Then draw a straight line going through your giraffe’s back. The body must be made from a smaller circle. Give it a try you will see that you can make your giraffe sketch in a matter of hours and be able to just improve from there. Do not forget to color the giraffe … Learning how to draw a giraffe step by step can be done using these steps. Or how its front legs are somewhat longer and taller than its hind legs.” Use circles and oval shapes to block in the major parts of the giraffe. 9. They will start to mature at the age of four.Make a shape suited for the head of the giraffe. Each giraffe is unique. They have big dark eyes, little knobby horns and an eighteen inch dark blue tongue. This tutorial will show you how to draw giraffes in simple steps. Just like a cheetah, giraffes have distinctive spots. Step 6: Start to draw the legs. It might seem easy to draw a cute giraffe, but sketching a front version of this particular animal can be done easily only if you follow some easy guidelines. The giraffe is the only vertebrate that does not yawn . Then plop a nose on wherever you fancy. Step 7: Add a short tail with a feather in the butt. The ears look like leaves. Finally, erase any unnecessary background lines, and color in your drawing. Draw the giraffe’s knees and legs. Both front legs are created from short rectangles. Draw the rear legs, erasing guide lines as necessary. Draw an oval and high above it, draw a smaller oval. Giraffes have got to be one of the strangest animals to date. If you need help, watch the video at the end of this post. Step 7. They are great athletes Giraffes are the tallest mammals in the world , even newborn hatchlings can be taller than any human being. Step 8. Step 1: Draw a big egg shape as a guide for the giraffeâs head. 8. How to Draw a Giraffe. Its body looks like an arch bridge. To draw the feet, extend the two lines into a hook-like shape. Step 7. Drawing a giraffe will be very easy if you follow this pencil drawing tutorial for beginners. Step 6: Start to draw the legs. Draw 2 eyes right below each ear. Giraffe is the tallest mammal in the world, their legs alone are as tall as an adult people, about 180 cm. Step 1. Finish the tail. December 3, 2020. how to draw a giraffe easy step by step How To Draw a Giraffe Step 1 Start by drawing an oval, making it as large as you want your giraffeâs body to be. Extend two curved lines from the body, and attach them at the bottom using a curved line. Step 2: Draw the lower jaw. Step 2: Draw its neck, body and legs with few easy lines. Step 6: Draw the hind and front legs of the giraffe by doodling a freehand vertical line, joining from the body in step-5. Use a curve, attach a partial oval on the front of the giraffe. People also love these ideas Giraffes are often pictured in movies about African animals, including The Lion King and Madagascar. How to Draw Cute Giraffe Step 1. Add a short tail with a feather in the butt. I'm going to show you "how to draw a simple giraffe", step by step. Enclose each foot using a short, curved line. Draw curved lines to connect the circle and oval. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. This article has been viewed 178,831 times. Step 6: Start to draw the legs. 4. Step 4: Draw the neck outline. Want more zoo animal how-tos? It looks like a very thin hook with a short hook on the bottom. Sketch basic curves for the front and hind legs. Step 2: Now We'll draw the Giraffe's face. Draw a long inclined rectangle from the bigger oval for the giraffe’s neck. Draw a couple of eyes - or one eye if the giraffe is sideways on. You can go onto Google (or another search engine), type in "giraffe," and click "Images." Then, add the smaller details, like the ears, spots, tail, eyes, and mouth. Write the Title of the Spread. In this section, we'll show you how to draw the above giraffe. Aug 21, 2015 - Did you like this worksheet? Because of their long legs they are able to run 35 miles per hour for short distances and comfortably cruise around the grasslands at 15 miles per hour. By using our site, you agree to our. To draw the feet, extend the two lines into a hook-like shape. Draw a long rectangle for the neck with an upside-down egg shape ⦠Extend a pair of "S" shaped lines to form the tail. In this art tutorial I explain how to draw a giraffe starting from basic shapes. Swapping to your marker now, draw the ears on the corners of the top triangle. In this art tutorial I explain, in a simple step by step manner how to draw a giraffe starting from basic shapes. To turn this drawing lesson into a successful experience, just take your time, study this character carefully and enjoy! How to Draw a Baby Elephant. 6. Giraffes are the tallest land animals. Draw a long rectangle for the neck with an upside-down egg shape ⦠A damaged surface may restrict the free flow of paint necessary for this technique. Giraffes are most recognized by their extremely long necks and legs and patched coat. Color him/her in and you have just learned "how to draw a cartoon giraffe" step by step. Step 5 | Legs Giraffe Step 5 | Legs + erasing. Finish the shape of the head by connecting some of the guidelines. Draw an eye and a nostril. How to Draw Giraffes. Step 6. Add some long eyelashes (even if it's a boy giraffe, they have 'em too!) âThe pattern starts to fade as you move down the giraffeâs leg and the spots get smaller and smaller until they almost disappear,â says Braun. This article has been viewed 178,831 times. Sketch out the long legs and go to step number two. 9.Add the eyes and body details to complete this realistic giraffe . Outline the spots and draw them so they wrap around the giraffeâs body. Before we write the title, let's make circles to decorate it. Now we are going to focus a little bit on the head of the giraffe. Their long neck and legs lets them eat leaves from the tops of them trees. Giraffe fossils first appeared in Finally add the circle pattern on neck and body. Where can I find a real photo of a giraffe to copy? You will then draw lines for the legs and tail. Giraffes are the tallest land animals. The square brown spots of a giraffe are a bit complicated, so do a little section at a time. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to draw a Giraffe ... How to Draw a Baby Deer. From the circle draw a long straight line for the neck until it touches the other circle your going to draw right now. It might seem easy to draw a cute giraffe, but sketching a front version of this particular animal can be done easily only if you follow some easy guidelines. This is a simple tutorial on how to draw a giraffe. Giraffe Face Close U... 191x541 3 0. Connect the two horns with a short curved line. The legs can be a bit complex because muscles can be complex. (picture 1) Step 4: Draw an oval for the ear and each nostril. MORE DRAWING TUTORIALS: How to Draw a Baby Giraffe . Giraffes been featured in children’s stories, art and cartoons. This will be the base for the mid section of the body. consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. The login page will open in a new tab. Then draw the two horns on top of the head along with the ears. Start two legs. 7.Add leg outlines and under belly. Band each of the rear legs with a short line, indicating the hooves. !We'll use basic shapes as the initial building blocks of our drawing and then we will make small adjustments to add greater detail to our picture!Move on to the next step to see what you will need! 8.Add the head detail and complete the legs. How to Draw a Baby Tiger. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Step 5: Add to the neck by connecting the body. Drawing a Giraffe: Let's learn how to draw this giraffe! Cute Giraffe Drawing Lesson Step 2. Use a coin to draw four circles at the top of the next page. How to draw horsie legs + Giraffes. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Draw the spots. Use curved lines to enclose the far leg between the front and rear legs. For each leg, extend a set of curved, parallel lines downward from the body. Draw two bony horn by extending two pairs of curved, parallel lines from the head. Next, trace around the outline of the giraffe to connect all the shapes and smooth out your drawing. How to Draw a Giraffe. Did you know, that the legs of a giraffe are taller than most humans measuring a little over 6 feet. All cartoon animals have smiles so draw any type of smile expression you like. Step 1: First draw a long narrow snout. Then, draw the ear using two curved lines. How to draw horsie legs + Giraffes by Ki-Mono. 8.Finally paint the color, a super cute giraffe girl has finished! Step 9. âThe pattern starts to fade as you move down the giraffeâs leg, and the spots get smaller and smaller until they ⦠They have big {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/8\/87\/315216-9.jpg\/v4-460px-315216-9.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/87\/315216-9.jpg\/aid315216-v4-728px-315216-9.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"
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\n<\/p><\/div>"}. Giraffe drawing - step 9. Don't forget the simple eyes illustrated with small dots and the legs made with rectangles! 3.Draw legs. The first step is the most difficult one, but also the most important one. Notice the round knee on the front leg. Hind legs wider than the bottom. They are considered among one of the largest, strongest and most peaceful animals in existence. Step 2: Continue the short hook line up to create the lower jaw line. Connect these three geometric figures with a line of the neck and spine. Add two smaller circles to each and shade in the space left in the ovals. on each one. In this quick tutorial youâll learn how to draw a giraffe in just a few quick steps, but first⦠Giraffe belong to the Giraffidae family, along with the okapi; the only two species of that family. Step 8: Add the head detail and complete the legs. Step 7: Add leg outlines and under belly. Draw the giraffe's legs. Outline the spots and draw them so they wrap around the giraffeâs body. The less exaggerated it is - the more realistic your finished drawing will be. To create this article, 32 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Don't forget the simple eyes illustrated with small dots and the legs made with rectangles! Remember: When you put the lines of the shoulder and the body try to draw âaroundâ and âoverâ the imaginary shapes and lines of step 1 and 2. Learn how to draw this gentle giant. You just arrived at one of the best tutorials that can teach you how to draw a giraffe. Step 7: As shown in the illustration, draw two lines to complete the legs of the giraffe and join them with a freehand horizontal line in between, to make the stomach. Fix the body of your giraffe by adding legs and a tail. Step 4: Draw the neck outline. And in the lesson on how to draw a giraffe we’ll show you how to draw this gorgeous animal. Sketch the giraffeâs legs and feet. Draw 2 small lines and make a "U" shape for the nose. Draw straight lines back into the body. Giraffes are pretty, loving, and absolutely wonderful. And this is what it will turn out to be like. Add another horn and lines inside the ear. Step 3: Draw in the ears. Add a small horn at the top of the head. You learn this from scratch, understanding the guidelines of the body, the bones, and its muscles. Check your reference photos as you go and make sure that you alter and adjust the size and shape of the spots. Step 2. ; Giraffes can run at speeds of … And this is what it will turn out to be like. Giraffes are most recognized by their extremely long necks and legs and patched coat. To learn how to draw a cartoon giraffe, scroll down! Either draw it freehand while looking at your computer monitor … That's it for the initial sketch! To learn how to draw a cartoon giraffe, scroll down! (Can you guess why? They get to live around 25 years in the wild. Draw two small upside-down pear shapes for the horns and a mane down the head and part of the neck. Step 5: Add to the neck by connecting the body. Draw the giraffe's legs. Draw 2 small lines and make a "U" shape for the nose. To draw a giraffe, start by outlining the different parts of a giraffe's body using basic shapes. Remember, his legs will be long! In this step, we’ll draw a couple of shapes for the upper and lower parts of the legs. Swapping to your marker now, draw the ears on the corners of the top triangle. Draw the mouth. I explain how to create oval shapes to represent the body and top part of the animal’s legs. Loving, and long legs and go to step number two horn at end! Start to mature at the end how to draw giraffe legs? next time i comment browser for the mid section of the animal make! 'S body using basic shapes a mane down the head detail and the! Harder with your pencil to get a more defined sketch extend two curved lines that in... 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