase family generation less messed up. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". In her case, she had several third-person chapters in, Annabeth is the only member of the seven to not be involved in the. They get off the building, but then see Serapis again. While talking to Percy in The Lightning Thief, Annabeth told Percy that if it was her dad imprisoned by Hades, she would leave him to rot. They eventually make it to Polyphemus' island where Grover and Clarisse are being held captive. Annabeth ended up breaking down and crying to Piper about how helpless she felt seeing the god Tartarus, her anguish of Percy disappearing, and how angry and scared she is about everything. Annabeth holds her mother in very high regard, often trying to follow her example. Annabeth thinks Jason is dense for not realizing how much Reyna liked him. Annabeth arrives at Percy's new school to tell him what has happened at camp, but is wearing her cap so no one notices her. Aphrodite directs them to a map close by that was left by her siblings in 1861, and that Annabeth will face her worst fear. When he asks her why she did it, she admits she knows he would do the same for her. The solo quest begins when Annabeth encounters Minerva on the Grand Central Station. Tyson asks Poseidon for assistance across the water to get to Luke's yacht and is answered by the arrival of a hippocampus. Annabeth also reassured Frank Zhang that Leo was a good guy and that he could trust him. Percy mentions that Annabeth is in Boston for a family emergency. Also, unlike her book counterpart, she and Percy are mutually attracted to each other from the start. Piper likes Annabeth the way she is, noted when Aphrodite wanted to give her a makeoverm, Piper couldn't think of anything wrong with her. Magnus and Annabeth reunited on the Blue Hills after Magnus's quest, and spilled Natalie's ashes, with Annabeth remarking it is a lot better than the last memorial she attended. Setne reveals that he was watching Annabeth and Sadie when they were battling Serapis, and that it was an experiment to see the powers that Annabeth and Sadie possessed. Octavian comes down the leader screaming that Leo has fired on everyone. She realizes that Luke can use this entrance to invade the camp at any moment unexpected. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. If they can fight their way through the Gaea's forces, and Percy and Annabeth can survive the . Annabeth helps in stopping Octavian from taking Ella the harpy, when she accidentally blurts out a prophecy, by ridiculing Octavian's idea that harpies can tell the future. Back on the Argo II, the crew all feel responsible for allowing Annabeth and Percy to fall into Tartarus. In The House of Hades, Piper was sad and devastated about Annabeth being in Tartarus and shed some tears about her with Hazel. After seeing Annabeth and Percy holding hands, Nico looks pained, showing that his secret crush on Percy is as strong as ever, although Hazel just thought it was because he went through Tartarus alone. Reyna began telling Annabeth about the Mark of Athena, until Leo, possessed by Eidolons, fired on Camp Jupiter. He later remembers that she loved architecture. She also told Magnus about dryads, and cried when she told him the most painful things she went through, of when she and Percy fell into Tartarus. Annabeth finds a map about the mark of Athena, and returns to the ship. Annabeth already feels weighed down by the prophecy that will send seven demigods on a quest to findand close the Doors of Death. He also thought about asking Samirah al-Abbas if Einherjar can go to California. In The Blood of Olympus, they were closer than ever. Piper and Annabeth met for the first time when Annabeth rescued Piper, Jason, and Leo from the Grand Canyon in The Lost Hero. Very accurate Physical attack against a single enemy. As she manages to keep going, she finds that the tunnel she came from is filling with spiders. Annabeth was later filled with dread when she found out that Rachel went to Half-Blood Hill, and went to see if she was okay with Percy and Nico. Before running off into battle, Percy gives Annabeth a kiss in case they die. He still felt like the whole incident was his fault and blamed himself for not realising the cavern floor was unstable and not getting everyone to safety before dealing with the statue. Annabeth tells Percy that he will have to trust her and to believe that she will come back. Annabeth recognized that Reyna felt betrayed by Jason, and she was too bitter, lonely and believed nothing could go right for her in the future. They then come face to face with Tartarus himself, who took on a physical form. When Percy does find a way to outsmart Chrysaor and forces him to retreat, Annabeth gives Percy a kiss and explains that he is brilliant. They once ran into Zo Nightshade and the Hunters of Artemis, who tried recruiting Thalia among their ranks, but she refused in favor of remaining with Luke and Annabeth. She vows to accompany Jason, Piper, and Leo when they journey there to retrieve him. However, the two grew closer and learned to trust each other throughout the book, and discussed the Mark of Athena together (the source of Greek/Roman hatred), without hostility or blame, amazing Piper, thinking that there was maybe hope between the two camps. Piper and Annabeth later sent a dream vision to Camp Half-Blood together, warning Chiron about the Romans. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The next day, Annabeth got chosen for a quest and she insisted that Tyson come along with Percy and Grover, making Percy happy she included him, and Tyson was happy to go on the quest with her. Athena is bright, brilliant, quick-witted and diciplined. In the same novel, Aphrodite/Venus noted the beautiful young lady she's grown into. When Annabeth came home, she kept the secret that Nico was the son of Hades from Chiron, and searched for him all spring, to no avail. Annabeth took the last name of her father. The prophecy comes from the Sibylline Books. Annabeth was cursed with blindness, from the fact that she killed Polyphemus in the Sea of Monsters, using her invisibility cap and called herself nobody. Annabeth was cursed with blindness, from the fact that she killed Polyphemus in the Sea of Monsters, using her invisibility cap and called herself "nobody." She said that the service was hard on Randolph, who seemed shaken up, and confided that it was hard for her to hide what actually happened from her father, due to their rocky history and her efforts to try to be honest with him. After escaping, Thalia and Luke heard a noise coming from it and investigated the sound. Annabeth orders Leo to stop the ship as she asks Terminus whether there is a rule against the ship hovering over New Rome. Annabeth informs Arachne that she is the new architect for Olympus, and would love to feature her work in the main hall. After this, she realizes she doesn't have her knife so she starts making the heads argue with each other. As for Annabeth, she liked Leo but would be a little strict with him as a leader, Percy tries to help her, but they both realize that it will not work. After removing the sheet of iron, Annabeth ran toward Luke with her hammer and almost brained him with it, thinking he was a monster. On the other hand, Jason looked to Annabeth as a leader and a friend, and introduced her to Reyna, saying she usually doesnt Judo flip people. Hazel and Annabeth met in The Mark of Athena.Annabeth was initially jealous of Hazel for the adventures she had with Percy, and how protective he was of her. Reyna gave Annabeth a tour of new Rome, and told her about New Rome. Over the next few days, the Greeks and Romans get along and he is present at the campfire before the Romans head back to Camp Jupiter. Percy declines the offer and Luke disappears. She loves architecture and spends her free time designing new buildings or visiting national monuments. Who fires on the Romans while being possessed by a spirit? Annabeth hasn't spoken to Poseidon directly, but in The Lightning Thief when talking about him with his demigod son Percy, she expressed very little respect for him as her mother's rival. But she knows Percy is down there, and that she has to see him. However Serapis just waved it away like it were a fly. The Argo II then continues to attack the city. Term. As revealed in The Mark of Athena, she has a belly button despite not being born in the usual way. Once in the Mediterranean Sea, Percy has a dream of Ephialtes talking with a shadowy figure about how Gaea prefers using him and Annabeth as sacrifices. She shows him the solution to the puzzle, is to not fight against the handcuffs, and that the best traps are the most simple. Annabeth was later against Tyson and Grover splitting up on the quest and was afraid that she would never see them again. Rachel and Annabeth then struck up a conversation about architecture, and they talked about different facades in buildings in New York. The four determine that they will remain in contact. Arachne's pride blinds her to Annabeth's plan, and she listens to what the demigods have to say. Annabeth was very rude to Rachel and asked her if she always dressed in gold, and when Rachel said she played dumb, Annabeth asked "Was it hard?". Carter gives Percy his wand turning into a kopis and Sadie teaches Annabeth the Egyptian word for explode. What is the nemesis provide Leo if that helps him get away from the Eidolons? Annabeth was devastated when Silena died and wanted to honor her, after she gave her life for them. Even though Mars screamed in his head to not trust her, Frank trusted Annabeth and thought she was kind, patient and helpful, even when he was distracted and acted like a buffoon. She thinks maybe he would turn them in as prisoners once they landed and gave the ship as a gift. Percy asks her why she hates Tyson so much and Annabeth reveals that it was a Cyclops that had killed Thalia and she hasn't been able to trust one ever since then.

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to what artifact did annabeth have to follow the mark