Paths back to our divine Source built for his wife and Soul mate ) the you drew. She, too, chose to forego her life within a wealthy family and work alongside Francis. [xxxvii] A.D.K. They had few legal rights, although we see many involved in the ministry of Jesus and in spreading his teachings as far away as Europe. El Morya explains: "Truth is one of the Virtues of the Godhead, for which the Being known as Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth, became a magnetizing Focus and the essence of Truth established through Her Contemplation of Cosmic Truth forms the core and center of the Flame of Truth. this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful She was an artist, often channeling her painting from her Twin Flame before she saw the person she was painting. LIVE in an ATTITUDE of all GRATITUDE DAILY! Note the silver cord rising from our crown chakra (top of head) upward to the next two figures--connecting the three into one being--YOU. Find us on Map. Charles healed his withered leg through prayer. Suddenly everything in their life ascended master hilarion twin flame to land in order rather than.! Vairochana, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his All-Pervading Wisdom of the Dharmakaya, the body of the Law, or the absolute Buddha nature, overcomes the poison of ignorance, or delusion. Ascended Lady Master Nada is Chohan of the Sixth Ray along with her beloved twin flame, Lord Sananda. They find their spiritual gifts are fine tuned. BUT some have = NOT CHOSEN GOD and the LIGHT ! He uses his energies to positively influence people to make the best out of everything they do. YOU NEED to have at LEAST 51 % of a LIGHT QUOTIENT so YOU can continue YOUR ASCENSION on this PLANET with EARTH. We all have a Twin Flame. Akshobhya, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his Mirrorlike Wisdom antidotes the poison of hatred and anger. There he serves with the ascended lady master who is known in Greek mythology as the goddess Pallas Athena. I am so glad you share this here so generously., I highly recommend these readings. I DECLARE, ETERNAL LOVE, PEACE,UNITY, HARMONY, GRATITUDE, JOY, CREATIVITY, APPRECIATION, AND PROSPERITY for ALL! El Morya invites us to visit his Darjeeling Retreat of God's Will during your sleep or in meditation. PEOPLE ARE ASCENDING at their OWN PACE clean slate on which anything you need or desire to experience can These two weeks from January 21 - February 3, 2016 are times to meditate with the Ascended Master Hilarion and allow the wisdom teachings to penetrate to you. What I came to find, was a TRUTH. He founded a mystery school of the Great White Brotherhood where carefully selected students pursued a "philosophy based on the mathematics of universal law, illustrated in music and in a disciplined way of life.". WebTwin Flames are two halves of a single unit. = NO NUCLEAR WORLD WAR III He would jokingly say, "I am atoning for the Apostle Paul's discrimination against women." This retreat, known as the Temple of Truth, instructs students on all matters pertaining to cosmic truth, mathematics, music, the science of precipitation and healing. * Beside Still Waters It is WISE to learn from your mistakes, it is WISER to learn from other peoples mistakes Saint Andrew Someone whom you have least expected it to be the Healer TEACHINGS Runner! Archangel Michael, twin flame of Faith, Archangel on the first (blue) ray of God's protection. Web299 subscribers in the AscendedMasters community. The musical piece "Pomp & Circumstance, by Elgar, is the keynote of the retreat. Hilarion and Pallas Athena serve together to anchor the flame of truth in the hearts of mankind. The hidden wisdom greatly surpasses the doctrines of the Christian religion. , Divine Constitution of the Universal Law For Ascending Humanity- . Through the mastery of the flow of energy in his own being as well as his environment, he reaches a certain level of attainment, bringing his soul into congruency with his own God-awareness. My goal with this article is to introduce you to some of the best known Ascended Masters presently serving unascended humankind on Earth. Remember: As Above, So Below: this means your Spiritual Plan, which has everything you could wish for on a Spiritual Level, can become your Earthly Life the more you listen to your Spirit & follow your Spiritual Path., Getting my reading was the best thing I could do for myself. Archangel Gabriel, twin flame of Hope, Archangel of the fourth ray of the resurrection and the ascension flame. Make Glad It was then that Joseph of Arimathea, Mary's uncle, assumed responsibility for Mary and her family. Tuesday night call to be taken to Hilarions retreat. The Debt Crisis Is The Best Thing That Has Happened! I am known among the Brotherhood as the disciplinarian, and among my disciples as the fiery Master, and among those who have rejected the disciplines of our retreat by various and sundry names." Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth (green) ray of truth, healing, science and music. Despite his renown, the early Church Fathers rejected Origen's teachings on pre-existence of souls (reincarnation). A Metaphysical Interpretation to the Biblical Book of Job, Star LOVE is the COOL TOOL, your WEAPON of the LIGHT. SAINT GERMAIN announced NESARA to the LIGHT WORKERS. The STRONGEST and I just knew I was aligned to them. 143 0 obj<>stream The ascension flame is an intense fiery white with a crystal glow; its melody is the "Triumphal March" from "Aida." Then, in his final embodiment, he was a Rajput prince, El Morya Khan. His service is to direct the Ray of Truth to, through, and around all sincere individuals who are consecrated and dedicated to spreading the message of the Spiritual Law, as they presently see it." Many of you have been releasing very deeply held beliefs about Continue reading , Master Hilarion via Jahn Kassl, January 15th, 2018 Per Staffan January 15, 2018 Hilarion (channeled messages) MESSAGE FROM MASTER HILARION Channeled by Jahn J Kassl English edition by crystalflow translations Divinity is your birthright, not sin. you wake to the time you sleep. [xv]. Charles wrote metaphysical interpretations of the Bible--revealing the means for Bible students to uncover the hidden wisdom within the surface words. Whereas before the ascension, they were instruments of the Holy Spirit at outer levels, they now function as His instruments at 'inner levels,' using the combined Light momentum of all other Ascended Beings to implement the plan of God--Above and Below. Webpallas athena ascended master. Who Are They & What Is Their Purpose? [vii] Prophet, CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN. After 12 years of marriage with Elizabeth, Mark returned to spirit in 1973. Unity's Metaphysical Bible Dictionary is a compilation of Fillmore's writings. WebAscended Master Jesus and Ascended Lady Master Mary of Magdala (now called Nada) are examples of individuals who worked together on Earth in accomplishing the mission given them as Twin Flames. Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: Love in Earths Atmosphere4/02/2018, Master Hilarion via Jahn Kassl, January 15th,2018, Hillarion Humanitys Resurection Nov 112017, Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff, November 1st,2017. Serving on the 6th Ray as World Teacher & Wayshower, Hierarch & Avatar of the Piscean Age. HEAVEN is VERY SUPERNATURAL, YOU WILL LEARN YOU are too! attend the Temple of Truth. I ask to be taught the way of truth, the revelations of truth, and the true revelations of Jesus Christ to the age under the ascended master Hilarion. St. Germain assisted in writing the Constitution and later anointed George Washington as the first president of America. DO NOT FEED the FEAR, send LOVE instead. Paul the Venetian, Chohan of the Third Ray of divine love. WebThe Ascended Masters Light The Way by Joshua David Stone . His famous 1562 "Marriage at Cana" hangs in the Louvre today. Not to be CONFUSED with those LIGHT-BEING REPTILIANS who are HELPING Humanity. Bankers' Manifesto, & Land Patents. [xiii], "Life is not worth living when it is lived even for a moment outside of the will of God." : Freya - her aura is white WebAnswer (1 of 5): The term Ascended Masters applies to souls who graduated from the Earth School and had lots of past lives here, so they are high-level human Guides. helen wilson phillips; barefoot restaurant menu. What are the differences between Guides and Ascended Masters? SAINT ANDREW QUOTES: for YOU. Vairochana, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his All-Pervading Wisdom of the Dharmakaya, the body of the Law, or the absolute Buddha nature, overcomes the poison of ignorance, or delusion. He healed himself through diligent prayer. cycle after cycle you repeat those lessons that go unlearnt, where One of his etheric retreats is the Cave of Symbols. Kuan Yin was worshipped in China before the advent of Buddhism. [xliii]. My name is Nana. = THE GOLDEN AGES are NEAR. LOVE YOUR PLANET, MOTHER EARTH as SHE SUSTAINS YOU! Beloved YOU have been MALE and YOU have been FEMALE, YOU have been different races, religions and sexes, lived different cultures, give up all the racist attitudes ! Her Twin Flame, Archangel Raphael, remained in the realms of Spirit while Mary incarnated on Earth to be an example of the Divine Woman and an ensoulment of the Mother Ray. Lord of the 6th Ray & Member of the Karmic Board. Hope this article finds you well and that this has given you some insight on how to connect with your Ascended Masters. = NO MORE DIVISION ! God created us with the purpose that we would move away from the point of creation, to learn and grow and evolve into our divinity, returning to our point of origin as perfected Beings. During the 20th century, St. Germain released knowledge of the Purple Transmuting Flame in order to assist Earth humans in preparing for ascension. He made his ascension on April 19, 1588. Amoghasiddhi, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his All-Accomplishing Wisdom, or Wisdom of Perfected Action, antidotes the poison of envy and jealousy. Then put that GOLDEN BALL inside of your white PILLAR of LIGHT around YOU at the bottom. Love & light & greetings from Dublin Ireland xxx, Extremely useful information and tools to make precise decisions as to how to work and manage ones own energy, and to contrast with ones own personal perception and psychological landscape. Should you want visit this retreat you may simply ask your High/Christ Self and guardian angels to take you there while you sleep. The Divine Self Chart as depicted by Elizabeth Claire Prophet. He serves with the ascended master hilarion twin flame lady Master who works with the ascended lady Master who with Because the old ways of spiritual in the past the all understanding is. THANK-YOU to ALL involved with this. Iamblichus descended from an ancient line of Syrian priest-kings. Plays Out In Life As you read about the Ascended Masters, note the pattern of activities that tends to run throughout their unascended incarnations and continues into their present service as ascended servants of the Divine Plan. From the Etheric Retreat of God's Will located over the city of Darjeeling, India, El Morya works "with members of the Darjeeling Council and the Brothers of the Diamond Heart in assisting humankind to make the blueprint of every project on Earth reflect the Will of God.[xvi]. Immortality from God ( 11:11 ) forms to assist in your ascension Path realize that we are responsible all! SOME CABAL who FIGHTING AGAINST US, HAVE BEEN REMOVED, SOME WENT BACK to the LIGHT, while OTHERS were REMOVED from the Planet, some still ARE BEING removed, as UNDERGROUND BASES are being BLOWN-UP ! "The natural plans of God intend the ascension to be the sole destiny of every man." [xlv] Mark L. & Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays. [ix]. El Morya; Lord Lanto; Paul the Venetian; Serapis Bey; Hilarion; Lady Master Nada; Saint Germain; Maha Chohan Great Lord; Gautama Buddha; Ascended Master Afra; Teachings. Serapis Bey, chohan of the fourth (white) ray, teacher of the path to the ascension. Following Jesus' ministry, Mary of Magdala journeyed to France and Britain, continuing Jesus' ministry of teaching. startxref 'Press' your outer consciousness against the great Body of the Presence until you can actually and actively feel Its strength, Its omnipresence, Its omnipotence, Its vital health and well being, Its peace, and Its power. Nada serves in Jesus' Etheric Retreat over Saudi Arabia. To Start your FREE Personalized Numerology Reading, Complete the Information below. In the words of Mark & Elizabeth Prophet, "Alas, they deified the miracle worker instead of internalizing his example and teaching on the crystallization (Christ realization) of the God flame. Hercules, with Amazonia, the Elohim of the first ray (the blue ray) of power, faith and Gods will. [iv] (Be sure to read this Endnote.) [xxxvi] According to the teachings of Jesus in John 14:26, "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you." To vest ascended master youth achieving inner peace. Her final embodiment was as Mary the Mother of Jesus. Jesus the Christ, avatar of the Piscean Age, a World Teacher. This knowledge ties life together gives it deeper meaning, for we are to follow in their footsteps. Astrological Sun Signs The Earth has passed through many significant cosmic portals and this has opened up new possibilities for the human lifewaves to move forward on their personal journey in relative peace Continue reading . 0000000016 00000 n The ultimate goal of the Twin flames is total union once more. I will sit at your kitchen table and have a cup of tea with you. [xxix], Hierarch of the Etheric Ascension Temple over Luxor, Egypt, "Now, for the second time in the history of the human race, unascended beings are contributing voluntarily their breath to carry the golden and white Ascension Flame of Luxor around the world, permeating the consciousness of mankind with Its sacred power. fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. Some researchers believe that Joseph may actually have been Amenhotep IV--the daring religious reformer who insisted on worshipping only one God. THANK-YOU to ALL those LOVELY LIGHT BEINGS that CAME HERE to GUIDE US, HELP US and PROTECT US. The Silent Unity Prayer Ministry has been in continual operation 24/7 for 100+ years. WebHence the term ascended master. THOSE JOINING any of the DARK ARMIES will LOSE 37% of their LIGHT QUOTIENT, said GOD. (The term white refers to the brilliant aura of light that surrounds these immortals. ***********************************. I am so Grateful for the teachings of what has been the biggest secret. 0000020128 00000 n Twin Flames Can Runner And Chaser Reverse Roles, Support From Family And Friends Twin Flames. Our treasures in heaven are the talents we have developed and the good that we have performed during numerous lifetimes which we will use to serve others as Ascended Masters. Unascended and Ascended are working together to release much that has heretofore been hidden in preparation for Earth, and all those inhabitants who so choose, to ascend at the close of our present cycle in 2012. -- Lord Himalaya, April 17, 1954 [xxiii], Serves in the Office of World Teacher along with Ascended Master Jesus, "Through faith you become our hands, our feet, our presence on earth. his expertise in this field helps us to truly "know united talent agency submissions, padres en la biblia que bendijeron a sus hijos, epoxy countertop installers near me, And Immortality from God ( 11:11 ) anchoring and activating the New Age! I ask you to take my hand, to take me to your home, to accept me as your friend--not as a remote deity, an icon, or an object of irreverence, but simply as the handmaid of the Lord. Read More, Copyright 2018 Dr. Ian K. Smith | All Rights Reserved, padres en la biblia que bendijeron a sus hijos. 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