Crabapple (Zones 3-8): A short, flowering tree that matures at about 20 feet tall. It produces raspberry-like berries in the fall.....they are striking!They are quite large and add beautiful color to the tree. In some Mohawk communities, the primeval Tree of Life in the Sky World was said to be a giant dogwood tree. Lori won the ebook Crazy about Cait by Nancy J. Farrier. As a child, I remember hearing the legend of dogwood tree and how it is a symbol of the Easter story. I adore the blossoms of that tree. Thank you for stopping by HHH. The Dogwood Tree and its blossoms are a beautiful symbol and annual reminder not only of nature’s gentle beauty, but also with the legend’s story and lessons of Mercy, Forgiveness, Compassion, Love, and Peace for us all to take to heart and share. I will tackle objections one and two together: I am surprised by the objections that no one knows who wrote the Gospels and that they were written long after Jesus’ death by people who never knew Jesus personally. It grows in abundance in East Texas and the country roads have a beautiful display in the Spring. I love Virginia as well. :). They will tolerate full sun, but bloom better in partial shade. No one under 18 can enter our giveaways. Mills, Sarah Jane, 1873-1948 (Transcriber, Person) Conditions Governing Access. Hello Teresa, I'm so glad you found us here at Welcome to Florida's Hometown! The Legend of the Dogwood Tree Dogwood Tree Story of the Dogwood Folklore,Spiritual,Religious Photography,Prints,Canvas Art JDEFAZIOPHOTOGRAPHY. Legend Of The Dogwood Tree There is a lovely story, the legend tho it be It tells how blessed Jesus was pitied by a tree T'was in the days when Jesus this earth did walk upon Thank you for stopping by. All winners have one week to claim their prize. The Legend of the Dogwood Tree is a favorite old Southern story commonly heard each Easter in and around Two Egg, Florida. The dogwood (Cornus spp.) Fact: The best-known tree legend in America relating to the cross is the story of the symbolism of our native Eastern dogwood, one of the best-loved of flowering trees in parks and gardens. Not sure if it's the same tree or a different one. Dogwood FlowersThe Cross Of ChristCox And CoxSunday School LessonsWood PlaquesHow To Find OutHow To MakeFlower CardsCraft Supplies Legend of the Dogwood 1472 the days comments. The legend of the dogwood tree, author unknown, is as follows: In Jesus’ time, the dogwood grew To a stately size and a lovely hue. Well, we're looking for … Another, earlier name of the dogwood in … This Dogwood trees will not tolerate excessively dry or excessively wet soil, and should be watered generously under drought conditions. Dogwoods are amongst the world’s most beautiful flowering trees and have the added bonus of superb autumn colour. These blooms This made the Dogwood tree sad. Dogwood trees grow best in moist, well-drained soil with high organic content and a pH between 5.5 and 6.0, or slightly to moderately acidic. Programs â Mary Bourn, Marilu Blau, and Teresa Burroughs, Membership Roster and Badges â Valerie Laam, Boys and Girls Club â Kay Campbell and Carol McClean, Boughsâ Barbara O'Sullivan and Norma Ray, Holiday Craft Faire â Jan Slominski and Norma Ray, Publicity â Colleen Ferrari and Mary Bourn. USA shipping only. have four petals that look somewhat like a cross. What a lovely tale that is. John 1:50 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? Very interesting! When the Romans came to rule over Jerusalem, their government used this same timber to build the crosses for executing criminals. God bless! Seems like I have heard of a Judas tree, but I think it was rumored that it was the one Judas hung himself on. :). combination results in what her readers call "historical fiction at its My pleasure, Tina! The Legend Of The Dogwood Two thousand years ago, few trees in the Middle East were not big enough to construct anything. Hello Martha!Yes, I've heard of the legend of the Three Trees too. Around Easter every I love the dogwood tree and its story. These trees make the list because of their non-invasive roots or low-maintenance cleanup. I'll have to look up the passion flower. Thanks for coming by. year, it bursts forth with beautiful, fragrant blooms. In biblical times, according to one legend, it was Adamâs favorite tree ⦠so the devil sneaks into the Garden of Eden to knock all the blossoms off the Dogwood using a locust tree to climb over the wall surrounding Eden. But his attempt was foiled, as the Dogwood blossoms were in the shape of a cross, all he could manage was to bite a chunk out of each petal. This little escapade caused the locust tree to grow thorns so that it could never be used to access the garden again. Thanks for coming by, Melanie. The infection is manifested in the form of leaf spots and stem cankers. Offer void where prohibited. The legend goes like this: In Jesus’ time, dogwood trees grew in Jerusalem. Thanks for sharing! Thank you for sharing with us. They used it to build the cross that Jesus was hung on. Jesus, sensing this sadness, promised the Dogwood tree that it would never again grow large enough to build a cross. Then, dogwoods were tall, large, and similar to oak trees … Hello Amber, we have several Dogwoods on our property and I just shared this legend with my grandchildren this past Easter. 1945 August 26 Creator. Another theory advances the view that "dogwood" was derived from the Old English dagwood (dagwood is a form which is unattested), from the use of the slender stems of its very hard wood for making sharp objects: "dags" (daggers, skewers, and arrows). Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants. Theme images by. Wooden daggers were known to have been prepared from the tough wood of dogwoods, and thus the name “dogwood” may have originally came from “dagwood” or something similar. The Kousa Dogwood, or Japanese Kousa (Cornus kousa), is a white flowering, often multi-stemmed tree. The … ADDITIONAL WINNERSCecilia Wolf Roberts won Destiny’s Whirlwind by Catherine BrakefieldRory Lemond won Abba’s Answers from Catherine BrakefieldTammy Lewis won Love at First Flight (ebook edition) by Linda MatchettKarroll Hauseknecht won Love at First Flight (ebook edition) by Linda MatchettDonita Corman won The Widow’s Plight (audio book) by Mary DavisAbigail Grace Mitchell won A Nurse for Caleb (Ebook) by Donna SchlachterLinda Palmer won a Diary from Donna SchlachterConnie Porter Saunders won an Antique style fountain pen from Donna SchlachterWINNERS on the BLOG Roxanne C. won The Daughter’s Predicament (audio version) by Mary DavisBrenda W. won Kate by Donna SchlachterRose Blackard won Destiny’s Whirlwind by Catherine BrakefieldCaryl Kane won Spies & Sweethearts by Linda Matchett, This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services, to personalize ads and to analyze traffic. Dates. A beautiful sight, for sure! She lives in Colorado and spends half her time volunteering in the That myth was debunked when botanists realized that the dogwood tree doesn’t grow in Jerusalem, or even in that part of the world. Her title, Dawn of When I moved to Nebraska in the 1970s, I was very saddened to learn from a local nursery that the dogwood tree was not hardy in my new home. They made tea of dogwood bark was used to break a fever, and this same remedy led to its use again during the Civil War. Virginia is such a beautiful place! Thanks for stopping by! From Native American flower lore comes this Dogwood legend. The Cherokee believed that a tiny people lived amidst the Dogwoods and that this divine little race was sent to teach people to live in harmony with the woods.  The “Dogwood People,” as they were called, were very kind; they protected babies and took care of the old and infirm. It is said that when the Cherokee learned to speak English â they began to call the Dogwood people “brownies.”. From shop JDEFAZIOPHOTOGRAPHY. Best Trees to Plant Near a House. The legend of the dogwood is so beautiful. I'm happy to hear you are passing it along to your grandchildren. Learn more, Every February 15th, May 15th, August 15th, November 15th, Connie Porter Saunders won an Antique style fountain pen from Donna Schlachter. is an easy-to-grow, dependable tree that blooms profusely in spring, covering itself in white or pink flowers, depending on the variety. I've only visited a couple times, but it is so gorgeous and so full of history that I fell in love with it. The Cherokee believed that a tiny people lived amidst the Dogwoods and that this divine little race was sent to teach people to live in harmony with the woods. In other words, it betrays those who expect the normal result of blossoms on a tree. It is said that Jesus had a special love for Dogwood trees which had been the size of oak and other forest trees at that time. So firm and strong was the tree that it was chosen for the cross. To be used thus, for such a cruel purpose greatly distressed the tree, and Jesus with His gentle pity for all sorrow said âbecause of your regret and pity for My suffering, never again shall the Dogwood tree grow large enough to be used as a cross â henceforth it shall be slender, bent and twisted and its blossoms shall be in the form of a cross” … “two long and two short petals.”, We members of the Dogwood Garden Club have our own legend grown out of the gorgeous weather and beautiful place we live, known lovingly as “Nature’s Wonderland.”  Since we live in the Sierras at 4000 feet, we form the natural snow line during the fall, winter, and spring. Dogwoods grow profusely in the wilds here, turning beautiful shades of pink & yellow-green in the fall, losing their leaves in the winter and leafing out in the early spring, but they do not bloom until late April or early May. In our micro-climate it will snow one or more times in May and it is unwise to plant a garden until after the last snow in May, hence our legend: “Do not plant a garden until it has snowed on the Dogwoods!”. thou shalt see greater things than these. Very interesting, Stephanie. Fiction. are unique, looking almost as if they've been imprinted by nails, and All Rights Reserved. The legend holds that the beautiful dogwood was the tree used for the cross of Jesus Christ. finest". Ozarks. 'Twas strong and firm, its branches interwoven. Blessings, Tina. Picture Window theme. I loved the dogwood and would watch for them to bloom in the spring. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. The tree felt his pain, so Jesus commanded that the Dogwood would never grow so big as to be used for a cross, which is why it remains among the smaller trees. Liberty, was awarded the 2017 CSPA Book of the Year award in Historical She has a passion for travel, history, books and her Savior. There are many legends of the dogwood: some from modern times, some from ancient times, some funny, some of a religious nature, and some about where the name “dogwood” originated. One version says that the name, Dogwood, comes from the wood itself which is very hard, dense and rock-like when dry. The wood was used to make âdogsâ or ‘doggerwoodâ – an Old English term meaning âa stick used to skewer meatâ. Another version is that of a custom in England to cure mange by washing the dog with it – funny! Our selections are trees ideal for prominent garden situations. Be sure to pick a disease-resistant tree … The legend behind the dogwood trees. Visit her online at, This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services, to personalize ads and to analyze traffic. I love the dogwood tree. Learn more, Heroes, Heroines, and History. The legend of the dogwood tree comes from a poem, author unknown, about the relationship between the tree and the cross on which Jesus was crucified: In Jesus' time, the dogwood grew To a stately size and a lovely hue. Amber, thank you so much for sharing about the dogwood. She has won Destiny of Heart by Catherine Brakefield, Spies & Sweethearts by Linda Matchett, The Damsel's Intent by Mary Davis, and A Pink Lady Thanksgiving by Donna Schlachter. They Thanks for sharing about this beautiful tree. are a rather small tree, rough and crooked looking. Source: Easter garland: a vivid tapestry of customs, traditions, symbolism, folklore, history, legend, and story. Happy almost spring! It has been awhile since I read about this interesting legend. No purchase is necessary. Plus, it helps that they’re all beautiful trees! I sometimes use a Kousa Dogwood at the corner of a house where I … It says that the cross on which Jesus hung was made of Dogwood. Found naturally in over one-third of all Tennessee counties, Cornus florida or flowering dogwood, is among the state’s favorite trees. The Gospel stories are myths. Handwritten transcription of the Legend of the Dogwood Tree, a story that suggests that the cross Jesus was crucified on was made of dogwood. Thank you for sharing and I hope you have a great day. Thanks for stopping by, Connie! Amber is a proud member of the American Christian Fiction Writers Dated August 26, 1945. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. The Legend of the Dogwood is a favorite Easter tradition from Two Egg, Florida. Cornus trees need fertile soil and light shade. Not sure if it's an Easter legend, but the third tree was made into the cross. The initial symptoms appear as medium to large purple bordered leaf spots and scorched, tan blotches. So happy you'll get a dogwood this spring! The legend has it that these little people protect babies and old people. Since then, a couple of varieties have been developed that can withstand our temperature extremes and I'm hoping to plant one this spring! Another legend I love that brings me to tears is the Story of the Three Trees. According to legend, the Dogwood once grew as a tall, straight tree, but when the Dogwood Click To Tweet Something interesting about the Dogwood Tree in Tennessee. The dogwood tree itself is also a representation of Easter. Eastern American agricultural tribes used the blooming of the dogwood to signal the time to plant corn. Despite all these tales, one unknown person penned a poem around Easter time that tells an entirely different story and is my favorite. Glad you enjoyed it, Melissa! Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas) The cornelian cherry (also known as European cornel) is a large … These objections are important to address. Yes, I have known this legend for most of my life. having red coloring that almost looks like blood stains. Some of ya’ll may have heard it, but perhaps you don’t know some of the other history behind the tree. I think there is something about a Passion Flower as well. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. The Legend of the Dogwood: In Jesus’ time, the Dogwood tree had grown to a great size, like that of an Oak tree! © 2010-2020 Dogwood Garden Club. As to plants that harken to the crucifixion, an elderly woman from southern Illinois once told me that another name for the red bud teww is the Judas tree, because it blooms but then does not bear fruit. ◆ In a myth concerning dogwood trees, Cherokee Indians, people of a native American tribe believed that there are little people residing in these trees. Dogwoods are symbols of protection and safety in southeastern Native American tribes. The most commonly cited myth of the dogwood comes from Christian tradition. Association. It is said that Jesus had a love for the Dogwood tree that grew to be as large as the oak trees we know today. I have heard of it, but had forgotten the details. Seeing the distress at this use of their wood Christ made a promise which still holds good: "Never again shall the dogwood grow Large enough to be used so. The Dogwood, besides being a reminder of Christ, is also a reminder of my time in Virginia. For the cross of Christ its timbers were chosen. Flower better when grown in cooler winters. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. life. From Native American flower lore comes this Dogwood legend. It is one of the most beautiful smaller trees around, bringing ornamental value to the … Sigh. One of the very common diseases of dogwood trees is the dogwood anthracnose which is caused by the fungus Discula sp. Amber Schamel writes riveting stories that bring HIStory to We were fortunate enough to always live in the country, and you could see the spotting thru the woods with their beautiful blooms. Today as I work from home and I was gazing at the one outside of my window I thought I would "google" the history so I could back up my story and stumbled on your legend. The Cornus Stellar series. The legend holds that the tree was once very large, like a Great Oak tree, and because its wood was strong and sturdy, it provided building material for a variety of purposes. I have always loved seeing the trees and the unusual flowers. In the mid 1500’s, the trees were known in Europe as the dagwood, because the small stems were used for … 'Twas strong and firm, its branches interwoven. According to the story, it was the dogwood tree that provided the wood used to build the cross on which Jesus was crucified. Thank you Amber for sharing about the dogwood tree. Thanks for the reminder! The dogwood is the state tree of Missouri, the state flower of North Carolina, and Virginia loved it so much that it is actually their state flower AND state tree. However, one tree was valued above the others for its thick trunk and fine, strong wood. :DHappy almost Spring to you too. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. Open for public research. Since Easter is coming up, I thought I’d share a beautiful legend that always comes to my mind this time of year. The tips of the petals The “Dogwood People,” as they were called, were very kind; they protected babies and took care of the old and infirm. This is a hybrid series of trees that is made by breeding two different … Would you like to write for us? The shoots are also killed in this disease. In Northwestern tribes such as the Quileute and Makah, the dogwood symbolized good luck and dogwood berries were eaten during religious ceremonies. Dogwood tree blossoms abound on this mid-1960's card that carries the popular Easter legend of how the Dogwood tree, once as huge and strong as an Tammie ReedIT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL! 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