Ressler runs them, but there is no match, certainly not Reddington’s. Enrique Murciano 7 WORST: Donald Ressler. It's how we grow up. Why is Donald Ressler still with the team considering his distrust of Raymond Reddington? Ressler apprend à Cooper que Reddington a capturé Shaw afin de l'utiliser pour sauver Kirk. The moment that Dom “told her everything,” Red knew what he had to do. He shows Ressler the bodies of people who they had once tried to turn, people who had vanished, including Tiger Branson, Lou Capote, and Junior Wallace. Disgusted, he tells Keen to look at the bodies, of the people who died so Reddington could expand his empire while the FBI looked the other way. Denisov, un vieil ami de Red, a pour cible des membres de la compagnie : elle refuse de remplacer un pipeline qui fuit et empoisonne les civils. Later, Gale is told his “mother” delivered his lunch, a paper bag with a phone inside. This is my first #TheBlacklist vid :D Very short, lol since I'm only learning. He was also able to deduce, based on the earliest date the designation started, that Reddington is feeding intel in exchange for law enforcement protection. Considering how everything had been thoroughly cleaned, Gale is able to accurately deduce what happened that night. Ressler will eventually tell the Task Force about it, because later Keen asks Reddington how he managed to erase his fingerprint file, only to learn he did not. Such a high-profile missing person meant that the evidence was carefully cataloged and stored, and Gale is able to retrieve the furniture and re-create Fowler’s living room. He also calls Gale an ”inspiration” because no way would Gale give up on the case. Without hesitation Raymond Reddington always takes care of Donald Ressler when he is injured or in danger. The Blacklist saison 8 : Le Season Finale de la saison 7 de The Blacklist a marqué un tournant dans la série. Parallèlement, Elizabeth essaie de trouver quelque chose au sujet de l'homicide perpétré avec l'arme cachée de son mari et découvre quand et où il s'est produit - à Boston , alors qu'elle était là-bas avec Tom, qui a dit qu'il avait un entretien d'embauche à l'hôtel où le meurtre a eu lieu. Cet article couvre les 9 premiers épisodes de la saison 6 de The Blacklist et comporte des spoilers, notamment sur la fin de la saison 5. Plan. // Reddington pulls at Ressler's nape, weaving his fingers into Ressler's wet hair. Ressler is forced to confront past trauma and family secrets when his brother takes him back home for a risky job. Yes. Out-of-Universe Information Well before the Task Force, Ressler was an agent assigned to track down Reddington. When have we ever seen Reddington unprepared when it comes to dealing with the members of the FBI? Raymond Reddington is a highly intelligent, highly driven individual with developed sociopathic tendencies. “I never thought you had it in you,” he spits a wad of blood on the ground. Episode Count Il décide … Ressler arrives to the ice rink, where Gale warmly welcomes him. Red lance le FBI sur la piste de Robert Vesco, son mentor, qui l’a ruiné au terme de son initiation. B negative is less than 2 percent of population. Pendant ce temps, à Cuba, Dembe a déterré un cadavre. Samar Navabi also asks if Ressler only claimed to run the prints, but Ressler says he actually did. The Blacklist Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. No... Red knows the blood type because Ressler hunted Reddington for a LONG time. Later on, Audrey is killed after being shot by Mako Tanida. Now, he's surrendered to the FBI with an offer: He will help catch a "blacklist" of mobsters, spies and terrorists under the condition that he speaks only to Elizabeth Keen (Megan Boone), an FBI profiler fresh out of Quantico. Ressler says Reddington flipped and turned himself in, but Gale only starts laughing, and Ressler joins him. Eventually, Ressler reports that Gerard refused to talk. Red read up on him and knows pretty much every single thing he has to know about Ressler. Dr. Orchard is reunited with her son Max. She refuses to believe that Kat can torture him, and has gone rogue. Reddington points out a 4 year old's memory is not always reliable. Reddington seemed to expect the blood transfusion would work before asking Ressler his blood type, the matching b negative type was of little supprise to him. He will give fatherly advice to even his adversaries. Biographical Information B- isn't universal and that's the blood type he told Ressler he had whilst giving the transfusion. When he gets inside his car, Dembe Zuma surprises him with a gun, and Reddington joins them. She refuses to believe that Kat can torture him, and has gone rogue. For decades, ex-government agent Raymond Reddington (James Spader) has been one of the FBI's most wanted. Considering how everything had been thoroughly cleaned, Gale is able to accurately deduce what happened that night. The lead are fingerprints that may not have been cleaned. See if Real Red or any1 associated w/ him makes contact. Keen questions how the unknown party knows that Reddington was at the cabin, but Reddington has no answers, and can only call it intriguing. Subreddit for The Blacklist, the TV show currently airing on NBC. For all intents and purposes, this was caused by a PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) as there are no signs that he was born this way. Dr. Orchard is reunited with her son Max. La saison 6 de Blacklist s'achève dans la douleur 5 mars sur TF1. Ressler arrives to the morgue and finds Gale with the corpse of a decapitated body. But is this the real Reddington, or is another one coming? But hey, maybe he is. He calls Donald Ressler, nicknaming him “Donnie” and asking if he could be reassigned from his current task. Gale also learns from another agent that the files of those three blacklisters are designated SCI7. Keen is present, and when the FBI shows up, Gale finally sees that they are working together. ... Ressler and Liz - Together we stand (3x09 and 3x10) - … Red sets up his children of war with trustworthy model parents. As per usual, Reddington addresses him by his first name, retrieving his gun and complimenting Gale on how well he looks, especially since the last time they saw each other was in Ho Chi Minh City when Reddington got away aboard a catfish trawler on the Saigon River. How do you explain Ressler's clear memories of his father and that his father died because of his strong moral code that Ressler tries to emulate in his own life? Lauriane 2,727 views. Il est interprété par l'acteur James Spader2. I'd presume that Ressler's blood type is probably on file somewhere and Red got access to those files and that's why Ressler's blood type was not a surprise. Ressler et lui ont travaillé ensemble dans une unité du FBI chargé de capturer Reddington avant qu'il ne soit dissous. Gale claims that being a monomaniacal prick has its benefits, and Ressler tries to assure him otherwise but is interrupted by a phone call. Reddington, Liz et Ressler se rendent en Ouzbékistan pour enquêter sur le criminel Ruslan Denisov qui détient plusieurs otages américains. First Seen The Blacklist saison 7 : Depuis la mort de Tom, Elizabeth n'a jamais retrouvé l'amour. See if Real Red or any1 associated w/ him makes contact. When it becomes clear Keen wouldn't answer, he asks her about SCI7, again she denies any knowledge. This doesn't really go well with holding a gun to Ressler's head in order to save Liz in Anslo Garrick... Ah! After her death, Ressler finds a pregnancy kit among her belongings, hinting that she was pregnant. (SORRY!) Red lance le FBI sur la piste de Robert Vesco, son mentor, qui l’a ruiné au terme de son initiation. He also starts throwing out dates from 2013, September was when Keen went from rookie profiler to classified assignment, and October was when the Reddington Task Force started to fall apart. He was the agent responsible to researching Red, and he is so smug that he believes that he knows more than any other agent other than possibly Agent Keen. Saison 1 de Blacklist, une série TV de Jon Bokenkamp lancée en 2013. Ballistics later proves that it was not Kaplan who fired the first shot, and Reddington realizes there is a new actor in the mix. In the second episode of the show, the two have an intense conversation again, though fans are sure that Liz feels nothing romantic for Ressler … Season(s) Gale gracefully decides to step out of the room, allowing Gerard and Ressler to secretly discuss the Reddington case. Julian Gale is a FBI agent. Kathryn Nemec is on the other end, identifying herself as the “cleaner” when she lists all the ways the victims were killed. A lot of viewers complained about an entire episode dedicated to Donald 'Donny' Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff), but that was before the episode aired. Gale escorts Kate to the Department of Justice, where she explains to District Attorney Alvin Stanton that Harold Cooper's Task Force worked with Reddington and turned a blind eye to his criminal activities. Similarly like when kids say their dad is an amazing person yet the dad just left them and they filled in the blanks as to why they left. There was never any love lost between these two. Il est chargé d'enquêter sur les meurtres des quatre-vingt-six individus dont M. Kaplan a exhumé les corps, parmi lesquels celui de Diane Fowler, et découvre des traces d'empreintes digitales reliant potentiellement Reddington au meurtre de Fowler, mais cela s'avère non concluant. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Reddington is eccentric, outgoing, and in order to make his point, he often tells bizarre long-winded stories. When Reddington first turned himself in he put the focus on Elizabeth Keen to keep any notion of a relationship with Ressler easily hidden and unquestioned. Last Seen The latest episode of 'The Blacklist' Season 7 had fans anticipating the worst: with Raymond 'Red' Reddington (James Spader) significantly missing from the plot, it would be a total flop. Gale is starting to become suspicious of Ressler, rhetorically asking if he was just blind to what was in front of him. Lauriane 2,727 views. Easier access 2 his son Ressler. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the TheBlackList community. Career Information Red makes all those he cares about run the gauntlet. Tags. Sorti de prison, Reddington donne une grande réception. ... Ressler and Liz - Together we stand (3x09 and 3x10) - … However, before she will properly testify, she demands a day to settle her affairs without a protective detail. Reddington x Ressler x Keen | Radioactive In The Dark - Duration: 1:57. Liz is on her own right now, leaving a rather disheartened Raymond 'Red' Reddington (James Spader) and Agent Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) behind. Trouvera-t-elle un nouvel love interest dans la saison 7 de The Blacklist ? As Liz pushes a source for answers, Red and the task force grapple with the implications of her actions. Harold Cooper is of the opinion that Ressler should join, so that they could stay a step ahead of the investigation. Raymond Reddington est un agent du gouvernement américain devenu criminel et faisant partie des dix fugitifs les plus recherchés par le FBI1. Brokering deals for criminals across the globe, Red was known as "The Concierge of Crime". I would say that maybe he just says that he died. The two later visit Marvin Gerard. Diego Klattenhoff previews getting an episode of 'The Blacklist' to delve into Donald Ressler's dark past and reveal why he became an FBI agent. Ressler points out that Gale had stepped away from the Bureau, but Gale explains the FBI asked for him back. Briefly mentions events from the show as we follow Lizzy through it. After Ressler is suspended from active duty, he fully joins Gale in his investigation. When Ressler says he doesn't recognize the names, Gale decides to speak to the cases lead detectives in the hopes that it would be connected to Keen. Briefly mentions events from the show as we follow Lizzy through it. Red is always three steps ahead of everyone else, and is determined to keep himself a mystery. Gale informs Ressler he identified three more bodies: Milos Kirchoff, Alistair Pitt, and Geoff Perl. Despite dodging his calls, Keen eventually visits the ice rink. Liz rejects Reddington, telling him his pretense of caring for her is no longer necessary because there's no point, she doesn't know where the Fulcrum is. In the woods, Kaplan’s and Reddington’s men are at a standoff. They have a pseudo prior relationship as he was the lead agent tasked with finding Red for years. Audrey’s death led Ressler to finally give up his pursuit of Reddington and join forces with him. Reddington donne à Ressler la localisation de Lorca, qui sera arrêté. Part of what makes their friendship so great is the contrast in their personalities. When she orders all records to be expunged, Gale correctly guesses that Reddington has something on her. I also don't think he would have thrown him to the wolves (so to speak) with Lorca's men in the stewmaker if Ressler were his son. Ressler se montre plus réservé et s'indigne que l'unité travaille toujours avec Reddington après avoir abattu Sutton Ross pour garder l'identité des os secrets, tandis que Cooper, bien que faisant son travail, prend Liz à part pour lui dire qu'il serait prêt à fermer l'unité si elle le désire. Ressler finally fights back, slamming Gale against the wall and admitting he shot a Secret Service agent. There was never any love lost between these two. With that said, in defense of Reddington, he felt he had no choice but to kill Katarina. Hitchin tells him if he keeps talking, she was going to ruin his career. Gale smiles, telling him he knows exactly how that feels. Although Ressler tries to protect Keen, Gale points out how she shot the Attorney General and went on the run with Reddington. Les noctambules pourront découvrir un Reddington sérieusement malmené. Part of what makes their friendship so great is the contrast in their personalities. He gets into it enough to imagine seeing Fowler sitting there and starts pointing the gun at Ressler, unnerving the other agent enough for Ressler to describe the cleaner as a she. A gunfight starts and Reddington escapes. Why is Donald Ressler still with the team considering his distrust of Raymond Reddington? All the testimony taken are considered highly sensitive, and the investigation is over by executive authority. Reddington staggers but keeps upright. Criminals are notori… Despite his brusque manner, when the other cops speak disparagingly of the victims, Gale reminds them that every body there had loved ones who missed them. To be clear it must be put under a microscope. I also think Tom switched Agnus when escaping 2b w/ Liz ehen she faked her death. Also, the advice is just Red's character. Both Gale and Kaplan manages to escape. Sorti de prison, Reddington donne une grande réception. FBI agent Blood father is more likely than another child of war that Red cares for because of the matching blood type. The Blacklist saison 7 : Depuis la mort de Tom, Elizabeth n'a jamais retrouvé l'amour. Press J to jump to the feed. Ressler escorte la jeune femme, inquiète, jusqu'à Fort Meade et la rassure quand il lui parle du plan de Reddington et qu'en attendant, il la protégerait en restant auprès d'elle. And having the same blood type is pretty meaningless. Reddington and Dembe have the best friendship in The Blacklist. However, Illya Koslov has been revealed, and he is nothing like Reddington. Kate agrees, and offers to testify in court. Martin Reddington Georg W Kreutzberg Factors affecting gene expression in microglial cells were investigated using the induction of immediate early genes in cultured microglia as a model. Although Ressler lies convincingly enough, it also gives Gale enough to find another lead. After hanging up, Ressler starts to tell Gale it is another case, and Gale stops him. Sly, manipulative, and charming. When Ressler ended up in the hospital after being shot, he tells Reddington about her. He says he will only speak to Keen but is sure to surprise, inspire, and give wisdom to Ressler any chance he gets. Tags. “I'm not so sure about you.” Series. Tensions boil over and a drastic action is taken, which will change Red and Liz's relationship forever. In the second episode of the show, the two have an intense conversation again, though fans are sure … She even estranged herself from Ressler, after finally kissing him...and then taking away his gun. Those three are also not the only files, there are hundreds of classified case files related to many of the bodies. 1:57. After Gale introduces himself as the agent in charge, Hitchin tells him that is no longer the case, citing Reddington's supposed deal as a matter of national security. Later on, Audrey is killed after being shot by Mako Tanida. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, You don't even know my real name. Les noctambules pourront découvrir un Reddington sérieusement malmené. Also, it is only revealed Ressler's family consists of a dead father, other than that he is alone. The fact they do match makes for good story telling. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Gale then presents Diane Fowler, former head of the United States Justice Department. My mom's AB+ and my dad's O+ (or something along these lines) and I'm B+. They are deeply loyal, committed, and honest with each other. Audrey’s death led Ressler to finally give up his pursuit of Reddington and join forces with him. Plan? But hope you enjoy it) Any comments, suggestions are welcome :D I think Tom faked his death & is sumwhere rausing Agnus-will use her safety as leverage 4 evil plans of Red. In their argument, Gale threatens to bring down everyone who allowed Reddington to get away with murder. Supposedly the real Reddington died, and Illya Koslov took his identity. // Reddington pulls at Ressler's nape, weaving his fingers into Ressler's wet hair. They dont have to match but they could. Adoptive father just like Keen. The cleaner is now their only hope of linking the bodies to Reddington. Julian Gale Gale calls Kate to let her know the whole case has been withdrawn, and the immunity deal is no longer an option. Pendant ce temps, à Cuba, Dembe a déterré un cadavre. They are deeply loyal, committed, and honest with each other. But now that they're working together, Ressler has had to face his demons while staring one of his biggest failures in the face daily. To be clear it must be put under a microscope. As he puts it, “I’m a criminal. Tensions boil over and a drastic action is taken, which will change Red and Liz's relationship forever. Job Trouvera-t-elle un nouvel love interest dans la saison 7 de The Blacklist ? Ressler whacks the Concierge in the face with the gun. Ressler says Reddington flipped and turned himself in, but Gale only starts laughing, and Ressler joins him. “I'm not so sure about you.” Series. Had it in you, ” he spits a wad of blood the!, Liz et Ressler se rendent en Ouzbékistan pour enquêter sur le criminel Ruslan Denisov qui détient plusieurs otages.... That Gerard refused to talk Justice did, revealing how sick it made him are a... With that said, in defense of Reddington and Dembe have the friendship... Faked her death to do the room, allowing Gerard and Ressler finally back. Gets hysterical, Gale finally sees that they are deeply loyal,,! And asking if he could be reassigned from his current Task compagnie de,! In order to make his point, he would only make a with... De samar et Aram qui héritent de matériel souvent poussif quand ils sont mis en.... 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