It is vital to remember that cape buffalo need to stay near water, including rivers, lakes, swamps, and floodplains. Herds of buffalo mow down grasses with ease. Underside and chin are often pale. They will also eat anything that grows in marshland, such as reeds, grasses, rushes, and sedges. In this post, youll learn 23 facts about African Cape buffalo. African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) are large, heavy cow-like animals native to Africa. Shoulder Height: 1 to 1.7 m (3.3 to 5.6ft) Weight: 500 to 1,000kg (1,100 to 2,200lb) (Cape buffalo); 250 to 450 kg (600 to 1,000lb) (Forest buffalo) Conservation Status: Least Concern. Here they can be found in the following countries Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the, Cte dIvoire, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, United Republic of, Togo, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. There are no The Nile crocodile is the only predator which is capable of killing an adult buffalo. 2. Coloration includes various shades of black, brown, red, and yellow. [online] Available at: <, Eastern Bongo Calf Born at Potter Park Zoo,,,, Although their aggressive nature seems to be an act of carnivores, they are in fact suited to only digest plants and herbs, their favorite being grass and shrubs. Although hunting will not endanger the species, it is often frowned upon due to its aggressive nature. Cape buffalo can have herds of over 1,000 members; however, African forest buffalo stay in much smaller groupsas small as three and rarely over 30. Bovines are large, hoofed animals. 2020. They are widely regarded as among the most dangerous animals on the African continent, and according to some estimates they gore, trample, and kill over 200 people every year. Within 10 minutes of the birth the calf will get to its feet and it is only a few hours before they begin to follow their mother. The buffaloes may need to cross the rivers in search of grass. Color tends to darken with age, and females do not attain the same degree of blackness as males. They avoid very large (elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus) and very small (hare, monkey, hyrax, dik-dik) prey, but will take domestic livestock. Buffaloes are predominantly herbivorous, feeding on grass species. Both males and females have horns, which they use to defend themselves against African predators like lions. Suborder: African buffalo are found in a variety of habitats, including open savannah, Check out our language learning section. It was once stated that their horns could rival a car, tipping it on its side. The African buffalo is a herbivore. The basic herds are surrounded by subherds of subordinate males, high-ranking males and females, and old or invalid animals. Females tend to have more-reddish coats. I hope youve enjoyed these Cape buffalo facts! African buffalo (Syncerus caffer Sparrman, 1779) are normally considered to be almost pure, or Cows usually reproduce every two years. These diseases remain dormant inside populations as long as theyre healthy. In agriculture Social animals are those animals that interact highly with other animals, usually of their own species (conspecifics), to the point of having a rec A herd is a social grouping of certain animals of the same species, either wild or domestic. In some areas, trophy hunting has helped preserve lion populations, while it has contributed to the species' decline in other regions. /* Header CSS */#site-header.has-header-media .overlay-header-media{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.5)}/* Footer Widgets CSS */#footer-widgets,#footer-widgets p,#footer-widgets li a:before,#footer-widgets .contact-info-widget span.oceanwp-contact-title,#footer-widgets .recent-posts-date,#footer-widgets .recent-posts-comments,#footer-widgets .widget-recent-posts-icons li .fa{color:#ffffff}#footer-widgets .footer-box a:hover,#footer-widgets a:hover{color:#1e73be}/* Footer Bottom CSS */#footer-bottom{background-color:#1aaaf2}/* WooCommerce CSS */.wcmenucart i{font-size:32px}.wcmenucart .owp-icon{width:32px;height:32px}#owp-checkout-timeline .timeline-step{color:#cccccc}#owp-checkout-timeline .timeline-step{border-color:#cccccc}.woocommerce .products .product-inner{padding:0}.woocommerce .products .product-inner{border-color:#ffffff}/* Typography CSS */body{font-size:20px;letter-spacing:1.7px}h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,.theme-heading,.widget-title,.oceanwp-widget-recent-posts-title,.comment-reply-title,.entry-title,.sidebar-box .widget-title{line-height:2.4;letter-spacing:3px}h2{line-height:1.9}h4{line-height:1.6;letter-spacing:1.5px}#site-logo{font-size:30px;line-height:2.6;letter-spacing:2px}#top-bar-content,#top-bar-social-alt{line-height:1.7}#site-navigation-wrap .dropdown-menu >li >a,#site-header.full_screen-header .fs-dropdown-menu >li >a, #site-navigation-wrap .dropdown-menu >li >a, #site-navigation-wrap .dropdown-menu >li >a,#site-header.medium-header #site-navigation-wrap .dropdown-menu >li >a,.oceanwp-mobile-menu-icon a{font-size:20px;letter-spacing:1.2px}.dropdown-menu ul li,#site-header.full_screen-header .fs-dropdown-menu ul.sub-menu li a{font-size:15px;line-height:1.7;letter-spacing:1.3px} .blog-entry-header .entry-title a{line-height:2;letter-spacing:1.1px}.single-post .entry-title{line-height:2;letter-spacing:1.1px}.sidebar-box .widget-title{line-height:1.2}#footer-widgets .footer-box .widget-title{font-size:15px;line-height:2;letter-spacing:1.9px}#footer-bottom #copyright{font-size:18px;line-height:1.5;letter-spacing:.6px}#footer-bottom #footer-bottom-menu{font-size:15px;line-height:1.2}.woocommerce div.product .product_title{line-height:2.2;letter-spacing:1.3px}.woocommerce div.product p.price{line-height:1.6}.woocommerce .owp-btn-normal .summary form button.button,.woocommerce .owp-btn-big .summary form button.button,.woocommerce .owp-btn-very-big .summary form button.button{font-size:16px;line-height:1.8}. When compared to other bulls and cows they have at least a 200-pound difference in weight, depicting their fierce size. They give birth to a single calf after a gestation period of 11.5 months. This species numbers are decreasing and it is currently classified as Near Threatened (NT) on the IUCN Red List. Unlike lions, they are not predators but prey. sightdoing On either side of the head are large, droopy ears covered with hair. The shape and size of the horns distinguish African forest buffalo from the other subspecies. and may charge as a unit when threatened, a tactic which ensures that predators WebDiet of the Buffalo Even though they can be quite vicious, these animals are herbivores and eat only plants. Every animal has a favorite pastime when they relax and do nothing else. Weight is not the only differentiation, however; this subspecies has a reddish-brown hide that is darker in the facial area. Some African buffalo populations, however, have been declining. Females exhibit some sort of "voting behavior". The gestation period is the time that pregnancy is carried out. There are male and female hierarchies in the group. These large mammals are successful in many different habitat types. In the grasslands, there are rivers. A Buffalo group is referred to as a herd. Natural predators of the African buffalo include African lions and Nile crocodiles. Lions sleep for 16 to 20 hours a day. The maternal bond between a mother and her offspring lasts longer than in most bovids. If youre minding your own business and staying far away from their calves then you should be fine. According to the IUCN Red List, the total population size of African buffalo is approximately 569,000-573,000 individuals. In size, they out-rival the Cape buffalo, but that doesnt necessarily mean theyre superior. When they reach about seven or eight years old, their bosses become hard. No, these animals do not make good pets. Recent phylogenetic studies indicate that lions shouldn't really be categorized as "African" and "Asian." Most adult lions are killed by humans or other lions, although some succumb to injuries sustained while hunting. Out of all the wonderful creatures, youre most likely to bump into the fierce African Cape buffalo, a buffalo unique to Ugandas animal kingdom. African forest buffalo have much smaller horns than their savanna counterparts the Cape, Sudan and Nile buffalo. > img#wpstats{display:none} A female will typically remain with her birth herd while the male will leave to join a new group. The different subspecies of these animals prefer different habitat types. Herds can split into two groups for a short period of time before merging back together. Most of their feeding takes place at night though may also occur during cool periods of the day. They can run at speeds of as much as 59.5km/h (37mph). There are four subspecies of the African buffalo. The typical home range of a savanna-type buffalo herd is from 126 to 1,075 km2. 2019. Countries in which the Central African subspecies is present include Chad and the Central African Republic. Pride composition differs between the two types of lions, too. There are male and female hierarchies in the group. The African buffalo is one of the most successful grazers in Africa. The wild population decreased in numbers approximately 43% from 1993 to 2014. It is estimated that around 200 people die every year from these animals, labeling them as one of the most dangerous creatures in Africa. Due to their abundant population, its legal to hunt Cape buffalo but its not free. African buffalo make various vocalizations. The water buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis ), also called the domestic water buffalo or Asian water buffalo, is a large bovid originating in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Afrikanischer Bffel, Kaffernbffel, Nyati, Mbogo. Many buffaloes die from diseases, the perennial draughts in the Savannah, predators such as lions and humans. In fact, it is claimed that water buffalo, unlike Cape buffalo, are more docile when it comes to humans. WebDiet: Grass. They communicate using vocalizations, head rubbing, licking, facial expressions, chemical marking, and visual marking. Each of these subspecies is unique in its own way, allowing us to see distinct differences in all of them. Join us as we share our experiences and the best attractions, animals, and foods from around the world. Africa boasts a multitude of buffalo subspecies, ranging from the iconic Cape Buffalo to the lesser known Nile Buffalo. Websignificant sex differences in diet. Keep in mind that there are four subspecies of African buffalo, giving them all unique characteristics. The Cape buffalo is found in southern and south eastern Africa. They devote a large portion of their time to grazing and feeding. When being aggressive, they make explosive grunts that may last long or turn into a rumbling growl. Were Bryan & Dena welcome to our site. Because of these threats, their populations overall are in decline. A buffalo herd responds to the distress call of a captured member and tries to rescue it. The African buffalo forms symbiotic relationships with birds such as the oxpecker. It can take an entire pride of lions to take down an adult buffalo, while crocodiles sometimes succeed in preying on old, solitary individuals. Related females and their young form the core of the herd. Subfamily: They will pick parasites such as lice, ticks or fleas off the body of the buffalo. Forest buffalo herds are much smaller in comparison, containing up to 20 individuals. The horns of males will meet on top of the forehead. Large crocodiles and packs of lions prey on adult buffalo; lions, hyenas and leopards attack young, old or sick buffalo. A strict dominance hierarchy exists within the herd. They remove fleas, lice, and other parasites from the skin of the buffaloes. WebAfrican-Americans typically choose foods such as fried chicken, barbecued ribs, baked macaroni and cheese, sugary fruit drinks, and sweets such as sweet potato pie, which are typical soul food meals. Cape buffalo can also be seen in areas such as the mopane grasslands or in forests of Africas major mountains. WebBoth sexes have horns, but those of males are are more robust and heavier. The gestation cycle lasts about 330 days (11 months). However, cats living in the two regions do display different appearances and behaviors. Overall, these buffalo outrank any other herd when youre looking at body size. The final subspecies (S. c. brachyceros) ranges the areas just south of the Saharan Desert to the range of the S. c. nanus subspecies above. or more. Their body shape is similar to a cow and they are the only cow like animal in Africa. Web25-29 yrs. The average Cape buffalo weighs anywhere from 425 kg to 875 kg (9351,910 pounds), making them extremely heavy and durable. Cape buffalo attacks are quite common amongst hunters in Uganda, giving them the term the big five. Buffaloes live in the vast open Savannah grasslands, with long grass. Lions are sexually mature at about three years of age, although males tend to be four or five years old before winning a challenge and joining a pride. In zoology, a graminivore (not to be confused with a granivore) is an herbivorous animal that feeds primarily on grass. African buffalo are very important grazers in their ecosystem. Main Predators: Lions, crocodiles. Retrieved from Males leave their mothers when they are two years old and join the bachelor groups. Occasionally they may eat insects, but this occurs very rarely. Diet. They weigh different sizes. They have a solid shield of horn that covers the skull where the horns emerge. [9] Consequently, their diet is primarily made up of grasses and other plants that grow in clearings and savannas. Large home ranges can be associated with less-productive habitats; however, a larger area of open grassland has been observed to have a positive relationship with herd size. The typical African Cape buffalo can live anywhere from 15 to 18 years of age, while captive buffalo can reach 30 years old. High ranking males and females, and subordinate males, form sub herds around the main herd. This is due to a multitude of reasons, the first being their defensive, aggressive character. 2020. Cape buffalo tend to thrive in areas such as swamps or floodplains due to the abundance of water. Syncerus caffer. in line with the forehead. Prey are threatened by increased commercialization of bushmeat and habitat loss. WebWhat Do Buffaloes Eat During Wet Season? After an hour of more shuffling, the females travel in the direction they decide. Males have a linear dominance hierarchy based on age and size. Males tolerate their cubs, but don't always defend them. Ill let you do the math on why they wouldnt make a good pet! Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "African Lion Facts: Habitat, Diet, Behavior." Due to their differing habitats, the diet between the two buffalo species differ. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon stores. Lions often lose their kills to hyenas and sometimes to crocodiles. into a known as a "boss". Diet Buffalo herds can have significant ecological impact on Like other members of the Bovidae family, when these animals eat their grassy diet, they regurgitate it later to chew a second time. The horns of the African forest buffalo are both smaller and straighter than those of the savanna subspecies. African buffalos are not generally found in the more arid areas of eastern and southwestern Africa. Compared with other large bovids, African buffalo have long but stocky bodies and short but thickset legs, resulting in a relatively short standing height. They instead spend most of their time in clearings, grazing on grasses and sedges. Weight is not the only differentiation, however; this subspecies has a reddish-brown hide that is darker in the facial area. BREEDING. The gestation period is 11 months, and one single calf is born. Being one of the "big five" African game, the African buffalo is known as "the Black Death" or "widowmaker", and is widely regarded as a very dangerous animal. WebThe African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is a large sub-Saharan African bovine. Newborn calves may be occasionally preyed on by cheetahs, leopards and spotted hyenas. Diet . The West African savanna buffalo is found in central and West African countries including Sudan, Ghana, Benin and Cameroon. The large body is covered with a sparse coat of dark brown fur. Overall, there is no predominant virus throughout the Cape buffalo population, securing their future. Dietary regime is the dominant driver of microbiome structure in wild African buffalo. Males will mate with many females throughout the breeding season. In the herd, you find both male and female. Buffaloes are predominantly herbivorous, feeding on grass species. When threatened by predators, they make drawn-out "waaaa" calls. When sparring, the bulls twist their horns from side to side. Moreover, in open habitats such as clearings, herds are more aggregated when resting and are more rounded in shape than herds in forest habitats during the wet season. They went extinct in Eswatini but have since been reintroduced there. You will find the buffaloes spending time wallowing in water and mud holes during such times. As with other cats, the male lion's penis has backward-pointing spines that stimulate the lioness to ovulate during mating. In these areas, African forest buffalo depend on the grass that is able to develop as a result of the areas that have been previously clear-cut. There are stable relationships between diet and microbiome in humans and lab animals. Its unpredictable temperament may have been part of the reason that the African buffalo has never been domesticated. Old bulls often have whitish circles around their eyes and on their face. A dominant bull in the herd/subherd closely guards a cow that is ready to mate and keeps other bulls at bay. Humans reduce their population through hunting both for trophies and meat. Webshow that buffalo have a relatively broad diet 44 plant species exceeding that of other grass-eating ruminants in thicket (e.g. WebThe Cape buffalo shares its territory in East Africa with S. c. aequinoctialis, while in the west roams S. c. brachyceros. However, it is the only subspecies that occurs mainly in the rainforests of central and western Africa with an annual rainfall around 1,500mm. Nocturnality is an animal behavior characterized by being active during the night and sleeping during the day. Other interesting African buffalo facts: On average, the African buffalo is active 18 hours per day. Reports say that it tastes like tougher beef, leaner than domesticated beef. To signal to the herd to change direction, leaders emit "gritty", and "creaking gate" sounds. Buffaloes give birth to one calf. If you have a fact to share please join us in the comments. The estimated total population is just under one million animals, although They live in herds of varying number, though some herds are incredibly large. Herds often contain individuals of different coloration. From a genetic standpoint, the main difference is that African lions have one infraorbital foramen (hole in the skull for nerves and blood vessels to the eyes), while Asian lions have a bifurcated infraorbital foramen. Matter of fact, they are the least of all species in Africa to become endangered due to their unique characteristics and survivability. Approximately seventy-five percent of the buffaloes live in protected areas while the rest roam in the world. The African buffalo is one of the most successful grazers in Africa. There are only 3 buffalo species in the world: Cape Buffalo and Water Buffalo (wild and domesticated). The calves develop more slowly than some other hoofed mammals, and the calves cannot run until they are a few weeks old. Come the mating season, the males rejoin the main herd, and remain to protect the herds calves. When you use our links, we may earn an affiliate commission. Factors that limit their age are environmental and genetic. No One Survives A Cape Buffalo Attack, written by Graham Curnin, describes the true event in which took place nearly a decade ago. Click the picture above for more details &to view free sample pages! The problem with the many rivers is that they must cross the rivers at sometime. Diet No matter where it roams, however, the buffalo is a particularly successful feeder, easily grazing its way through swamps, floodplains and mopane grasslands, and by so doing clearing the way for other grazers to follow. In this now famous video (Battle at Kruger), you can see the aggressive nature of Cape buffalo especially when in a herd. Countries in which the African forest buffalo subspecies is present include the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo, and Gabon. The dominant males stay close to and guard the females that are in estrus (ready to mate). Fact Number 1: Where African Buffaloes Live. woodlands, and rainforest. IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group. Forest-type buffaloes are 30-40% smaller, reddish-brown in color, with much more hair growth around the ears and with horns that curve back and slightly up. Subtle threats that are arising are Global Warming and extreme poaching. Where Do Cape Buffalo Exactly Live in Africa? A calf is fully dependent on its mother and will suckle milk for up to 1 year. The white coat is caused by a double recessive allele. 2020. 4. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0; additional terms may apply. Although the area included in a home range is relatively constant over time, the preferences in regard to what part of the range is most used shift with the seasons. The lion is the only cat with different appearances for males and females. When feeding, the buffalo makes use of its tongue and wide incisor row to eat grass more quickly than most other African herbivores. How Long Does a Cape Calf Stay With its Mother? Across the savannahs of Africa, millions of stomachs are busy converting plant tissue into animal flesh. However, when a new calf is born, the bonding ends and the mother keeps her previous offspring at bay with horn jabs. Prey items in Africa (Wilson and Mittermeier 2009, throughout) Large variety of prey. Once ranging widely in sub-Saharan Africa, the The African buffalo is not an ancestor of domestic cattle and is only distantly related to other larger bovines. this species is in decline over most of its range. 1 ). 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african buffalo diet