She is also the president of a non-profit 501 (c) 3 foundation. even if her husband had not arrested a particular parole applicant, she could appear to not favor parole for that applicant because of her husbands job). See Heck v. Humphrey, 512 U.S. 477, 490 (1994); White v. Gittens, 121 F.3d 803 (1st Cir. Life Sentence Unit Director: Joyce Crosby: (508) 650-4515 Additionally, when the Board finds a violation occurred and is deciding whether to grant or deny reparole, it must consider all relevant information regarding the parolees suitability to be returned to parole supervision, including his or her institutional and criminal history. The Board is authorized to consider a wide range of materials and factors in making parole determinations, including: Those incarcerated in Massachusetts have no protected liberty interest in parole, meaning due process protections are inapplicable. "It's kind of a tight timeline to turn around on this, so if you see that deadline and you're thinking, 'how are we going to do that? Here you can learn how to request to receive parole records from our office but you can only receive personal or client parole records if you have authorization. Covers all Massachusetts prisons. The minimum requirements for parole eligibility, rescission, and revocation are set out in G.L. She has over two decades of experience in the Criminal Justice field, working in Corrections (both juveniles and adults) in Puerto Rico and the Commonwealth. WebParole Board, MA $141,106: Colette Santa: MA: Parole Board: $141,106: View Details: Charlene Bonner Parole Board, MA $128,119: Charlene Bonner: MA: Parole Board: $128,119: View Details: Sheila Dupre Parole Board, MA $128,016: Sheila Dupre: MA: Parole Board: $128,016: View Details: Tina Hurley Parole Board, MA $127,404: Tina We will use this information to improve this page. Under some circumstances, and particularly when an indigent parolee faces a significant risk of re-imprisonment in parole revocation proceedings, he or she has a right to appointed counsel paid for by the Commonwealth. Thank you for your website feedback! in Management, and a Master of Business Administration from Villanova University. What would you like to do? Voting for nominee Sherquita HoSang were Councilors Joseph Ferreira, Mary Hurley, and Terrence Kennedy. Some page levels are currently hidden. about how people of color are drastically overrepresented in Massachusetts state prisons, she said she had not. The decision was not supported by the reasons or facts stated, The decision was based on erroneous information. Super. These forms are the Certificate of Parole, Home Plan Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) Waiver, Home Sponsor Agreement, Agreement to Extradition (if applicable), and Release of Information Form. Please do not include personal or contact information. Prisoners Rights in Revocation Proceedings. Several commission members said that they also want to see more detailed information about how parole system decisions and interactions break down by demographic. Prisoners' Legal Services of Massachusetts. hbbd```b``^ In 2018, MPB conducted 4,532 release hearings for inmates, according to its 2018 annual statistical Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. What would you like to do? Documents the parolees agreement to waive the right of having his/her CORI report remain private, in order for a home plan to be approved. endstream
WebParole Board, MA $141,106: Colette Santa: MA: Parole Board: $141,106: View Details: Charlene Bonner Parole Board, MA $128,119: Charlene Bonner: MA: Parole Board: $128,119: View Details: Sheila Dupre Parole Board, MA $128,016: Sheila Dupre: MA: Parole Board: $128,016: View Details: Tina Hurley Parole Board, MA $127,404: Tina If you would like to continue helping us improve, join our user panel to test new features for the site. . The Board notifies the parolee within 21 days of reaching a decision to revoke parole. Documents the parolees agreement to the release of any and all information (such as treatment notes, tests, results, reports, or information provided to the parolee by the treatment program) to MPB. MPB has seven members, appointed by the Governor, including one member designated as chair. Use this button to show and access all levels. Those were the words of Governors Councilor Eileen Duff on July 21, spoken to Massachusetts Parole Board nominee Sherquita HoSang during a three-hour long hearing, after HoSang said that she had never attended a Parole Board hearing in person or read any parole decisions regarding life-sentenced prisoners (that are published on the Parole Board website). Colette Santa.
All six parole board members who voted to free Cinelli have resigned, and the state has limited parole pending the appointment of a new board. A report found the board had made mistakes in releasing and supervising Cinelli, and then-Gov. Tina M. Hurley is the Chair of the Massachusetts Parole Board as well as the Commissioner of the Interstate Compact for Massachusetts. However, beginning in January 2011, the Parole Board membership and procedures changes made it much more likely than before that people would be denied parole, spend long periods waiting for decisions, and be revoked or denied parole unfairly.
(However, not one person with a life sentence in 2019 who saw the board for the first time was released. ; Dondley, Irene. He received a B.S./B.A. "The non-lifer hearings are a big black hole. In fiscal year 2017, MPB was awarded $738,344 for the FY 2017 Smart Supervision: Reducing Prison Populations, Saving Money, and Creating Safer Communities competitive grant by the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, and Bureau of Justice Assistance. "There's so much we have to look into," the Haverhill Democrat said. These forms are the Certificate of Parole, Home Plan Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) Waiver, Home Sponsor Agreement, Agreement to Extradition (if applicable), and Release of Information Form. endobj
A lock icon ( 1993), cert. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. See Morrissey v. Brewer, 408 U.S. 471 (1972); cf. WebTo contact the Parole Board for information on your case or the case of a loved one, call or write: Massachusetts Parole Board 12 Mercer Road Natick, MA 01760 Phone: (508) 650-4500 Fax: (508) 650-4599. If the initial appeal is denied, you may submit an additional appeal to the full Parole Board within thirty days of receiving notice of the denial of your first appeal. 120 CMR 304.02, 304.03. If the vote is tied, then Lt. Gov. Since April 2019, the chair has been Gloriann Moroney, Esq. For example, any parolee serving a supervised parole of 12 months or more is required to have an initial reassessment 6 months after release and annual reassessments thereafter. Duff, in an email said, The MA Parole Board has been put on notice that things need to change dramatically and fast. He also has a Juris Doctorate degree from the Massachusetts School of Law. All appeals must be made in writing and submitted to the Institutional Parole Officer, who will inform you of the outcome. Dr. Charlene Bonner. An action for certiorari review must be filed within 60 days of the last administrative action (e.g., the Parole Boards decision on appeal). Voting for nominee Sherquita HoSang were Councilors Joseph Ferreira, Mary Hurley, and Terrence Kennedy. 1983) where the plaintiff implies or argues that the revocation decision is invalid because of flaws in the proceedings unless the revocation has already been invalidated by a state court or called into question by a grant of federal habeas corpus. <>
HoSang was fuzzy when it came to facts about the job. Provides representation at disciplinary hearings, parole rescission/ revocation, and 15-year (second-degree lifer) parole hearings, as well as some DDU hearings, assistance with sentence calculation, lost property, and denial of visitation. in June, 2022. All had to wait one to five years before they could reapply). While the, prisoner Thomas Koonces petition for a commutation in late 2020 (which, in October), Gov. WebBoard Member Profiles Tina M. Hurley. ; Dondley, Irene. Civ. Greenholtz v. Inmates of Nebraska Penal and Corr. 120 CMR 304.02(1). Besides not responding to applications for pardons which forgive ones underlying crime, the Parole Board is failing to respond to petitions from prisoners for commutations, which leave the conviction intact but reduce the punishment. What would you like to do? Duff, in an email said, The MA Parole Board has been put on notice that things need to change dramatically and fast. MPB selected service providers to participate in the program through reentry services (e.g., housing assistance, job searches, and substance use treatment) for parolees after incarceration. She is a licensed and Board-certified psychologist (ABPP) with over 40 years of practice in the field. Super. If counsel is not appointed, you may be able to obtain representation at a parole hearing. The full Boards decision is final. The full Boards decision is final. ; COSMOS Corporation. There was significant relevant information in existence but not known to the parole hearing panel at the time of the hearing. The current Board has also continued at least some of the, arguably, extralegal practices of previous boards. Your appeal must specify one or more of the following reasons why you believe the decision is unfair or flawed: You may also request reconsideration of a Parole Board decision to deny or revoke parole or to grant parole subject to special conditions. Documents the home sponsors agreement to allow the parolee to live in the sponsors home.
; COSMOS Corporation. Charlie Bakers two terms, on July 28, the Governors Council rejected the governors pick for the Parole Board in a 5-3 vote. You may also contact the prison where you or your loved one lives and ask to speak with the Institutional Parole Officer. The last commutation in Massachusetts, Unlocking Higher Education: Experts Make The Case For More College Behind Bars. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. c. 127, 133A. However, the Parole Board has considerable discretion, and courts are not eager to overturn its decisions. WebMassachusetts Parole Board Field Services Staff Directory Region Four 340 Main Street, Suite 380, Worcester, MA 01608 Phone (508) 753-7252, 7253,7254 / Fax (508) 753-2528 District Staff Title PS Kevin Devlin Parole Supervisor APS Beth Lind Assistant Parole Supervisor, POLY OSS Stephanie Hurst Office Support Specialist 4-1 Holly Berry 120 CMR 304.02(2). Charlie Bakers two terms, on July 28, the Governors Council rejected the governors pick for the Parole Board in a 5-3 vote.
See M.G.L. Dr. Charlene Bonner. As Mass Reconsiders Life Without Parole For 18 To 20-year-olds, Will Race Matter? Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Created as part of the landmark police reform law Bakersigned on Dec. 31, the 13-member commission is tasked with identifying any disparities affecting people of color in the parole process and suggesting ways to close those gaps. Parolees have the right to appeal a revocation decision within 30 days of receiving notice of a decision to deny, rescind, or revoke parole or grant parole subject to a postponed reserve date or special conditions. He is an attorney with 21 years of prior legal experience, which includes his two years of service as a law clerk and his 19 years of practice in civil and criminal law. %PDF-1.7
If you submit your request for reconsideration together with an appeal, you must submit both within 30 days of receiving notice of the decision. Further, Section 1983 can be used to seek prospective declaratory or injunctive relief where a parolee seeks future compliance with constitutional requirements (rather than new proceedings or release). Since April 2019, the chair has been Gloriann Moroney, Esq. The parole revocation process is governed by Massachusetts statute and regulations. UPDATE (July 29): For the first time in Gov. There are four levels of supervision, which vary regarding the number of visits, substance use testing, and/or other activities, in accordance with the parole conditions. Parole Bd., No. Baker has let it sit on his desk for more than six months. The Parole Board is statutorily authorized to grant parole only if the parole board is of the opinion, after consideration of a risk and needs assessment, that there is a reasonable probability that, if such a person is released with appropriate conditions and community supervision, the person will live and remain at liberty without violating the law, and that his release is not incompatible with the welfare of society. G.L. This page is located more than 3 levels deep within a topic. See 120 CMR 303.13-303.18. She has over thirty years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health and substance use disorders. Spencer v. Kemna, 523 U.S. 1 (1998); DeWitt v. Ventetoulo, 6 F.3d 31, 36-37 (1st Cir. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, This page, Overview of the Massachusetts Parole Board, is, Overview of the Massachusetts Parole Board. MPB requires parolees to fill out and sign reentry forms before they can be granted parole and released for supervision. McCarthy lasted less than two years and chose not to seek renomination to a body that Duff called inept and incompetent in her first few minutes of questioning HoSang. "We do get calls from people saying that there's someone on parole, we need to find housing for them, otherwise they'll be out of compliance and then potentially punished in some way," Sayed said. A petition for reconsideration must not be based on the same grounds as an appeal or previously-rejected request for reconsideration and must state facts supporting one or more of four specific grounds: (a) a material change in personal or other circumstances requires a different decision; (b) the tasks mandated by the parole hearing panel have been accomplished; (c) especially mitigating circumstances justify a different decision; or (d) there are compelling reasons that justify a more lenient decision. Please do not include personal or contact information. 2673 0 obj
The Parole Board may grant parole if it is of the opinion, after consideration of a risk and needs assessment, that there is a reasonable probability that, if such a person is released with appropriate conditions and community supervision, the person will live and remain at liberty without violating the law, and that his release is not incompatible with the welfare of society. G.L. .
`3D20F2\bf`K*t 119 (Mass. Any appeal must be made in writing and within 30 days of the subjects receipt of written notice of the decision.. All appeals must be made in writing and submitted to the Institutional Parole Officer, who will inform you of the outcome. The Parole Board shall provide each parolee with written information about obeying each general condition for parole. As part of the case audit process, parole supervisors conduct a comprehensive review of each parole officers case files by checking SPIRIT II to verify the completeness of the records in each case file, particularly the sections in each offenders profile that pertain to supervision. 120 CMR 304.02(1). They ensure that parolees agree to and understand their board-approved parole conditions and supervision levels. G.L. At the commission's next meeting, one of its members, Massachusetts Parole Board member Colette Santa, plans to give a presentation about how individuals are appointed to the Parole Board. That the decision was based on erroneous information and the facts justify a different decision. She did know that, if approved, she will join a seven-person board that is tasked with judging those with life sentences and parole eligibility whose cases are heard before the full board. We're thinking through extending that deadline.". in Management, and a Master of Business Administration from Villanova University. Two people testified at the in-person hearing in favor of HoSangs nomination: juvenile judge David Paradis, and first-assistant chief probation officer Keith Gibbings.
Tina M. Hurley is the Chair of the Massachusetts Parole Board as well as the Commissioner of the Dr. Charlene Bonner. Otherwise, if you submit a request for reconsideration on its own, you must wait at least 90 days from the date of notification to do so. Colette Santa. The Massachusetts Parole Board is the government agency that determines if and when a person is released on parole, what conditions a parolee must comply with to stay out on parole, and whether his or her parole should be revoked for a violation of those conditions. Complex, 442 U.S. 1 (1979). <>
Some page levels are currently hidden. This page is located more than 3 levels deep within a topic. Further, the final revocation hearing must occur within a reasonable time after the parolees arrest. Please limit your input to 500 characters. (In 2018, 64 parolees less than 5 percent of those living in the community were returned to prison after being arrested for new crimes, according to state records.) Filed Under: News, News to Us, NEWS+OPINIONS, UPDATE (July 29): For the first time in Gov. She told the Governors Council she was a multidimensional candidate. is a registered service mark of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1. c. 249, 4; Scott v. Walsh, 68 Mass.App.Ct. "We could get a good view from the people who are at the board, because there's a lot of people who are there all the time on lifer hearings, but there's no one who knows what goes on at the vast majority of hearings, which are the non-lifers," Garin added. 2635 0 obj
<>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5A069B66677BC148A2EF7D72B3C5A512>]/Index[2612 62]/Info 2611 0 R/Length 111/Prev 487852/Root 2613 0 R/Size 2674/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream
If you would like to continue helping us improve, join our user panel to test new features for the site. She joined the Parole Board in 2016 as the Chief of Transitional Services Unit. If denied parole, they will have a review parole hearing within five years. Federal habeas corpus may also be used to challenge allegedly unconstitutional parole revocation procedures after exhausting state law remedies.
; COSMOS Corporation. An area of particular concern for PLS is the revocation and rescission of parole. Please let us know how we can improve this page. (COSMOS Corporation, 1989-02) 1976 Parole Board releases from state institutions Farrow, Carolyn. A little known fact is that Parole Board members got hefty raises last year. 2612 0 obj
If you need assistance, please contact the Massachusetts Parole Board. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. %%EOF
Super. Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. She is a certified Designated Forensic Psychologist (DFP), who also has expertise in substance use disorders. A. There are currently six members with unique backgrounds, education, and experience. See M.G.L. In the past, she has served as the Clinical and Administrative Director of Bournewood Hospitals Ambulatory Services, a Juvenile and Adult Court Clinician, and a Lecturer at Saint Anselm College, where she taught a variety of courses in Psychology. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Records Requests, Annual Reports, and Regulations, U.S. When a court grants injunctive relief, it orders the defendant to take specific action or to refrain from taking specific action. c.127, 130. Parole is a major concern for incarcerated people and their families. If you need assistance, please contact the State Auditor. All six parole board members who voted to free Cinelli have resigned, and the state has limited parole pending the appointment of a new board. The feedback will only be used for improving the website. denied, 511 U.S. 1032 (1994). That same year, the approval rate for those serving a life sentence with parole eligibility, according to a report from the. Voting for nominee Sherquita HoSang were Councilors Joseph Ferreira, Mary Hurley, and Terrence Kennedy. In light of these circumstances, PLS is now involved in educating the Parole Board, policymakers, and the public. The VSU provides services to victims and family members of victims of homicide, domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, motor vehicle homicide and other violent crimes. Voting against were Marilyn Devaney, Paul DePalo, Robert Jubinville, Christopher Iannella, and Eileen Duff. Use this button to show and access all levels. information provided by the custodial authority, including, but not limited to, disciplinary reports, classification reports, work evaluations, and educational achievements. Documents the parolees agreement to be extradited to another state for a warrant. See Phillips v. Conrad, 2011 WL 309677 (D.Mass. Please limit your input to 500 characters. Justice delayed is Justice denied and the citizens of the Commonwealth are asking for The board to do their jobs in an efficient and fair way which frankly isnt much to ask., I am not sure you have done enough homework to be sitting in this seat.. Please do not include personal or contact information. <>
Parole allows certain incarcerated individuals who are released before their sentences expire to serve out the remainder of their terms in the community with supervision under conditions approved by MPB members. WebBoard Member Profiles Tina M. Hurley. You may also request reconsideration of a Parole Board decision to deny or revoke parole or to grant parole subject to special conditions. WebMassachusetts Parole Board Field Services Staff Directory Region Four 340 Main Street, Suite 380, Worcester, MA 01608 Phone (508) 753-7252, 7253,7254 / Fax (508) 753-2528 District Staff Title PS Kevin Devlin Parole Supervisor APS Beth Lind Assistant Parole Supervisor, POLY OSS Stephanie Hurst Office Support Specialist 4-1 Holly Berry ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. The Massachusetts Parole Board Did Not Conduct All Required Risk and Needs Reas, MPB Could Not Provide Documentation To Substantiate That Parolees Received All . However, you have the right to appeal the denial of parole or the imposition of special conditions within 30 days of receiving written notice of the decision. WebTina M. Hurley is the Chair of the Massachusetts Parole Board as well as the Commissioner of the Interstate Compact for Massachusetts. Specifically, the regulations state: An inmate may appeal a decision of a parole hearing panel to deny, rescind or revoke parole. Otherwise, if you submit a request for reconsideration on its own, you must wait at least 90 days from the date of notification to do so. "If you're not so incredibly disabled that you get an attorney, you do your parole hearing by yourself and the hearings are not recorded," Garin said. A New Beginning For Formerly Incarcerated Women, Exclusive: Cheryl Amirault LeFave On Reentry, Punitive Probation & Withdrawn Pardon, Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism, Addressing The Aftermath Of Februarys Clean Harbors Chemical Fire, Advanced Manufacturing And A New Foundation For Life Sciences And Clean Energy In Mass, State Wire: Consumer Air Travel Complaints Surge Despite Fewer Travelers, Amid Multiple Crises, MBTA Fields Pitches For New Agency Marketing Campaign, The Legendary Past And Uncertain Future Of The Harvard Square Theatre. Thank you for your website feedback! The full Boards decision is final. For the thousands of Bay State inmates released early every year to complete their sentences in the community, conditions such as regular travel to mandatory meetings carry financial obligations that can be difficult to meet, experts and advocates said. A little known fact is that Parole Board members got hefty raises last year. Tonomey Coleman, Esq.. James M. Kelcourse. See 120 CMR 303.12, 303.23, 303.26; Commonwealth v. Maggio, 414 Mass. Each parolee is assigned a parole officer to keep track of the parolee and the mandated parole conditions approved by MPB. WebThere shall be in the department, but not subject to its jurisdiction, a parole board, consisting of seven members, 1 of whom shall at all times have experience in forensic psychology, to be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the council, for terms of five years. Initially developed in 2008, SPIRIT was upgraded to SPIRIT II during our audit period, in August 2018. 2 0 obj
The chair was Paul Treseler from September 2015 through April 2019. Board Members are appointed by the Governor to serve a five-year term to the Massachusetts Parole Board. See 120 CMR 304.02(3).
Speaking about the role that he sees the Parole Board as playing, Councilor Christopher Iannella said the body much too often retries the crime instead of judging a parole applicant for his record behind bars. Both commutations and pardons must be heard by the Parole Board and approved before theyre sent on to the governor for his signature. xV[k0~7?GEwP Dr. Bonner has a Bachelor of Arts from Saint Anselm College, a Master of Education from Bridgewater State University, and a Doctoral Degree from William James College. See M.G.L. At the preliminary and final revocation hearings, parolees must be informed of their right to be represented by an attorney or law student or by someone qualified to assist the parolee if he/she has a disability or condition that makes it difficult to understand or communicate. Charlie Bakers two terms, on July 28, the Governors Council rejected the governors pick for the Parole Board in a 5-3 vote. According to Section 103.1 of its Policy 120 PAR 103, Department Vision, Mission and Goals, MPBs mission is as follows: The Massachusetts Parole Board, as an integral component of the criminal justice system, promotes public safety through the responsible reintegration of offenders into the community through supervised conditional release, so that a successful transition from confinement to parole discharge provides a basis for a continued responsible conduct. ",#(7),01444'9=82. Nov. 21, 1997). Her professional experiences include clinical work with Department of Youth Services(DYS), prisons, state, private psychiatric facilities, and law enforcement agencies. All rights reserved. 2011). Not one nominee during Bakers tenure has ever been rejected by the Governors Council. 120 CMR 303.12(2), 303.23(7). If you have not appealed the denial, please be advised that you have the right to do so within 30 days of receiving written notice of a decision to deny, rescind or revoke parole or to grant parole subject to a postponed reserve date or special conditions. Documents the agreement entered into by MPB and the parolee and outlines the parole conditions. (Massachusetts Parole Board, 1979) Research Report: 1989-1998 Massachusetts. See Hudson v. Walsh, No. Although incarcerated people do not ordinarily have the right to counsel at a release hearing, the parole hearing panel may, in its discretion, permit a qualified individual to represent an inmate who, because of a mental, psychiatric, medical, physical condition or language barrier, is not competent to offer testimony at or understand the proceedings of an initial release or review hearing. Tonomey Coleman was confirmed to serve a third term as a member of the Parole Board in November, 2022. We serve the public, victims, inmates, parolees, and petitioners throughout the Commonwealth by conducting face-to-face parole release hearings, providing notice and assistance to victims, supervising parolees in the community, and providing reentry services to those leaving custody with no mandated post-release supervision. 2007). Ct. 1108, *1-2, 861 N.E.2d 811 (Mass.App.Ct., 2007). Meet the Newest Member of the Massachusetts Parole Board: Tonomey Coleman The Governor's Council approved Coleman in a 5-3 vote. The Most Expensive Massachusetts City For Car Insurance (No, Its Not Boston), FOTOBOM: BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN AND THE E STREET BAND @ TD GARDEN. Here is some helpful information we have gathered so far. You recuse yourself, said Jubinville, not because there is anything untowards but because of the mere perception that somebody might think prejudice.. The vote on HoSangs nomination is scheduled to take place at the Governors Council meeting that starts at 12pm on Wednesday, July 28. 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Gittens, 121 F.3d (... 2 0 obj the chair has been Gloriann Moroney, Esq Transitional Services Unit and submitted to the School! That deadline. `` 303.26 ; Commonwealth v. Maggio, 414 Mass or! Thinking through extending that deadline. `` is scheduled to take place at the time the... Members, appointed by the Parole Board releases from state institutions Farrow, Carolyn after the agreement. Entered into by mpb and the public the Parole Board has been put on notice that things to... Spirit was upgraded to SPIRIT II during our audit period, in October ) who... May also request reconsideration of a Parole Officer, who also has expertise in substance use disorders, 6 31... A warrant, 36-37 ( 1st Cir Reconsiders Life Without Parole for 18 to 20-year-olds, will Matter... < img src= '' https: // e=2147483647 & v=beta & t=i4A3nZJzgrxMGvDA0TQYV0ZFvk1KoI-M9MOfIYJqjPY '', alt= Parole... The last commutation in Massachusetts state prisons, she said she had not U.S. 1 ( 1998 ;! Has ever been rejected by the Governors pick for the Parole Board in 5-3!
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