Some of the choreography looks really cool, like Berserker ragdolling Alter by the leg in a homage to the scene in DEEN. It’s not as amazing as it sounds, considering Lance, being a Berserker… In the movie, this happens towards the beginning of the fight and he only rips off smalls bits of his flesh. Why? A demigod, the son of Zeus and a mortal woman, he was plagued by rage all his life despite his exceptional skills. His 12 lives aren't that OP, if he is hit by a strong enough attack, he can lose multiple lives at once. Due to his Mad Enhancement, Berserker is completely void of thought for most of the story. It's such a conflict, because objectively I can understand that it looks good and has cool moves. Saber is able to fight Berserker directly, and her advantage increases as the Shadow begins to cover his body and restrain his limbs. Simply put, Saber Alter vs Berserker is a visual treat from start to finish. Saber Alter is also portrayed as way too invincible. At the same time, I also realize that these fight scenes somehow feel like they have less impact than something like Berserker vs Gilgamesh due to the choreography and directing choices involved. Saber Alter is also portrayed as way too invincible. Details File Size: 2271KB Duration: 3.710 sec Dimensions: 498x206 Created: 1/16/2020, 6:56:10 PM Everyone moves with such power and speed and the explosions really are some gorgeous eye candy. The animation is top notch. The reason why this kind of stuff is avoided is because our squishy human protagonists are nearby, and they can't die from random shrapnel. Join our Discord! Aun asi 10/10. He … Isn't it odd how the one with better numbers is treated with lower regard? unless ufo … Berserker apparently can just lean forward and somehow propel himself forward like he has rockets attached to him, as a random example. 1 Saber Alter vs Berserker. Best. Doesn't Herc have 12 lives? Her favorite food are sweets. This is "King Arthur ( Saber Alter ) Vs Hercules ( Berserker )" by 공지애 on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. 160. It is the prequel to Fate/stay night, but due to very small differences and inconsistencies between the two, is officially seen as part of a very slightly different timeline as any of the routes of Fate/stay night. The movie fight also makes Berserker's badass moment far less badass. What I think is that OP wanted a more controlled and less frenetic fight, rather than the characters fighting like they were taking pages out of the Bleach playbook. Saber Alter slashes him hard enough to kill him...and the Shadow just lets him go for some reason? EMIYA Alter, in contrast to his natural self, has a more shaven hair-style, a duller skin tone, and golden eyes. Press J to jump to the feed. La pelea mejor animada del año pasado, aunque no la mejor dirijida. That last attack may have skimmed few of them but he should have regenerated from that and kept going after her right? report. Amazing, this fight is spectacular. So no matter how much I love him playing soccer with her body, it just feels off. Fate/Zero is a light novel written by Gen Urobuchi and illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi. Rider for tangling with Saber Alter and arguably performing far better than Berserker. 40 comments. Gilles wished upon the Holy Grail for the Jeanne d'Arc he pictured in his mind, one who would share his ideals (and prejudices) and take ven… November 27. Saber Alter vs Berserker - Fate/Stay night Heaven's Feel II 60 FPS (1080p). So I saw a leaked version of this fight a while ago and having seen it now in a theater again, I can give my full thoughts on it. She spends her days off reading or listening to music, without t… He's indeed the strongest by far. Servants stomp they are just way too strong for Guts. The Shadow and Saber Alter eventually arrive, bringing about a situation where Berserker must fight in order to protect Ilya, even against her orders to retreat. Damn was that final attack a saber alter Excalibur? His actual name is Heracles, the greatest hero of Greek mythology. It feels incredibly out of place compared to the rest of the fights, which even at their most hype look nothing like this. I think this version had some scenes cut out? Especially the scene at the end where Shirou realizes its Saber. - sG - Related Videos. If she is, then Archer obviously loses, if she isn't then he has a chance because of her downgraded skills. A very unusual intellectual Berserker. Heaven's Feel. [Fate Heaven's Feel ll | Saber Alter vs Berserker | Heaven's Feel II. Artoria Pendragon (Lily), also known as Saber Lily(セイバー・リリィ, Seibā Riryi? Fucking. He has multiple shots at her and always goes for kicking or grabbing her rather than the obvious solution of chopping her open with his ax. spoiler. - Wallpaper Abyss But plot wise he has to die. That's also why it kind of makes me feel bad to go into what I didn't like. And after in the anime everyone says he's the strongest. As well, Berserker and Saber Alter both pull these really bizarre moments of flight in the fight that would be cool in a different anime, but just looks weird here. Awesome for everyone involved on the good guys' side : Shirou for managing to rein in his impulse to go and help, and sticking to the plan: wait for an opening, and spawn Rho Aias to protect Rider. Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Fragmento Opening Novela Visual PS4. As there are many sides to her in terms of personality, she normally possesses a "serious personality as straight as an arrow", but … Heaven's Feel. She is not a true Heroic S… Nero backed away, joining Saber as Alter and Lily diverted Berserker's attention. 150 Saber Alter HD Wallpapers and Background Images. Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel II. His outfit consists of black sleeves with golden accents ending in thick metal manacles, black pants with a weave pattern, and white boots, rather than the red overcoat Mystic Code of his counterpart. His emotions have been sealed off, making it impossible to perform any actions with personal motivation, and the only thing not lost is the reason within the core of his being that not even the bondage of the Command Spel… She outright overpowers Berserker's swing with casual ease, tanks all of his strikes without breaking a sweat, and even stops a head-on punch with zero effort. Both servants go all out and the world around them seems unable to contain their battle. Ufotable at its peak. save. Also, this will be the best version of Saber vs. Berserker fight of all time. Posted by 1 year ago. Heeey waait a Saber Alter doesn't spam her NP like that. She became king by pulling the sword Caliburn from the stone, but after it was destroyed, she was given Excaliburand Avalon by the Lady of the Lake. Her actual name is Artoria Pendragon, better known as King Arthur, the "Once and Future King" and a legendary hero of Britain. I really need to get myself a copy of the blu-ray. share. However, normal Artoria actually has better potential NP damage when both are not grailed. I cried tears when I saw this fight in the theater, it was so beautifully animated! That's the problem with characters too strong to be fought and too fast to run away AND immune to surprise attacks. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So at one point, the Shadow catches Berserker in its tendrils. This has the two fold effect of making Berserker seem less hardcore but it also makes the Shadow look weaker since he can just kind of hurl it off without causing much harm to himself. Can’t wait this the final movie. Taking place 10 years before Fate/stay night, in 1994, it focuses on the Fourth Holy Grail War. She is summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order. By that stage he was sufficiently weakened that the mud ate him before he could grow more resistance. Depends if Saber Alter is linked with the grail or not. The fight felt like the Lancer vs Assassin fight in Presage Flower taken to the logical extreme, that is to say basically making up a fight for the movie that looks incredibly pretty, is well animated, but also makes absolutely no sense. He got swallowed by the shadow eventually. Honestly, the production values are just amazing in general. In the VN, he knows he's losing, and so in a last ditch, desperate move, he rips off his skin to free himself from the Shadow for one last strike. Rules:Morals on, Both are Blood lustedComposite Guts and Saber, with the exception of Fate/CCCGuts is allowed Berserker armorSaber has the amount of m I don't think that's what OP was going for. HOLY SHIT!!! 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 2.1 Noble Phantasms 2.2 Class Skills 2.3 Personal Skills 3 Gallery 4 Others Berserker is the Berserker-class Servant of Illyasviel von Einzbern during the Fifth Holy Grail War. A Caliburn-Blast was enough to take 6 lives iirc, and Excalibur (Morgan) being atleast two times as strong could probably take him in one blast. Lost Butterfly | Saber Alter vs Berserker Blu ray 1080x1920 60f/s Audio: 379kbps They definitely broke the budget on this visual marvel, as these two behemoths of power duke it out. Servants Noble Phantasm are going to make it even easier, Fate/Stay Nights Lancers Gae Bolg will instantly kill Guts and Fate/Zero riders Reality Marble gives them hundreds of more Heroic spirits. Lost Butterfly OST] is one of wallpaper engine best wallpapers available on steam wallpaper engine Workshop to make your computer desktop go live giving you an outstanding experience while using PC. The worst part of this fight I think is just the direction they decided to take with it. In the VN, this problem was solved by having Berserker simply not die from the slash and keep fighting. This is "Saber alter vs. Berserker" by snek on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. This is a super dramatic moment in the VN, whereas in the movie it's just kind of an afterthought to a very onesided fight. Why didn't he just pitch it at her in the first place? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You'd think the Shadow would swallow him in his moment of weakness, but instead it just lets him go. The worst part of this fight I think is just the direction they decided to take with it. She outright overpowers Berserker's swing with casual ease, tanks all of his strikes without breaking a sweat, … Gives me chills. Saber Artoria (Altria) has an exceptionally low score of 6, while her Alter counterpart has a high score of 2. I could also be totally wrong with my interpretation of what they're saying though. Rather than the slow, desperate fight of the VN, we get a Michael Bay esque explosion fest with everyone flying back and forth and shattering terrain left and right. spoiler. Saber Alter is the Saber-class Servant of Sakura Matou during the Fifth Holy Grail War, in Heaven's Feel route. Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. I don't mean to be a VN purist, but I think there's a lot more merit to a fight scene where it's Berserker being slowly whittled down by the Shadow and Alter attacking him at the same time despite his best efforts and having to bet it all on a single move as compared to the movie fight which, though aesthetically pretty, lacks that sort of defining identity. Ever. Unlike Saber Alter who is an outright corrupted version of Saber/Artoria Pendragon, Jeanne Alter is an alternate version Jeanne d'Arc of vengeance created by Gilles de Raisusing the Holy Grail. Animation is a visual media, and the animation was way better than just reading it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. TL;DR: Fight looks super pretty and has cool ideas, however I can't help but think "Wow, a more slow paced and carefully thought out fight would have left a lot more of an impression than DBZ explosions". She actually only uses Excalibur Morgan on that final moment, before she was using Mana Burst i think. Archived [HF/Lost Butterfly Spoiler]Saber Alter vs. Berserker. The True Name of the Heroic Spirit of the Class Card is King Arthur, Artoria Pendragon, the legendary King of Knights of Britain who pulled the sword of selection from the stone. [HF/Lost Butterfly Spoiler]Saber Alter vs. Berserker. Why is Excalibur special if every random swing is making giant ass explosions? Details File Size: 18124KB Duration: 17.300 sec Dimensions: 498x278 Created: 8/30/2019, 1:28:19 AM OP was disappointed in the directing of the fight. who knows maybe the third movie will have an even better-animated fight, But why berseker lost all the time in every fate. This isnât spamming the screen with huge leaps and new camera angles, itâs atmospheric, but it still works. Just, not the one you’d expect from a QABBB Berserker. Saber is the Saber-class Servant of Kiritsugu Emiya during the Fourth Holy Grail War, and then of his son, Shirou Emiya, during the Fifth. They could have made it akin to a bear baiting, for instance. Doesn't help as a berserker he loses most of his tactics and Excalibur is something that can take out multiple lives in one attack according to nasu (not to mention we just watched artoria stop everything he could throw at her aside from ninelives), Also he's not the strongest. Rather than the slow, desperate fight of the VN, we get a Michael Bay esque explosion fest with everyone flying back and forth and shattering terrain left and right. Lost 2 more lives to Saber’s Prana Bursts and a few more to Excalibur Morgan. ), is a Saber-class Servant introduced as an alternate form of Artoria in Fate/unlimited codes. The choreography of this fight also really raises some eyebrows. There's also a portion later in the fight where Berserker starts punting Alter around and the whole time you're thinking "I'm glad he's trying out for the soccer league, but why isn't he chopping her open with his ax?" Animation being a visual medium doesnât excuse just random action for actions sake. Heracles's only chance to win a fight against a correctly powered Saber would be to defeat her before she can Excaliblast him. The movie ends up creating absurd situations where Shirou is right next to massive explosions that are uprooting trees and creating huge craters and yet is totally unharmed. How does a raging Berserker have the intelligence to pitch stuff at her? This fight alone was worth the admission price for both me and my friend when we saw it in theaters. Archer Heracles is top tier, but even then strongest typically goes to those like Enkidu, Gilgamesh, and Karna, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the fatestaynight community. At some point you have to narratively kill them. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the CharacterRant community, Come here to talk about fictional characters, events, concepts, objects, etc. Eternal Arms Mastership boosts Lance’s star weight by a ton. Berserker at one point starts grabbing rubble and flinging it into the air to throw it at her, which looks cool but also makes no sense. Close. A glutton character who requests high-class Japanese candies whenever she gets a chance, thus costing quite an amount of money. Because otherwise the plot would be completely stuck. This has gone in my top ten anime fights ever! Damn, you can feel Shirou's pain of seeing Alter from the look of his face. Basically, Plot armor is a thing, Berserker always gets killed be Plot weapons / tricks. 0:51. You can still make a good fight scene without channeling random explosions. It'd be interesting if they do this same treatment with Rider vs Alter and have Alter just blasting huge holes into the mountain with random swings while Shirou somehow survives standing in the vicinity just fine and Rider tunnels through the ground to attack Alter or something. There's also a part where he's dragging her through side of the castle and it looks like he's not even moving his legs and just straight up flying with her. Fate/Zero, Fate/hollow ataraxia, Fate/Extra, Fate/EXTELLA, Fate/Grand Order, Fate/Apocrypha, Fate/Strange Fake, The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II, Fate/Requiem, Fate/type Redline, etc., discuss all of these and more on this subreddit! Herc lost a life to the black mud at the start but grew strong enough through God Hand to power through it. Fight. The best action scene in the movie is the Shadow eating people. hide. Likewise Alter gets her high score due to her powerful AOE NP. 99% Upvoted. The giant servant didn't seem to be affected by what would normally be considered a crippling wound, attacking and moving just as fast and powerfully as before. Saber Alter vs Rider and Shirou. A diligent girl with an unassuming attitude. All of these choreography pieces could have been cool on their own merit, but they just clash so badly with the established characters and universe here. First of all, the good. And even if they were just going for spectacle, isn't Berserker ripping his skin off for one last hurrah so much cooler than just kind of jumping around unimpeded for most of the fight? So you want a slow movie with slow scenes to have a slow combat against two of the most OP servants?, Press J to jump to the feed. For how pretty the explosions look and how much environmental destruction they have, they also are there in excess of what is necessary. Kiritsugu Emiya, a freelancer notoriously known as the "Magus Killer" works together with the Einzbern family to summon the stronge… For everything related to Fate/stay night or its spin-offs. This thread is archived. She is an "altered" Saber, tainted by the mud of All the World's Evil. And no, those numbers aren’t a typo—the skill boosts his crit weight several thousand percent. As a Heroic Spirit and dark counterpart of the actual Jeanne, she was originally summoned by Gilles in the Ruler class, but can later be summoned by Chaldea in the Avenger class. and then there is Gilgamesh and i'm not even going to say how OP he is. Lives to Saber ’ s star weight by a ton in DEEN environmental destruction have! Unable to contain their battle to power through it score due to her powerful AOE NP both not... Treated with lower regard which even at their most hype look nothing like this scenes to have a slow with! 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