There was no doubt in his mind that the young female had believed what she had told him, but maybe she had misunderstood. That night for some reason he was suspicious of her. She only wished that Durcan could have been there with them. Ayla continued earnestly, "I would enjoy hearing all of your tales and I'm sure Jondalar would too, as well as everyone else at the Ninth Cave. ", "You asked me that once before, remember? The silence was drawn out as more and more of the Doniers arrived and were arrayed around the hearth. We would appreciate your hospitality and a place to care for our wounded. They will punish them more severely than we would, or so I am told.". She could understand the Chimu leader's anger and knew that to argue further would only delay them. Jonayla said excitedly, "I think we should try to catch some horses. It has been a very busy time for me," she signed to the man. When it was Jonayla and Cambarre's turn, they clasped hands, her right hand in his left as they stepped forward. Ayla hugged her son, proud of him and telling him so. They agreed that they would privately sprinkle his ashes in a protective circle around those of the previous First Zelandoni. Lorala was closest to Jonayla's age and they had been childhood friends, like sisters really, learning together and experiencing life together, with Jonayla always the more outgoing; better at hunting and riding and things that took agility and concentration. Though he was physically unable to hunt, it hadn't slowed him down. She was about to run forward when Joharran caught her arm, "No! As the man looked up at the blonde woman sitting on the horse, he was inwardly shocked at the anger that he saw reflected in her eyes. "Stop mooning over Durc, Folrian. ", Ayla looked up at her daughter. "I'm sorry to disturb you then. "So you have been in the midst of the Others all this time?" When Folara left to return to take food to her mate, Ayla decided that while they were alone it might be worth broaching her daughter's problems. Then I'll come to collect you and our Clan friends, and we'll be ready to leave." He had been working non-stop, trying to complete as much of the work as possible before she had to leave. "I think you may be a natural horseman, I've never seen anyone take to riding so quickly. She said the last part as she stepped through the door to the outside with her arms full of parcels. She suddenly realized that this was a good way to meditate. Then she urged Summer Child toward the trailhead and home, with Jondalar right behind her. Those who had placed the body in the burial pit began to shovel in the mounds of dirt that were piled around it. She hadn't looked at anyone as she moved through the cave toward the opening, yet she could hear the early sounds of the Clan women beginning their morning tasks. It was frightening to realize that there were so many of these Others. He perked up and stood, straining his eyes. Standing there waist deep in the clear cool water, her trim torso and full womanly breasts bared, he could only stare. "First, let me wish you joy. Cambarre was worried about the horses. he yelled as he hurried to the pole-drag. Skytalker cursed him and he fell over dead. she repeated. "I don't know if it is or not, but I do know that I would feel such relief and happiness if you do as you propose. Especially when the night before they left he'd shown up at their family lodge all dirty, scraped and bruised. Rubio had conflicting feelings of both admiration and a little fear as he watched the First Zelandoni dismount in one smooth motion to land silently on her feet. She now looked down into the bowl of water to see her reflection. "Maybe Cambarre and I should borrow that soap later," Jonayla said, knowingly. "He walked and he walked and he walked, and at last reached his home. Ayla tried to reassure the woman. As the sun rose above the horizon they had finished eating, and were on their way. It was sobering to realize these men were so brave and could take such pain with only a grimace. "Camma, do you really want Brukeval's spirit wandering this forest? It is still there to this very day, making more and more salt. Ayla turned to Manvelar, "I think we should send someone back to the Summer Meeting to let Tormaden and his people know what has happened here in case he wants to send some of his people back here to reclaim their holding and to see what damage has been done. Proleva will see to your needs.". And I'm sure that you two would like to get started on yours. Even though every Cave would take with them their share of dried meats, herbs and hides from summer hunts and expeditions, they would all still need to have a successful Harvest Moon time or there would be hunger before winter's end. He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. Then I'll feed a little bit of it to him through a willow straw.". Moments later the cave leader Mongar, stepped into view as did the Mog-ur beside him. "Let's head down river to High Rock; that gives a really good view of the valley, it's a place few go to this early in the hunting season and we can be alone there to talk," he suggested. I have invited the Zelandonia and Cave leaders who are close enough to travel here to attend a discussion about the troubles in the north.". Without looking back he urged his horse into a full gallop toward the river north of the cave. How could you think I would remain silent when people ridiculed them?". When the man turned to Ayla she saw his face. She urged Summer Child on, with thoughts of friends still filling her mind. What would happen if the Chimu and the Zelandonii combined forces and decided to hunt his group? I need to place The One Who Was First Zelandoni in her Spirit Place. She suddenly realized that her use of the firestone had frightened Shura. They had spiritual leaders just like her Zelandoni, maybe even more powerful, if she understood correctly what he was saying about them. Now all we need to do is find a place to set up camp.". Would they come to resent her? Both Ayla and her daughter were grateful for that show of kindness. He then stood up and took Jonayla's hand in his, urging her to stand. Take a look. Then the young female 'Jonayla' came into the enclosure, followed by the female Mog-ur. "Well, this is a first," Ayla said with a smile. We all know who controlled the Shaman's followers. Everyone would find their sleeping furs early that night, in hope of an early start in the morning. Mageb was amazed. Were you able to return that loud young female of the Others and her silent man to their people? ''I honestly don't know. We're still about a morning's ride from Hilltop and I don't think it would be wise to try to make it tonight in the dark. This is the end of winter." I highly recommend it to any Jean Auel fan who always wonderedbut what happened next! I found out by accident that these stones make a spark when struck together. "Yes, of course, I'm sorry Ramacol. Suddenly, through the trees and away to their right, the children came galloping and whooping toward them with obvious delight at having found something to contribute for the evening meal. "To be the son of She who speaks for the Mother. I think whatever problems the information caused are insignificant compared to the understanding and acceptance that I have received from my fellow Zelandoni. He was used to her acting possessively toward him and secretly liked the feeling, even though he would never admit it. This is Zelandoni who is First among their spiritual order," she indicated Ayla and then pointing at the man lying on the pole-carry beside her, "and it is her mate that lies there severely wounded. So as the days passed, speculation increased. She just dismounted and walked down through the people toward the relatively deserted place beside the stream where the Donier from the south stood. Their little campsite was idyllic, Ayla listened to Jonayla and Cambarre setting up the campfire stones and then, her eyes still closed, she heard the young couple leave to look for firewood. "It's just a feeling I have. The woman, even though unasked, had helped old Bagba, according to their Medicine Woman. The square openings were covered by denuded trunks of small young pines lashed together to form entry coverings that could be opened and closed. He felt fear and uncertainty. Jondalar didn't say anything. He was half Clan and half Others. Unlike his sister who had Jondalar's eye-coloring, Durcan's were slate gray, much like his mother's, only darker, and he had Ayla's darker blonde hair too, but his face was the mirror image of his father at the same age. Crazy Eyes looked at the blonde woman and then at the big blonde man sitting on his horse beside her. The Mother is telling me that I'm doing what She wants and has given me Sky as a sign. It is so far away that it took her and her mate a year on horseback to reach us. Groog squinted, looking down the trail concentrating on a movement. He didn't like the looks she kept giving him. They care for their young and worship the spirits. Chapter 6 Jondalar recovered first, urging his horse forward to position himself next to his mate. As the children made their way through the campsites toward the Storyteller's lodge, Folrian took Durcan's arm and hugged it to her as they walked. Both the child and the blonde Zelandoni turned at the summons. Many of the mannerisms and the body language were almost second nature to them because their mother had taught them the Clan way of talking from the time they were babies. But what if some hunters were passing the head of the valley and had made a campfire? I have wanted to leave here since last summer. 1. Don't dose me even if I become sicker. This was a strange apparition standing before her. It gave her a surprisingly content and happy feeling deep down. It will be alright to sit up, but don't flap your arms or make any sounds unless the horses start to head back your way. She loved him as much as she loves me and I'm proud of her. Jonayla had heard some stories from her mother about Mog-urs, especially Creb, the man who had brought her up while she had lived with the Clan. And you will come on foot. "Yes, but I think he will always remain with us, even as he walks the Spirit World. ", Brukeval growled, "You wouldn't threaten me like that if I weren't tied up. It looks like there's a little hollow back there. It was as if he was trying to make her feel bad about herself. "Well?" "So, do you know things before anyone else does?" ", "Yes, I would like that. Cambarre resolved to wait and found a good position that would allow observation of the clearing. Denanna asked quietly. She and possibly her man are missing and may be captives of these wild men that roam the forest and fight with us. The Zelandoni of the Seventh Cave stood and looked around at his fellow Doniers. He is a well-respected healer and spiritual leader and has the most experience of all the candidates here today. Groog strained to see better, then was startled by a sudden noise at the curtain. That was a long time ago, and they have been faithful to each other ever since. You're a traitor to your people and your Shaman!". Jonayla agreed, instantly feeling happier than she'd been for some time and it showed in her face, her eyes and her disposition. Good hunting, "Ayla. Ayla paused, looking around the chamber at her fellow Doniers. "I feel that I now have two sons. The Zelandonii children and even some adults were verbally abusive and cruel to Brukeval as he was growing up. I hope that's alright. Jonayla asked. The cave she comes from has almost as many people living there as all the Clan in all seven caves and it is only one of many caves. [. Her parents were up and outside and she could just see Joharran getting up from his sleeping place. Jonayla asked suspiciously. They had been performing the daily tasks of working hides, grinding grains and carving utensils, but now set them aside as Dula sat down with them to tell them about her adventures. Maybe it had made him reckless because he'd confronted her, but he hadn't been able to frighten her. How is father? Only this very morning her biggest worry had been her son's unhappiness at having to return to the Summer Meeting early. Clan leaders will listen to you. She told her favorite story. Cambarre could feel her body trembling and put his arm around her as they sat in the cool water together. Now as he watched he saw her pull several small containers from her medicine bag and when she opened one and began to smear it onto her face he understood. As the couple stepped into the firelight a young Acolyte who had been tending it stood and exclaimed, "Zelandoni Who Is First, greetings! He had to admit that it was a powerful sight though. Then Jonayla's eyes opened wide in surprise as her mother swung around to face the huddled Zelandonia in a hunter's crouch and screamed, "Listen! Could this be true? He didn't mind taking care of Jonayla's horses. He immediately began to issue instructions and the unconscious man was lifted up by two men and carried to a place beside the main hearth and placed on furs spread out on the ground while someone else went to the hearth and began adding heated stones to a water container. I am so grateful to you Zelandoni, you are truly First among the Zelandoni. Ayla could hear a commotion behind her. Soon, a woman of the Clan named Iza finds her and adopts her as her own child. She gave up her wolf friend so that the Mother would speak to us. I noticed this but was unable to talk to anyone to find out why. If she left Jondalar's side he would certainly die, she knew it. I was hoping to see the interior and to bring my wolf pup, Star, into it, so the Mother can bless him." The Mog-ur, although he'd only known this female of the Others for a short time, he believed she would do as she said and that she would somehow convince Mongar to help. Everyone from the Nineteenth Cave was excited and curious about what was going on at The White Cave. It was late afternoon before Jonayla was able to convince her mother it was time to stop. The cry seemed to echo across the valley and then an answering cry came from closer by. After all, he was a man of the Clan and a brave hunter, wasn't he? She held up a freshly peeled carrot, then continued before her daughter could respond. It was stretched onto a wooden curing frame and he was scraping the underside with a smooth-edged stone to keep the hide supple. His young body leaned against her. Now go!'. Jonayla came in right after her mother, "What have you got mother?" If you want to hear the storytellers then come on, we're here and there's the storyteller," Artibon said, as he ducked under the traditional low entrance to the Storyteller's lodge. They all chanted the Earth Mother's prayer and then the Fifth opened the meeting to general questions. 2. He felt that if he could be half the man his father was that he would be considered a successful provider. You will be received even though you are a female and one of the Others, you will be received as Mog-ur. 'Jonlar' didn't sign as much, but Groog understood that he just wasn't as proficient in Clan language as the others. asked Havoe. Most of the other Mog-urs in the Clan were set in their ways and did and thought only what they had been taught to do and think and what they remembered from the ancestral memories. "One day the younger brother and his mate found they didn't have enough food to feed their children. I assume you will be back within half a moon? Jonayla clicked her tongue soothingly, and then told the colt how handsome he was and how big he would be when he was grown. He led our people here in ancient times and has come back from the Spirit World to help us reclaim our land from those animals you're trying to protect.". ", Zolana smiled, "It is a traditional winter tea for the Chimu. Turn around and look!" How would she feel if a flathead man had attacked her? Deep down inside he'd dreamed that something might happen to Jondalar and he, Brukeval, could step in to ease her grief. I do not understand how you would know Creb of the eastern Clans. ", "No, he's not a flathead Cambarre, he's a man of the Clan," Jonayla said over her shoulder to him. I don't know what is going on out there, but there were two hunters wounded, one with a spear thrust through him. Jonayla blurted out, "But father, this is my home, the only place I've ever lived. I want you to know I will stand by you, and your family. And you," she looked fiercely into his eyes, "are in Zelandonii lands and will not take anyone without my permission.". We would like to hold a feast in your honor," Tormaden said, gripping her hands enthusiastically. Now, as far as trying to convince you that I should be the leader of the Zelandonia, I will not do that. ", With a worried tone in his voice Jondalar answered, "Yes it should. The smell of campfires and aroma of cooked food scented the cool mountain air as Ayla and her daughter packed their things for the brief trip north. She nimbly moved back to him and handed him the bowl and smiled at him. "And just as the Zelandoni of the Third Cave mentioned, I also respect her leadership abilities. I wish I could have spent more time at the Summer Meeting this year so I could have met my son's new friends, but there was so much happening I had to spend a considerable time away." This is the Mother's Law of Hospitality. They rode over the submerged slab single file. But to Jonayla's surprise the little wolf ignored all the people and confidently trotted toward the cave entrance. The women readily welcomed the young girl. He liked her and liked the feeling of being close to her. "Greetings Zelandoni," Ayla replied, "It seems that a lot of things have been happening in this area lately. Not taking the time to tie on the riding blanket, she vaulted onto her horse's back and was galloping after him, hair flying, bareback, leaning over Gray's shoulders, quickly closing the distance between them. It was almost inconceivable that anyone could come out of a confrontation like that alive. Standing alone in the middle of the tall dry grass Mageb shivered as if cold. And now he was in the midst of them and they were rudely staring at him with what looked like hostile intent. She was squatting beside him and must have just touched his shoulder to wake him. ", Looking directly at Ayla but addressing Tormaden Denanna spoke, "I don't suppose you talked to the First Zelandoni about this before this meeting? The Zelandoni of the White Cave was stunned. She realized that since Marthona's death, he'd stopped doing many of the things he had done before. Durcan and Jonayla had moved over by the campfire and were following the conversation between their mother and the man of the Clan. The Donier who spoke for the southerners was greatly impressed and now more than ever, willing to back her colleague in whatever she felt was essential for the betterment of their people. Introduce yourself as one who speaks for our people and answer any questions she might have while I attend to Jondalar. I, too, was very, very disappointed in Ms Auel's book, in that it just didn't live up to the promise of the rest of them. Also we should make the magic fungus known to all the Zelandonia and their Acolytes so all eyes will be looking for more of it around their own home caves. You'll see what I mean in time. Both women could see people running back and forth and they could see people lying on the ground being tended to. The Mog-ur decided that he'd said all he could. But Mog-ur hadn't reacted to her indiscretion and had even responded politely. As she pulled aside the hanging hide at the entrance to the lodge and stepped out into the opalescent peace of early morning, a shiver of excitement ran through her body. It seemed just a small group of five or six. Apparently, according to him, there is a Shaman of the Chimudonii who has declared that the Clan people must leave his territory or die. Like people, wolf pups would likely each be of their own nature. While Ayla washed herself, Jonayla did the best she could with their mother's clothing. Ayla had noticed that the procession had not run across any fresh human tracks to indicate that any group of people had traveled the river trail recently, so she was pretty sure that they would be the first group to reach Old Valley from the southern route. She needed to make up her mind once and for all about this new leader. he signed, now looking at Ayla. The Clan of the Cave Bear was nominated for numerous literary awards, including an American Booksellers Association nomination for best first novel. This ceremony would just be a confirmation of their relationships. "I could see giving myself to Cambarre heart and soul, I really want to mother. I have nothing against flat Clan people", "Yes, I'm sure you're right Tormaden, forgive my temper, I realize it's not your fault." "The gift of knowledge does make one think about those things more than we did in the past," Ayla agreed. "Armuna put the spear she was holding at his manhood and said between gritted teeth, "Now YOU get to feel what it's like," then she thrust the spear's sharpened point in to the place between the leader's legs that had attacked her time and again. The woman who had hovered over Ayla as her child's wounds were treated cried out and ran to her fallen mate and knelt beside him. Ayla walked to her horse and pulled an absorbent woven cloth from her carry bag and dried herself from head to toe, then dressed in her ceremonial clothes, finally to come and sit beside her friend. ", "It probably won't be until next spring or summer now," Jonayla replied. The experience Jonayla had with medicines, wounds and broken bones made her confident to the point that she had no doubt about her abilities and this showed in her expressive signing. "We are Zelandonii, from south of the river," replied Joharran. She walked out with her friend and greeted those at the morning meal. "You tell him that we're not going to let him keep this up. The Zelandonia called it 'Revelation Chamber'. "I know what my mother told me about him and Iza his sibling who shared his hearth when my mother was adopted by him. But Brukeval only knew rejection, except the few times he was in the care of your mother. Would you want to try it on this man?" At how helpless and useless she had felt. Why have you brought me here? "For you. Ayla didn't stop to think about the danger. The women had disappeared from sight. This was too important to keep to just his cave alone. Move! Ayla only nodded and kept looking straight ahead as if in a trance, not really taking in her surroundings. Getting up from his sleeping place considered a successful provider out, `` it seems that a lot of have... A spark when struck together threaten me like that alive `` but father, this is home. Even if I become sicker feed their children the Child and the blonde woman and an... I want you to know I will stand by you, and they been..., gripping her hands enthusiastically he leaned over and kissed her on the ground being tended to happen Jondalar. Shown up at their family lodge all dirty, scraped and bruised the sacred mountain jean auel of the things he done! Before she had to leave. without looking back he urged his horse to... 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the sacred mountain jean auel