Many People intake stinging nettle herb directly by mouth for colic, convulsions, cough or diabetes or painful urination or even for stimulating menstrual flow sometimes for fever also many kinds of liver disease, it is also useful for clearing constipation for smooth vaginal discharge during pregnancy this is also a great herb to consume also there are results that malarial fever can be cured fully, and … There are two recipe options: You can take the tincture internally three times a day or externally to rub the skin and joints. Fresh nettle juice is used to relieve itching from insect bites. The recipe looks like this: Sweet syrup is taken 10 ml up to four times a day until the condition improves. Stinging nettle is a popular home remedy for arthritis, seasonal allergies, and many other conditions. Herbal raw materials help to eliminate bacterial processes and promote the elimination of phlegm. Nettle is diuretic and can help relieve swelling. However, are there any nettle tea side effects? It is not recommended to use the medicinal properties of the herb: An individual allergy is a strict contraindication to the use of the medicinal properties of nettle. Nettle: (Urtica dioica) Their leaves are rich in iron. It is not known whether nettle will harm an unborn baby. When used correctly, the plant: Decoctions and infusions based on the plant have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and help to prolong youth. The dried herb makes a nourishing herbal infusion that packs more energy per cup than any stimulant, and without the downside of caffeine or stimulating herbs like cayenne and ginger. In herbal medicine they are used as an adrenal tonic for people who are burnt-out, run down, fatigued and low in energy, zest for life and libido. The medicinal properties of nettle are recognized by official medicine. Infusion. Its medicinal properties are used in the form of decoctions and lotions for acne, acne, rosacea and irritation, early wrinkles. To quickly repair damaged skin, you can use the healing properties of nettle stem, root or leaf powder. Nettle seed is also a thyroid stimulant (Holmes). The healing properties of nettle are very diverse. normalizes metabolism and accelerates bowel function; improves cardiac and respiratory activity; to increase the elasticity of the vascular walls; with delayed production of gastric juice; with pain in the intestines and increased gas production; Broth for internal use. L-Citrulline 30mg. Learn about the benefits, side effects, and research around stinging nettle here. BBC Good Food online webinarsExpand your cooking skills with our online masterclasses. The rhizomes of the plant are present in the composition of anticancer drugs, as well as in ointments for treating wounds and burns. It is necessary to warm up four large spoons of dry raw materials on fire for no longer than ten minutes, and then insist for another half hour. The crushed leaves are used to make homemade ointments and balms. The plant can be found in store-bought lotions, tonics and masks. In pharmacies you can buy: Nettle extracts are alcoholic and aqueous, Tea in filter bags can be brewed as usual directly in the cup, Seeds and dry nettle roots are often used to make hair rinses. The juice is purported to stimulate hair growth when applied to the scalp. The drug is done like this: You need to drink half a glass twice a day on an empty stomach. The healing properties of nettle help with chronic pancreatitis. Natural stimulant. The healing properties of a collection of several medicinal herbs help well against colitis. Also widely known shampoo "Nettle", designed to treat problem and weakened curls. Who couldn’t benefit from more energy? She finds the fresh seeds strongly stimulant, and … For women, it is recommended to use nettle for skin care and curls, for weight loss and relieve PMS symptoms. The benefits of nettle for the body are actively used by the pharmaceutical industry. Nettle tea is widely used due to the large range of benefits that it provides. On the basis of nettle, you can also prepare an alcoholic tincture with medicinal properties. For medicinal purposes, a decoction from the roots of the plant is used. Excessive heat treatment negatively affects the composition of the plant and leads to a decrease in medicinal properties. The dosage of the infusion depends on the specific recipe, usually 100 ml of the product is used up to three times a day. Nettle is able to regulate stomach acidity and intestinal peristalsis. Vitamin B12 10mcg. Tiredness and fatigue form causes such as anaemia, adrenal burnout, cardiovascular issues and general exhaustion can benefit from nettle … For therapy, you can prepare the following infusion: The infusion should be consumed 50 ml up to three times a day. Nettle (or stinging nettle) is a plant also known as Bichu, Feuille d'Ortie, Graine d'Ortie, Grande Ortie, Ortie, Ortiga, Urtica, and other names. In addition to seeds, stinging nettle grows and spreads by stolons forming a network of yellow, lateral creeping rhizomes. Useful properties of seeds and roots. They drink it in a small spoon up to five times a day, diluting it in 50 ml of pure water. Improve thyroid function, reduce goitre (15). You can also wipe the affected skin with juice to relieve inflammation. You can even use environmentally friendly raw materials for adding to culinary dishes. Nettle is also rich in vitamin C, which naturally aids in the iron absorption. With prostatitis and a decrease in potency in men, nettle infusion is beneficial - a large spoonful of raw materials is brewed with 1 liter of water. The cleansing and decongestant properties of nettle help you shed excess pounds faster. Dry raw materials are ground with a mortar or ground in a coffee grinder. Herbal raw materials are part of domestic and foreign medicines. Dry nettle leaves are crushed in the volume of a large spoon, poured in 300 ml of water and heated over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Fresh juice from stalks and leaves of nettle is used to stimulate digestion and in the treatment of kidney and pancreatic diseases. However, taking nettle during pregnancy may stimulate uterine contractions and … The medicinal properties of the plant increase potency and relieve inflammation of the urogenital area. You can get a cheery mood and energy boost from nettle leaf and particularly from raw dried nettle seed (technically fruits and seeds), rubbed through a sieve to remove the irritating hairs. Although known for its stinging properties, the nettle plant has been used in traditional medicine as a diuretic, antispasmodic, and expectorant, as well as in the treatment of asthma. In the kitchen, it is used along with other herbs, often in combination with sorrel. Nettle is used to stop bleeding, inflammation and cough, gastritis and pancreatitis. Stories of nettle seed helping people off kidney dialysis are real. You can also use the product for microclysters and lotions. It is not customary to boil nettles for more than 20 minutes. On the basis of the leaves, stems and roots of the herb, decoctions and infusions, alcohol products are prepared. If you need to prepare a medicine for external and internal use as soon as possible, you can simply pour a large spoonful of dried nettle with a glass of boiling water. Stinging nettle leaf has a long history of use. The medicinal properties of decoctions and infusions of the plant help with heavy menstruation and hot flashes during menopause. They’re anti-inflammatory, which on its own makes this a … Your email address will not be published. Some people experiment with nettle seed for recreation but I advise against exceeding this amount. May Support Natural Energy Levels – If you’re trying to kick coffee, or at least cut back on caffeine, … The infusion is allowed to be added to sitz baths and taken in the evenings on a daily basis. Dried immature seed, when taken (chewed well, or ground) orally, promotes a sense of clarity, wellness, heightened energy levels, reduced stress and seemingly increased lung capacity. They do it like this: The broth is infused under the lid for another hour, after which it is filtered. Fenugreek 275mg. Parts Used -The mature seed pods Active Constituents - Nettle is a good source of vitamins A, C and E as well as B1, B2, B3 and B5. If you’re trying to kick coffee, or at least cut back on caffeine, stinging nettle seeds could be the answer. To obtain it, you need to grind several fresh washed leaves of the plant and push the gruel through cheesecloth. Folklore and History: This article on nettle seed by Monica Wilde of Napiers in Edinburgh is very informative. It is also rich in protein, calcium, iron, folate, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, selenium and zinc. The healing properties of nettle are good for hemorrhoids. Urtica dioica - Nettle Root. Supplements Facts: Vitamin D 200mg. The drug is kept under the lid for 40 minutes. Therefore nettle's rich iron content has made this herb an invaluable remedy in every household's medicine cabinet. In addition, it can be used externally, for wipes and lotions for skin diseases and injuries. Nettle is very common in folk recipes for health promotion. You can take 1 to 2 tablespoons a day. a large spoonful of dry raw materials is poured into 300 ml of water; cool the product and filter through cheesecloth. The crushed raw materials in a glass vessel are poured with vodka to the top and removed in a dark place for a week, and then filtered. Nettle seeds are indicated in case of kidney Qi vacuum and depletion of the essence that manifest with lethargy, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, confused thinking, low libido, etc. It thickens the blood, and excessive consumption increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disorders. You need to drink the broth three times a day, 100 ml. It is squeezed from young leaves and taken 15 ml every day until the condition improves. Nettle seeds are adaptogens. Used with some success for goitre (swelling of thyroid gland); and weight/obesity problems (8). Anti-inflammatory/histamine: Nettle works in two ways as anti-inflammatory. Infusion of nettle helps with constipation, as it has a laxative effect. Hence, parsley is likely to cause very few problems as compared to … The seeds of the plant are high in linoleic acid and flavonoids. It is recommended to use the medicinal properties of the drug without interruption for no longer than ten days, so as not to harm health. If you have a nettle patch near you, harvest the seeds in late fall and sprinkle them generously on your salads. Nettle juice has a good effect on salt deposits. The dried seeds are excellent for adrenal burnout and adrenal fatigue as well as restoring function to failing kidneys. Nettle seed is used therapeutically both as freshly picked seed and as fresh nettle seed tincture. Nettle also acts as mild astringent in the urinary tract, which is strengthening to tissue. Their medicinal properties can be used to improve potency, stop bleeding and increase overall tone. Directions. It stimulates the nervous system (ANS), improving mood and heightening sensory perception, attention span, vigilance and intuition. Prepare it like this: Add 15 g of honey to the finished product. Stinging nettle is protected by needle-like projections that easily inject irritating substances into the skin. Serotonin is mainly found in the gut and it also acts on the nervous system (CNS). Panax Ginseng 25mg. For a cold cough and bronchitis, a simple syrup can be prepared from the stalks and leaves of nettle. Nettle seeds are a tonic to stimulate bodily functions in conditions of exhaustion, stress or convalescence from illness (7). With gastritis, sluggish digestion and pain, it is taken in the form of an infusion. This article will enlighten you further about this tea and its side effects. The choleretic medicinal properties of nettle are beneficial for cholecystitis. The tool will speed up the metabolic processes and contribute to the removal of toxins. ar | az | bg | bn | ca | cs | da | de | el | es | et | ga | fa | fi | fr | hi | hr | hu | hy | id | is | it | iw | ja | ka | ko | kk | ky | lo | lt | lv | ms | mr | nl | no | pl | pt | ro | sk | sl | sq | sr | sv | ta | te | tg | th | tl | tr | uk | ur | uz | vi, The value and chemical composition of nettles, How to brew nettles for drinking and more, With diseases of the genitourinary system, With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, For the healing of burns, wounds and frostbite, Limitations and contraindications for use, Reviews on the use of nettle for medicinal purposes, Lobelia ampelous Sapphire: photo and description, How to smoke cold smoked mackerel in a smokehouse, Pruning action: in spring, after flowering, in autumn, Potatoes with champignons and sour cream: in the oven, in a pan, stewed, fried, Low Perennial Blend Flower Cocktail: What's Included, The recipe for fried cucumbers from Pugacheva with a photo, Boletus beautiful-legged: description and photo, Spaghetti with oyster mushrooms: cooking recipes, Paw diseases in chickens and their treatment, Hosta Francis Williams (Frans Williams): photo and description of the variety, Zucchini caviar with mushrooms: a recipe for the winter, Self-pollinated honeysuckle varieties: pollinators, at what distance to plant, Perennial garden chrysanthemums: varieties + photos, Scab on gooseberries: how to deal with folk methods and chemicals, Tomato Golden Heart: reviews, photos, who planted. For furunculosis, abscesses, acne and acne, fresh juice of a medicinal plant is useful. The benefits and harms of nettle are ambiguous, like any plant. You can use the healing properties of nettle decoction with weakened curls. The well-known plant is used to treat a wide variety of ailments. Siberian Ginseng Root 25mg. The laxative and choleretic drug Allochol, consisting of a plant extract with animal bile and garlic, is very popular. The plant is added to medicinal baths, decoction-based lotions and compresses are made. Healing nettle decoction helps to restore and cleanse the liver. Nettle salad has a pleasant, slightly sour taste. Be careful too, if you boil fresh nettle fruit/seed in a ratio of 1:12 (eg 50 grams fruit/seed to 600 ml of water), a large wineglassful (250ml) may keep you wide awake for 12-36 hours! The herb is widely used in medicine and cosmetology, has valuable nutritional qualities. Also, once a day, you can take 15 ml of fresh juice from the leaves. The medicinal properties of plant materials help to strengthen the immune system and protect the vessels and heart from ailments, get rid of excess weight and improve digestion. Tincture of nettle seed (Urtica dioica semen) 1:2 35%. The beneficial substances in their composition contribute to the production of interferon and provide protection against viruses. The medicinal properties of the plant are due to the high content of vitamins. Nettle is highly valued due to its rich chemical composition. The recipe looks like this: You need to drink the infusion for 1/3 cup three times a day on an empty stomach. A skin and hair care product is also prepared from the foliage of the plant. Zinc 15mg. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is a common weed throughout much of the world. In all cases, for the preparation of medicinal compositions, traditional medicine advises taking young leaves and stems, their medicinal properties are above all. You can take 1 to 2 tablespoons a day. Do it as follows: Then the product is filtered and drunk warm, 250 ml just once a day. You need to take the product up to four times a day before meals, 50 ml. Caution. Male Libido Booster Stimulant - TestoBooster T-855 - Stinging Nettle Seeds 1B. The skin is treated with infusions and decoctions, nettle tea is used for gout, nervous disorders and colds. Cool the finished product, filter and add 200 ml of liquid. Nettle roots must be harvested in the fall, when they have time to accumulate a maximum of valuable substances. With nettle infusion, you can regularly wash the curls so that they acquire a pleasant shine, silky structure and volume. Decoction for external use. Serotonin in nettle spines causes pain when you pick them! Young nettle can significantly improve the condition of problem skin. Nettle has diuretic properties and improves kidney function. Its abundance in many seeds and fruits may be to stimulate the gut to expel the seeds, and it can cause diarrhoea in quantity. The filtered product is drunk three times a day, 100 ml each. Benzodiazepines for example act as analgesics through their action of enhancing acetylcholine release. two large tablespoons of dry leaves are crushed; finely chop a large spoonful of raw materials; a large spoonful of raw materials is poured into 200 ml of boiling water; 10 g of dry raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water; stand under the lid for about half an hour; two large tablespoons of dry leaves pour 500 ml of water; boil after boiling over low heat for five minutes; two large spoons of raw materials are finely chopped; mix 50 g of nettle leaves with an equal amount of pharmacy chamomile; add 50 g each of dried blueberries and peppermint; measure three large spoons of raw materials and pour 750 ml of boiling water; a large spoonful of leaves is poured with a glass of hot water; 30 g of dry leaves are poured with 200 ml of boiling water; 30 g of finely chopped leaves are poured with 300 ml of boiling water; liquid nettle extract - for external and internal use; with varicose veins and a tendency to thrombosis. According to Kiva Rose, nettle seeds also improve mental function, emotional wellness, and energy level. It has been approved in Germany for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The infusion on the leaves is prepared as follows: It is necessary to consume the infusion 50 ml three times a day. In Herbalism Medical herbalists use nettle seeds for a variety of conditions. They are known to a nourishing stimulant, so will perk you up without giving you the crash found with caffeine products. It is beneficial for men to take nettle-based products to improve the functioning of the reproductive system. You can drink nettle for 30 days in a row, but not more. Medicinal infusions and decoctions of the plant are used for compresses and lotions. Useful properties of nettle for the human body are used: You can use the healing properties of nettle for respiratory ailments - bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis. Some people experiment with nettle seed for … Urtica Dioica Common names: Nettle, Stinging Nettle. The resulting powder is diluted with water until a slurry is obtained and sore spots are treated up to three times a day. Nettle infusion improves the production of enzymes by the pancreas. a bleeding or blood clotting disorder (some parts of the nettle plant contain large amounts of vitamin K, which affects blood-clotting). You can take 1 to 2 tablespoons a day. A small spoonful of honey can be diluted in the broth to improve the taste. Raw materials are collected exclusively in clean places with good ecology. The healing properties of nettle is an interesting topic for connoisseurs of folk health recipes. On the roots. Nettle seed also tastes delicious toasted and can be used instead of poppy seed in crackers, bread and sprinkled with chopped nuts into salads. On a diet, you can use the following infusion: You need to take a drink in a small spoon four times a day. The herbal remedy strengthens the hair follicles, eliminates dandruff and helps to normalize the oiliness of the scalp. So enjoy and remember to wear gloves when you pick them! Acetylcholine is the most abundant neurotransmitter in our brains. Nettle leaves contain a high amount of B vitamins and ascorbic acid, as well as chlorophyll. Before use, the product can be diluted 1: 1 with clean liquid. Nettle roots have a mild laxative and choleretic effect; they are used for constipation and liver ailments. Chew 5-20 grams of fresh green nettle seed well, as a refreshing stimulant. Fresh herbs can be added to salads and soups, and the dried plant is used as a seasoning for first and second courses. Urtica dioica semen, organic grain alcohol. Overview - Stinging Nettle’s has a remarkable ability to rebuild and restore. It favour the biliary function – Caffeic, linoleic and oleic acids take an active part protecting the liver- Increasing the secretions, it contributes to peristaltism, which eases digestion by helping the stomach. Extracts of the leaves have been used topically for the treatment of rheumatic disorders. Nettle seed is used therapeutically both as freshly picked seed and as fresh nettle seed tincture. Incidentally, the prescence of acetylcholine in nettle venom may well explain the reason behind the ancient practice of urtification (being whipped with nettles for pain relief)! With reduced hemoglobin and anemia, the medicinal properties of a decoction of young nettle are used. CAREFUL NOW. If you wish to keep your skin radiant and flawless, nettle tea is what you need. In manufacturing, stinging nettle extract is used as an ingredient in hair and skin products. Acetylcholine disruption may be a primary cause of depression and possibly Alzheimer’s and muscle degeneration. Family: Urticaceae Parts used: Seeds, harvested when ripe but still green Habitat: Native to temperate zones such as Britain, Northern Europe and Asia. A single dosage of nettle tincture should not exceed 5 ml. To lose weight faster, you need to combine the intake of nettle with a healthy diet and exercise. Take the remedy three times a day in a small spoon. It is still used today as a wonderful blood builder and circulatory stimulant. Vitamin B6 10.5mg. Basically, traditional medicine uses water based nettle-based remedies: Before processing, the nettle leaves are washed from dust and scalded with boiling water. Young nettles are high in ascorbic acid, carotene, antioxidants and acids, and they also taste good. Nettle helps with increased intestinal gas. Nettle is a good digestive tract stimulant and a good anti-diarrheic. Take a decoction of 30 ml three times a day on an empty stomach. Nettle Leaf 30mg. The herb can be found in preparations for stopping gastrointestinal, hemorrhoidal and pulmonary bleeding. The ‘feel-good’ factor from eating raw dried nettle fruits/seeds is caused by the neurotransmitters acetylcholine nd serotonin, with choline and histamine also found in uncooked nettle venom. Its main functions include regulation of mood, appetite, and sleep, and it influences memory and learning. In total, treatment with nettle continues for ten days. It also contains alpha and beta hydroxysitosterols, appreciable amounts of quercetin and rutin. Anything that increases the presence of acetylcholine in the synaptic space is found to produce analgesia (pain relief). The healing properties of fresh and dry nettle are widely used in medicine, pharmaceutical industry and cosmetology. The anti-inflammatory and revitalizing properties of nettle are beneficial for rheumatism, arthritis, bruises and sprains. Nettle roots have a mild laxative and choleretic effect; they are used for constipation and liver ailments. Tribulus Terrestris 200mg. One of nature's top nutritive herbs and vitamin-mineral rich plant-based supplements, nettles are available, FREE for the taking, in many forests, foothills and coastal locations worldwide.. Used locally and internally according to Kiva Rose, nettle tea, Know about its effects! Nettles for more than 20 minutes to lose weight faster, you can even use environmentally friendly raw are... Drink the infusion for 1/3 cup three times a day also acts on the leaves nettle inside is mellitus! To grind several fresh washed leaves of nettle are recognized by official medicine the will... About its side effects in 100 ml: you need to drink the infusion for 1/3 cup three a... Herb can be used continuously for a cold cough and bronchitis, a simple syrup can be used continuously a. 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