(Suggested by multiple comments), Twisted Wonderland - not in English, but it's an otome rhythm gacha starring husbandos based off of villains from Disney! The men are very big and a couple of them are plus size. Turn-based. There's a similar genre called yaoi but it's made for straight women and the guys are usually bishounen. FGO Husbando Wars (Poll) || Round 8: Miscellaneous || Open Round 8: Best Boy (Extra Classes) Husbando Wars Round 1 - Arthur Pendragon (Previous… 12/23/2020 - 14:40 I got pretty lucky and pulled a nat 5 dude, but it was Thanatos sadly. JP only for now. Create a Tier List for Anything. I'm gay and all for representation, but it seems weirdly specific to base a game around queerness. Delete Row Clear Row Images. He’s easily S+ tier in a conventional sense AND a more niche sense. I think they stopped updating it, but the Gacha Gamer website is a good resource), Ensemble Stars, Idolmaster SideM, Stand My Heroes, Akasasu Sekai de Kimi to Utau, 100 Sleeping Princes, Take of Food, Mukan Shu, Journey Within Half the World - none of these are in English unfortunately, Touken Ranbu - sword boys but only in Japanese. There's a couple you'll get eventually from the friendship point summon. Hijikata(my only 5 star sadly lol), Hans Christian Andersan(discount Merlin boy), Asterios, Ozymanidas, Gilgamesh, Cú Chulainn(not the ugly caster version tho), Emiya, Tawara Touta, David, Iskandar, Astolfo, Arjuna. The best IMO is definitely Tokyo Afterschool Summoners AKA Housamo if you like bara husbandos. Supernatural otome game with gameplay similar to A3! The best Smash Bros players I know are women. Be excellent and respectful to each other. I did not know and did not mean it that way. It's turn-based. There are some women but it's like 90% men. Based on the old console RPG series. Made by some of the same people who created Chrono Trigger. Decrease ATK for all enemies for (3 turns). Nice art. Turn-based gacha from the "Tales of" series, Chibi Tower defense gacha. Still very P2W from what I heard, but it just came out on Steam which is nice. This article also only includes only the available servants. Old Hack n Slash. Link: https://tiermaker.com/create/fate-servants-tier-list-209364#fate #tierlist #anime By giving 3 stars Craft Essence which players of FGO doesn't want at all. S Tier - This is also where I put most of the popular gachas with good waifu:husbando ratios, A Tier - decent games with a healthy amount of husbando, B Tier - few husbandos and/or the game is inadequate(imo) in too many other aspects, F Tier - (This is a joke tier. Kinda died down after the devs did some shady things. I know about silhouette mode, but I like a challenge! You can build whoever you want. I wish it would go away. does anyone actually like the gameplay of doing nothing?? There's only like 3 darker skin characters but that's every gacha game unfortunately. Gaydorado - it's marketed as a social RPG for the LGBT community, but like Tokyo Afterschool Summoners and GYEE, it's pretty much only gay men. I played for a couple of months but got burnt out. Interesting game I don't see being talked about a lot. Very P2W Strategy game. Lots of husbandos to choose from with their own routes too. It's still overwhelmingly waifu-centered though. You'll be using Milk, Black Tea, and Tom Yum which you get for free at the beginning for the first 90% of the game. 22 votes, 73 comments. Thus, any later patch may include buffs/nerfs for particular servants. THE Waifu (OVER 1500 Labeled Best Girl Choices) Part 2 J-R. FGO Girls Tier. However, it is made by KLAB who also made Bleach Brave Souls, Love Live, and UtaPri which are all good games so this one is probably good too. Has some husbandos, despite the name. It's Pokemon so I'm biased. Do the list yourself too! It seems to be pretty hit or miss for most people. Old turn-based gacha. One more thing: I noticed that husbando gacha games like A3!, Obey Me, and Mr Love have super shallow gameplay, while waifu gacha games like AL and GFL have deeper gameplay and don't focus as much on the romance aspect. It's mostly twinks and bishounen but there is surprisingly a lot of boys with the occasional bara in there. Hack n Slash. I only saw 3 husbandos, and one of them was 9S from the Nier collab lol. It's got some nice husbandos though. Basically Bandori but with all dudes instead. Also made by Netmarble. bishounen - a Japanese word used to describe pretty anime boys that are usually somewhat androgynous/a little feminine, while shounen is a genre of manga targeted at boys like Naruto or My Hero Academia. And for those looking for that same appeal in a husbando, im not sure what new servants or costumes are upcoming, but we do already have count dantes. For fans and players of all sorts of gacha games. Notoriously grindy. Very grindy with bad rates. Ulala: Idle Adventure - There's only one husbando and it's the MC. Hack N Slash based off an old MMORPG with the same name that got shut down. They always feel every p2w or shallow. I started playing it for the husbandos but the story is actually pretty good and fun. It's sort of an unwritten rule, but if a gacha game's MC is viable, the game itself is usually pretty good. It usually features romance between muscular men and it's also used as an adjective to describe them. To make the comparison fair the tier list assumes 4 and 5 star gacha characters are at np1, as well as Angra Manyu, while 1-3 star servants (including story locked 3 stars) and welfare servants are np5 (this does not apply to the star specific rankings) FGO User ID: 055,832,829 For example, instead of Romeo and Juliet they had Romeo and Julius lol. Another FF game. Also why'd you use a translator for GBF? The FGO tier list is nothing but the ranking of characters based on their overall performance. It's single player only, but still needs wifi. Also this is important if you care about the story: the infection in the story does NOT cause people to become furries. I only put a few of the ones I know because I wanted this list to focus on English gachas. Thank you so much for posting this so quick. Hack n Slash. Turn-based. Arjuna Alter is quickly blowing up as the most popular servant in FGO, the Alters are really something. Similar to Summoner's War but newer, shinier and more anime. I want more husbando gacha games to have deeper gameplay! I like drawing symbols to attack. Add a Row Above Add a Row Below Someone called it a poor man's Another Eden, but their only similarities is their overworlds and the fact that they're both gachas imo. It's not fully translated but it's still playable. FGO Husbando Wars (Poll) || Round 7: Buff Daddies || Open Round 7: Best Boy (Florida Man Edition) Husbando Wars Round 1 - Arthur Pendragon … 12/21/2020 - 23:30 EDIT: I fixed some things, removed shut down games, and added new releases. I also dropped A3 because the gameplay wasn't engaging enough for me and the character designs wasn't clicking to me but the stories are alright, I guess most ppl really plays it for the story. There's 12 slots in a party so you're bound to fit at least one husbando in there haha. (Thanatos is pretty good and I love him, but like... look at him and read his dialogue) Only about 6 guys are meta. See other people's comments for more. It's about running an acting company. Plus he's the best and most versatile character. Based off of the old console games with the same name. In the beginning, they had more banners with male units, but I guess they stopped. You probably wouldn't be able to tell by looking, but there are some husbandos hidden in here lol. It's nice to see body diversity. husbando - an attractive male character that's usually in anime style. There's some controversy surrounding it because of things like the paid step up banner. And the hottest for me is a Arabic men who is confused about what love is, so he fall in love with everyone even men. You can borrow your friend's units, but that's about as far as the social aspect goes. I quit because I didn't pull any SSR husbandos or an SSR in general(even though you don't need any SSR's), but the MC Seimei, while not a unit, is a husbando himself and you also get Hiromasa from the story. Like, I thought Kamikui was a pretty femboy but he has a scary mouth in the back of his hair. Too little, too late though. There's guilds and stuff, but I only paid attention to events and the main story and got by just fine. A Yorokobe-type Noble Phantasm that makes all the FGO players suffer from Gacha hell. Sorry. Not a lot of characters, but most of the ones they do have, including the husbandos, are viable. waifu - the female counterpart to husbando. Fighting Game Girls. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Tokyo Afterschool Summoners (aka Housamo). I'm surprised it's not dead. Love Nikki - it's a dress up game where you mainly dress up girls, but you can dress up guys. Turn-Based. This one is also more of a visual novel as well. Based off an old manga with the same name. Another gacha based off the Final Fantasy series. Everyone dropped it as soon as costumegate happened where they released p2w costumes, but I don't think it's that bad. The cast is mostly skimpy bara men with some bara furries thrown in there. old - "Old" for a gacha game is usually around 4+ years old. If an anime has multiple gacha games, I'll probably only be putting the one I'm most familiar with on the list. agreed, though since Asclepius, Salieri and Bedivere are story-locked, and Izou and Mori are limited, I think they aren't the best examples here lol. Turn-based and based on the anime. Even though he isn't the type that you want for husbando material, he can get the job done without much problem, if you aren't sceptical with his looks that is. Fortunately they give them out for free in login rewards. 10/10. Strategy. Netmarble made it so I'd be wary. With considerable amount of top tier waifu in this game, when it comes to personal opinion which servant do you guys think people whale after for Waifu/Husbando Purposes both in JP an NA Server? One of the reasons why I dropped a3 was how boring it was. Not really a fan of soccer or sports anime/manga but it seems to be all guys. It's a Com2Us game and they don't exactly have the best reputation. I'd rather play Venus Eleven even if they only have waifus. Majority waifus. I can’t believe you said that Arash isn’t a typical husbando. Pretty old. GBF seems very good but I had problems to even start playing it, most of the reroll guides I found were outdated and I had difficult making a new account for some reason, even using a translator + emulator. Made by the same people who made Girls Frontline so the quality is high and it's f2p friendly. Mostly single player RPG. Based off the fighting video game series. Browser game. Here are some of our favorite Gilgamesh merchandise if you would call him your husbando. There are ones I have definitely played more than others so expect more text on the ones that I have played. Turn-based. However you can pretty much go through the game without touching the gacha. (This isn’t even counting Hector, Amadeus, Chen Gong, Sanson, Leonidas, Shakespeare, Bartholomew, Arash, and Jason, who while not typical husbados do have their fandoms and appeals)! Turn-based. There's even a page on male units in the wiki. Ok so 80% of this game is pixelated and most of the units are waifus, but I'm putting it on here because I enjoyed it so much. What Order Should You Watch All the Fate Anime Series. Fell in love with his design the moment I saw him. It's in English. THE Waifu (OVER 1500 Labeled Best Girl Choices) Part 3 S-Z. The gacha is in the bar btw. STILL no autobattle or Facebook link/login function for global. Also check out r/MMORPG, r/otomegames, r/gaymers, and r/visualnovels. Also ahhh I'm kicking myself for not adding Charle and Morris and I'm pretty sure Morris is in love with Charle as well. Very grindy, but f2p friendly. However, can also be used to describe just any skinny guy. Also I'm writing this as a "gaymer" in America so keep that in mind too. Huge open world gacha similar to Zelda Breath of the Wild. Real Time. Pretty big in Japan. It's just that popular. Naveed is great! Even they have one lol. There's also a gacha for pets. The Fate series has grown in popularity over more than 15 years. They always have some sort of visual novel element or are just straight up visual novels. Fate/Grand Order Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. Everyone is viable for the most part but characters that have the same weapon type play identical to each other pretty much. I will not be putting in games like Brave Frontier or AFK Arena or Mario Kart Tour because their art style is too pixel-y or not "husbando-y" enough. It is also not talked about a lot but the discord is pretty active. Plus, they're western gachas and western gachas usually aren't as good. The art style isn't very husbando-y but the cast is mostly male and it's worth putting on here just for Zoro. So genshin will DEFINITELY take a bite out of fgo simply because FGO much less the entire market isn’t getting new customers. :(, Hardly any boys. Also the angels and the dragon knights are gay and you can't change my mind. A Netmarble game. Has a cool comic book art style similar to Persona and idle gameplay similar to AFK Arena. twink - gay slang used to describe skinny young hairless gay men. Turn-based. It is disappointing how the ones that are geared towards girls have the most boring, shallow gameplay. New World Disorder Columbus (Every unit has a super long name like this lol). The skills are so flashy that it becomes an inconvenience, but combat is fun. The global release is coming out sometime in the middle of this year. How could I forget??? (Thanks u/finiteWitch), Argonavis - the actual male version of Bandori which is a rhythm waifu game! Depending on the game, they can be viable. That being said, the story is pretty good and you can pretty much use whoever you want and they give you husbandos for free from the story. 209k members in the grandorder community. Plus this is based off the current knowledge I have of these characters. Yokai Kitchen - Again, the English version is only for SEA, but I'm so mad. For the 4 , see Katsushika Hokusai (Saber). FGO Husbando Wars (Poll) || Round 7: Buff Daddies || Open Round 7: Best Boy (Florida Man Edition) Husbando Wars Round 1 - Arthur Pendragon … 12/21/2020 - 23:30 MC - main character. The fact that the S+ tiers are games that i dislike... why most husbando games are like that? Puzzle RPG. Which is why I still have A3 and Obey Me. One-of-a-kind warrior boasting near impregnable defense. I just downloaded it but I saw that one of the villains is a cute boy so that's cool. However, it's probably better to invest in someone else unless you really like him. Everyone is viable because the gacha is for gear. You could grind all day if you wanted to since stamina potions are abundant. Gacha is for customization options like in Love Nikki. Otogi: Spirit Agents - Real Time spiritual successor to Ayakashi Ghost Guild. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Basically, if you don’t get your waifu/husbando to level 100, you are a bad person and you should feel bad. Old and powercrept turn-based game based off of the sport. I grew up watching Dragon Ball, but I've actually never really been that attracted to any of the characters. ), Victor, Rex, Curran, Heinwald, Hawk, Jakob, Gauld(thanks. Also if I remembered correctly, there's a love triangle between 3 of the husbandos lol, Pang(free tiger daddy you get at the beginning), Ned, Nigel, Charle, Morris, Old but gold. Everyone is viable. It's kinda hard to describe the gameplay and you sorta have to see it for yourself, but basically there's a grid and you put your units on there, set the order, then watch them attack automatically. In this FGO Tier list, we have ranked the characters based on the average Death rate, Star absorption, Star Generation and other parameters. A tier list is a ranking system that allows you to rank anything in tiers from the best to worst. Also, we’ll be updating this as much as we can as more servants come out. Hooray for age diversity and daddies! Made by Gumi which is another company that has a reputation for being greedy. FGO male servants needs a ranking list too! He's not very good and needs the gear to shine, but you can use him. It also has 2 femboy characters. Might be a little too pixelated, but it's got some good husbandos. They sell surprise tickets sometimes so you can buy whoever you want. No Ash Ketchum though. Hopefully. At least UtaPri is a good rhythm game, but as someone that knows the otome it's based off of, I was sad by how boring the story and guys were. However, I didn't touch the gacha that much and got by just fine. Very generous from what I remember. They're both made by Ambition who also made Dream Girlfriend. Based on the anime. However, the gacha isn't really a big part of it because everyone is viable for the most part. I've been waiting for a North American server for over a year and I was excited because I heard it's basically a more polished version of Food Fantasy. Welcome to /r/grandorder, the central hub for Fate/Grand Order and all things … VIP system. EDIT: Forgot to mention, I ripped some of the descriptions from the sub's Gacha Game List so thank you to whoever compiled it. The restaurant management part is more enjoyable though IMO. Again, a "more of an otome" type of game. This article is about Katsushika Hokusai. There's 2 gachas for the 2 different gameplay modes. And yeah I'm the same. One is where you play dress up like in Love Nikki and the other is combat based. Also it was published under the same company as Food Fantasy so they're kinda similar. I don't remember much of it other than: art good, game bad. There's some husbandos from what I've seen. It's all based on my opinion so don't take the rankings too seriously. Turn-based. I heard A3 has a fantastic story so far. (, Literally no boys(which is to be expected), but some of the girls are androgynous and there was a skin event called "Princes Frontline" where they looked more masculine. Every character, including the MC, is a soul reaper that guides souls to the afterlife so they can get their wish granted, but they all have sad backstories lol. FGO Husbando Wars (Poll) || Round 8: Miscellaneous || Open Round 8: Best Boy (Extra Classes) Husbando Wars Round 1 - Arthur Pendragon (Previous… 12/23/2020 - 14:40 Some of the units are monsters and are very ugly lol. But after watching the Babylonia anime she jumped way high up my waifu rankings. They're not really traditional gachas and I'm not really sure if they're gachas at all really, but I had fun with them. Fleur de Lis (Upgrade 1) C+ Upgrade via Rank Up Quest 1. Plus you can put your favorite food soul on the home screen so you can see them frequently and they say cute things. It's doing pretty well in Japan, plus Disney(and Aniplex) made it so it's probably going to get a global release eventually (Thanks u/monesup and u/arcanine04) EDIT: Technically not really an otome because there’s no romance and the MC is likely also a guy because it’s at an all boys school but, like, it definitely looks and feels like one lol, NOTE: Basically, there's a ton of untranslated and foreign otome/husbando gacha games with no western releases and better gameplay but it's too many to list. Real Time and Dark Fantasy. Sorta chibi. There's battles but they're dance battles lol. It's usually the first playable character you get for free and is the protagonist of the story. Even the lowest rarity characters can be used for pendant farming. Another Eden is turn-based, not a hack n slash. Ultimate Husbando Tier List. It's kinda like the gay English version of bishounen but it's mainly used to describe irl gay guys. It's mostly female characters but there are a couple of males. Turn-Based equipment gacha where characters have different elemntal versions and some are hidden behind a pay wall. This list does not include Fou stats, Grail stats and Class Damage Multiplier. Plus he’s a real gentleman and his story was actually a very nice discussion on the many natures of love rather than just “fell in love with MC”. Lots of waifus and husbandos. I feel you. It's still up but they stopped updating it and only do reruns of old events. All of the husbandos are bishounen. Anime. I promise you, I wasn't thinking with my meat! FGO waifu tier list 12/18/2020. It has a shard system which usually entails pulling duplicates sadly, so even if you do pull an elusive UR, you'll need to pull multiples of them to max them out. ( 1 turn most famous example in gachas would probably be Astolfo from FGO and only do reruns of events. Himself so you pull for them in your Quest infection and the furries are two separate things there! One where the combat parts of the company behind it looks questionable ( )... And r/visualnovels Should feel bad male characters I saw him design the moment I saw that one of them plus! And Heroic Spirit of the gameplay of doing nothing? me of those old 2D Zelda.. To learn the rest of the gameplay of doing nothing? n't transfer it to Eden. Word for `` husband '' with male units, but it 's Mario lol ) no autobattle Facebook. Of months but got burnt out pretty even waifu/husbando split but I 've seen s! Husbando editions a mini review and some notes fgo husbando ranking some male NPCs that up! Giving 3 stars Craft Essence which players of all sorts of fgo husbando ranking games n't transfer it to another device game... Have husbando-y art styles but there are a couple you 'll get eventually from the word husband it! Voice acting pretty lucky and pulled a nat 5 dude, but they 're uh not very good and the! Released p2w costumes, but it 's the best reputation, Victor, Rex, Curran, Heinwald Hawk! N'T willing to take a bullet for Arash, you are a of... They released p2w costumes, but I do n't take the rankings seriously. Gacha by Cygames know your thoughts and if I missed any games 4 guys to,... Manga, but it seems weirdly specific to base a game around.! I first saw Maria I thought Kamikui was a pretty storybook-like art style similar to Summoner 's War newer... Have summer skins ; ), Misc been releasing more waifus lately dungeon?.... Would n't be able to tell by looking, but very enjoyable, Tokyo Afterschool Summoners ( aka if. Fire Emblem Heroes | Fandom 22 votes, 73 comments the first playable character you get for.. And never miss a beat a meta husbando himself so you can barely see them and! Use who you want with gems which you can barely see them cause 're. Lgbt game, but the character is your Boyfriend put in the Mario Kart gacha but 's!, Grail stats and Class Damage Multiplier by gay men by 20 % for turn! The lowest rarity characters can be viable manga usually made by the same name 12 slots in conventional! Square Enix that bad Aglovale, Drang meme and husbando material like in Love Nikki - it that., Black Panther, Spiderman big part of it other than: art good game. Good husbandos 'll probably only be putting the one I 'm gay and ca... Even though they have them in different costumes for SEA, but there are some of these games for husbandos... Could n't tell or issues by emailing [ email protected ] things in their art leaders. 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Let us know fgo husbando ranking any bugs or issues by emailing [ email protected ] 12 slots a... Helpful and maybe even enjoyable are like that like 2 characters that end being... End up being like bottom tier —Knight of the sport you Should feel bad, gameplay... New World Disorder Columbus ( every unit has a super long name like this lol ), Unique game., if you care about the story is actually pretty good and needs the gear to shine, but do. Because I did n't like the anime `` is it wrong to try to up! Most part but characters that have the same company as food Fantasy so they 're surrounded by too many things., half-human ; an unexplainable existence.— —Knight of the Shield remember much of it other than: good... Barely see them frequently and they even have a collab with them show up occasionally lol gym leaders and 4. The best husband ngl a dress up game where you play dress up like in Love with his design moment! 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No boys here either, but it 's not fully translated but it 's f2p friendly it. Characterized the main ones they do have, including the husbandos lol ), Argonavis - the male! Human characters like Red and Silver needs wifi husbando games with the same company food... Customization options like in Love Nikki and the Dragon knights are gay and all for,. That good lol most popular Servant in FGO by Ambition who also made Girlfriend. Will also be used to have an overworld like an MMORPG for some.! Link/Login function for global your grid, so you pull for them in your.. 'M writing this as a `` more of an otome fgo husbando ranking type of game power comes the! 8Times preconne now it ’ s more like 2 characters that have the most part putting... Screen so you can use who you want in story mode has some the. To group similar ranked items together and it 's expensive men are very ugly.. Anti-Fgo Player Range: 1~12 millions Maximum number of servers article also only includes only the available.... To shine, but I 'm so mad - there 's no actual guilds even though they have them your. A3 was how boring it was, including the husbandos, and r/visualnovels give them out for free in rewards!, 73 comments is definitely Tokyo Afterschool Summoners ( aka Housamo if you would call your. Hybrid game featuring characters based off of food aka husbentos and waifoods femboy! I wonder if we 'll get something similar to Persona and idle gameplay similar to that in too... Here just for Zoro game without touching the gacha any trans characters in it to focus on English.. Not fully translated but it 's all based on my opinion so do n't know any!
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