Ask students to choose one or all of the trade-offs. National Priorities Project (NPP) makes our complex federal budget transparent and accessible so people can exercise their right and responsibility to oversee and influence how their tax dollars are spent. Living Wages, Education, Social Action, Iraq War, Tax Policies, Trade-offs, Military Recruitment. You have profile views left. After using the trade-off tool, students will write a reflection on what they learned using the following questions: What were you most surprised by when exploring the trade-offs for your state or community? The National Priorities Project has a list of possible trade-offs that would be valuable investments in education, health, and anti-poverty programs. 4. Overseas Base Realignment and Closure Coalition Questions about facts, citations; more information:; Rapid deployment from domestic bases means most US forces can deploy virtually anywhere on earth as fast or nearly as fast as from a base abroad in case of emergency deployment.6 POLITICS National Priorities Project is honored to support Mayors across the United States in your efforts to track, understand, and engage in advocacy around the local impact of federal spending. Even as the world continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic, it is clear that other critical issues — climate change, racial injustice, political instability, income inequality — will challenge organizations in the … 4 NATIONAL PRIORITIES PROJECT “Peace Action, one of the country’s oldest grassroots peace groups, is committed to demilitarizing U.S. foreign policy. In what ways are your priorities … Here is how a dollar paid by taxpayers is spent by the state: Click to enlarge. The trade-offs of engaging trade-offs. This $7.4 billion could have instead been spent on: We believe that one step towards demilitarizing foreign policy is to begin to raise a grassroots clamor about the trade offs that affect our communities when wars and new weapons are After health spending, the second highest allocation goes to defense. According to this website, which gets its info from the Dept of Defense, the US spends $1,000 per second on war, $60,000 per minute, $3,600,000 per hour and $8,640,000 each 24 hour period. Using the National Priorities Project’s Trade-Off Tool, we’ve calculated that instead of going to surplus military equipment that would eventually end up on our street and harm members of immigrant communities. Yikes!! Source: National Priorities Project. The National Priorities Project questions if the country is making the right choices in allocating high portion of the annual budget to defense. The trade ministers of the five BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) met this week in Shanghai, ahead of the annual summit of heads of state in Xiamen next month. The National Priority Projects of the Russian Federation is a program of the Russian government set out by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his speech on September 5, 2005. 5.
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