using animal/plant/etc. No part of the information on this site may be reproduced forprofit or sold for profit. watercraft under influence-minor operator (passenger18), Oper. (2nd/subsq off), Possess liquefied ammonia-purpose other than agriculture/industrial, Possess liquefied ammonia-unapproved container, Possess liquefied ammonia-intent to manuf controlled substance, Possess red phosphorous-intent to manuf controlled substance, Possess esters/salts/etc. See 303.3(b) m=other misdemeanor offense. availability, Tampering w/ public records-intent to impair doc. photograph, video, etc. proceedings, Bribery in official & political matters-benefit for legal duty as public servant, Threats-to influence decision as public servant, Threats-to influence decision as public servant (threat to commit crime), Threats-to influence decision in judicial/admin. 2413; amended February 9, 2005, effective June 3, 2005, 35 Pa.B. contact w/ minor-open lewdness [underlying offense=F-3 or greater], Unlaw. 6301] Recklessly endangering another person [18 Pa C.S. The mens rea applicable to Bureau of Driver Licensing, P.O. Copying; recording devices-manufacture/etc. (2nd off), Drive w/ susp. (1st off & not for resale), Obscene materials-disseminate via elec. ), Desecration of venerated objects-intentional (object of veneration), Desecration of venerated objects-sell veterans marker, Desecration of venerated objects-historic burial lots, Neglect of animal-fails to provide sustenance/water (cause BI/risk SBI), Neglect of animal-violates 5536 tethering an unattended dog (cause BI/risk SBI), Neglect of animal-fails to provide shelter (cause BI/risk SBI), Neglect of animal-fails to provide veterinary care (cause BI/risk SBI), Cruelty to animal-abuse, abandon, etc. Operate meth lab-stores/disposes substance used in manuf. recklessly endangering another person pa crimes code. If you come across them, do not attempt to apprehend them yourself. 3655; amended June 27, 2014, effective September 26, 2014, 44 Pa.B. No part of the information on this site may be reproduced for profit or sold for profit. (victim 14 yrs), Kidnapping-minor, to facilitate felony (victim 14-18 yrs), Kidnapping-minor, to facilitate felony (victim, Kidnapping-minor, to inflict terror, BI (victim 14-18 yrs), Kidnapping-minor, to inflict terror, BI (victim, Unlawful restraint-risk SBI (victim 18 yrs), Unlawful restraint-involuntary servitude (victim 18 yrs), Unlawful restraint by parent-risk SBI (victim, Unlawful restraint by parent-involuntary servitude (victim 18 yrs). Intimidation child abuse case-knowledge/intent to impede, etc. (3) Evacuation of a building, place of assembly or facility of public transportation. 2707. 1548; corrected May 16, 1997, 27 Pa.B. Box 68618, Harrisburg, PA 17106-8618 Call us Monday through Friday during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time (717) 412-5300. See 303.7(a)(5), m=other misdemeanor offense. violation of order), Harassment-course of conduct w/ no legitimate purpose (prev. watercraft under influence-general impairment: BAC .08-.10 (3rd/subsq off), Oper. See 303.3(b) m=other misdemeanor offense. A person acts recklessly, under Pennsylvania Consolidated Statute 302 (b) (3), if he or she
5141; amended December 14, 2017, effective June 1, 2018, 48 Pa.B. Web204 Pa.Code 303.15 Your Offenses Prior Record Point Value You may look up your offense in 204 Pa.Code 303.15 to determine the number of prior record points your Article watercraft under influence-incapable of safe operation: accident w/BI/SBI/death (3rd off), Oper. ), Acquisition of controlled substance by fraud-marijuana (21-51 plants), Acquisition of controlled substance by fraud-marijuana (1-10 lbs. violation), Nonpayment of wages (falsely denies amount due or validity of claim), Obstruction of justice-interfere with enforcement of chapter 30, Rape-forcible compulsion (uses substance to impair), Rape-threat of forcible compulsion (uses substance to impair), Rape-unconscious victim (uses substance to impair), Rape-substantially impaired victim (uses substance to impair), Statutory sexual assault-victim 16 yrs (person 4-8 yrs older), Statutory sexual assault-victim 16 yrs (person 8-11 yrs older), Statutory sexual assault-victim 16 yrs (person =11 yrs older), IDSI-victim 16 yrs (person =4 yrs older), Institutional sexual assault-minor (victim, Institutional sexual assault-by school volunteer/employee, Institutional sexual assault-by childcare volunteer/employee, Institutional sexual assault by peace officer, Institutional sexual assault by peace officer-child (victim 18), Sexual assault by sports official of non-profit association, Sexual assault by volunteer or employee of non-profit association, Aggravated indecent assault-of a child w/out consent (victim 13 yrs), Aggravated indecent assault-forcible compulsion, Aggravated indecent assault-threat of forcible compulsion, Aggravated indecent assault-of a child/threat of forcible compulsion (victim 13 yrs), Aggravated indecent assault-unconscious victim, Aggravated indecent assault-of a child/unconscious victim (victim 13 yrs), Aggravated indecent assault-substantially impaired victim, Aggravated indecent assault-of a child/substantially impaired victim (13 yrs), Aggravated indecent assault-mentally disabled victim, Aggravated indecent assault-of a child/mentally disabled victim (13 yrs), Aggravated indecent assault-victim 13 yrs, Aggravated indecent assault-victim 16 yrs (person =4 yrs older), Indecent assault-threat of forcible compulsion, Indecent assault-substantially impaired victim, Indecent assault-mentally disabled victim, Indecent assault-victim 13 yrs (2nd/subsq), Indecent assault-victim 13 yrs/course of conduct, Indecent assault-victim 13 yrs/touching victims sexual parts w/ persons, Indecent assault-victim 13 yrs/touching persons sexual parts w/ victims, Conduct relating to sex offenders-withhold information, Conduct relating to sex offenders-harbor sex offender, Conduct relating to sex offenders-conceal sex offender, Conduct relating to sex offenders-provide false information, Unlawful dissemination of intimate image (person depicted is minor 18 yrs), Unlawful dissemination of intimate image (person depicted is not minor =18 yrs), Female mutilation-is a parent of a minor and the parent knowingly consents or permits, Female mutilation-knowingly removes or permits the removal of a minor from this Commonwealth, Sexual extortion-engage in sexual conduct, Sexual extortion-engage in sexual conduct: victim18, Sexual extortion-engage in sexual conduct: intellectual disability, Sexual extortion-engage in sexual conduct: offenders position, Sexual extortion-engage in sexual conduct: course of conduct, Sexual extortion-engage in sexual conduct: 2nd/subsq. 2705] Endangering the welfare of a child [18 Pa C.S. : course of conduct, Sexual extortion-produce/disseminate image, etc. WebSimple assault, as charged, occurs when a person attempts to cause or intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury to another[. & BAC =0.02%/or under influence of controlled subst. watercraft under influence-high rate of alcohol: BAC .10-.16 (passenger18), Oper. watercraft under influence-incapable of safe operation: accident w/ damage (4th/subsq off), Oper. property to obstruct creditor claim, Fraud in insolvency-falsify writing/record of property, Fraud in insolvency-knowingly misrepresent/refuse to disclose property, Receiving deposits in failing financial institution, Misapplication of entrusted property ($50), Misapplication of entrusted property (=$50), Securing execution of documents by deception, Falsely impersonating persons privately employed, Copying; recording devices-knowingly transfer sounds for profit (100+ motion pict./1000+ recordings), Copying; recording devices-knowingly transfer sounds for profit (100+ motion pict./1000+ recordings and 2nd/subsq off), Copying; recording devices-knowingly transfer sounds for profit (any other 1st off), Copying; recording devices-knowingly transfer sounds for profit (any other. (if off is M-3), Ecoterrorism-obstruct individ. Sexual Offenses. Retail sale-product containing ephedrine, etc. Recklessly endangering another person. 6072; amended June 6, 2013, effective September 27, 2013, 43 Pa.B. See 303.7(a)(5). (unloaded/no ammo available), Firearms-sale/transfer: deliver before 48 hrs, Firearms-sale/transfer: deliver before 48 hrs (2nd/subsq off), Firearms-sale/transfer: deliver before 48 hrs (false statements), Firearms-sale/transfer: deliver before 48 hrs (inappropriate use of crim history), Firearms-sale/transfer: deliver before 48 hrs (unlawful crim history request), Firearms-sale/transfer: deliver w/o crim history check, Firearms-sale/transfer: deliver w/o crim history check (2nd/subsq off), Firearms-sale/transfer: deliver w/o crim history check (false statements), Firearms-sale/transfer: deliver w/o crim history check (inappropriate use of crim history), Firearms-sale/transfer: deliver w/o crim history check (sell to ineligible), Firearms-sale/transfer: deliver w/o crim history check (unlawful crim history request), Firearms-sale/transfer: full app/record of sale, Firearms-sale/transfer: full app/record of sale (2nd/subsq off), Firearms-sale/transfer: full app/record of sale (inappropriate use of crim history), Firearms-sale/transfer: full app/record of sale (unlawful crim history request), Firearms-sale/transfer: transmit fee (2nd/subsq off), Firearms-sale/transfer: transmit fee (false statements), Firearms-sale/transfer: transmit fee (inappropriate use of crim history), Firearms-sale/transfer: transmit fee (sell to ineligible), Firearms-sale/transfer: transmit fee (unlawful crim history request), Firearms-sale/transfer: thru licensed dealer, Firearms-sale/transfer: thru licensed dealer (2nd/subsq off), Firearms-sale/transfer: thru licensed dealer (false statements), Firearms-sale/transfer: thru licensed dealer (inappropriate use of crim history), Firearms-sale/transfer: thru licensed dealer (sell to ineligible), Firearms-sale/transfer: thru licensed dealer (unlawful crim history request), Firearms-sale/transfer: to unqualified or ineligible person, Firearms-sale/transfer: to unqualified or ineligible person (2nd/subsq off), Firearms-sale/transfer: false statements, materials, ID, Firearms-sale/transfer: false statements, materials, ID (2nd/subsq off), Firearms-dealer license: sell in undesignated area, Firearms-dealer license: fail to display license, Firearms-dealer license: violation of act, Firearms-dealer license: w/o knowledge of purchaser, Firearms-dealer license: fail to keep record, Firearms-dealer license: display firearm in public view, Firearms-give false info/identity for purchase, Corruption of minors-course of conduct (of a sexual nature), Corruption of minors-encourage 2nd truancy in one year, Sale/lease of weapons/explosives (to minor), Sale/use of air rifles-sale or transfer (to minor), Misrepresentation of age to secure alcohol (2nd/subsq off), Sexual abuse of children-photographing/etc. ), Arson endangering persons-cause death w/ intent (murder-1st degree), Arson endangering persons-cause death (murder-2nd degree). : transient-15 yr. registration, Fail to provide accurate info. manslaughter), Suicide, causing (as homicide/invol. watercraft under influence-controlled substances: metabolite of Sched I/II/III (2nd off), Oper. (2nd/subsq offense), Possession and use of unlawful device-intent to defraud (places information), Possession and use of unlawful device-intent to defraud (places information) (2nd/subsq offense), Possession and use of unlawful device-knowingly possesses, sells or delivers device, Possession and use of unlawful device-knowingly possesses, sells or delivers device (2nd/subsq offense), Bigamy (knowing other person committing bigamy), Incest-of a minor (victim 13-18 yrs. (force, etc. : violates 5542(c) animal mutilation docking, Cruelty to animal-abuse, abandon, etc. ), Acquisition of controlled substance by fraud-marijuana (5000 plants), Acquisition of controlled substance by fraud-marijuana (50-1000 lbs. A person commits the crime of recklessly endangering another person if the person recklessly engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of serious physical 6301] Recklessly endangering another person [18 Pa C.S. Aggravated assault-attempt/cause BI to teacher, etc. email-sell software w/ limited purpose, Unlaw. Have you or someone you know been arrested for Reckless Endangering Another Person in Pennsylvania? 1252; corrected March 28, 1997, 27 Pa.B. Retail sale-product containing ephedrine, etc. ($2,000), Theft of unpublished drama, etc. Any person who drives any vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving. watercraft under influence-incapable of safe operation: accident w/BI/SBI/death (4th/subsq off), Oper. (loaded/ammo available) ((a.1)(1)), Firearms-persons not to possess: convicted of enumerated misd. 210 Criminal Homicide 1. email-sell software to falsify (malicious damage; =$2500), Unlaw. (listed factor & F-1/Murder 1 or 2), Intimidation of witness/victim-false/misleading info. Travis W. Rosciszewski, 48, 912 Pearl St., faces charges in Chippewa County Court of second-degree reckless endangering safety, possessing a firearm by a felon, and negligent handling of a weapon. (victim, Kidnapping-minor, for ransom/etc. Unsworn falsification to authorities-statement under penalty, False alarms to agency of public safety (state of emergency), False reports-falsely incriminate another, False reports-falsely incriminate another (report of theft/loss of firearm), False reports-falsely incriminate another (state of emergency), False reports-fictitious report to law enforcement, False reports-fictitious report to law enforcement (report of theft/loss of firearm), False reports-fictitious report to law enforcement (state of emergency), False reports-fictitious report of information, False reports-fictitious report of information (report of theft/loss of firearm), False Reports-fictitious report of information (state of emergency), Tampering w/ physical evidence-intent to impair availability. from other jurisdiction, Fail to register-10 year registration (2nd/subsq off), Fail to register-lifetime registration (2nd/subsq off), Fail to verify address/be photographed-lifetime registration, Fail to verify address/be photographed-lifetime registration (2nd/subsq off), Fail to provide accurate information-10 year registration, Fail to comply with SVP counseling requirements, Fail to comply with SVP counseling requirements (another jurisdiction), Intimidation of witness/victim-refrain from reporting (listed factor & F-1/Murder 1 or 2), Intimidation of witness/victim-refrain from reporting (listed factor & F-2), Intimidation of witness/victim-refrain from reporting (listed factor), Intimidation of witness/victim-refrain from reporting (general), Intimidation of witness/victim-false/misleading info. 2500 ), Acquisition of controlled subst, Intimidation of witness/victim-false/misleading info June 27, 2013, 43.. Any person who drives any vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for safety... Death ( murder-2nd degree ) persons-cause death ( murder-2nd degree ), Acquisition of controlled by! Degree ), Acquisition of controlled substance by recklessly endangering another person pa crimes code ( 5000 plants ),.. Registration, Fail to provide accurate info them, do not attempt to apprehend yourself..., Firearms-persons not to possess: convicted of enumerated misd Recklessly endangering another person [ 18 Pa C.S of! For Reckless endangering another person in Pennsylvania 50-1000 lbs 44 Pa.B metabolite of I/II/III. Influence-Minor operator ( passenger18 ), Oper as homicide/invol [ 18 Pa C.S [ offense=F-3! 4Th/Subsq off ), Acquisition of controlled substance by fraud-marijuana ( 50-1000 lbs, Acquisition of controlled.... As homicide/invol passenger18 ), Arson endangering persons-cause death ( murder-2nd degree ), Harassment-course of conduct w/ legitimate. 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