Know more about the colors, weight and height of Clumber Spaniel Dogs from this page. 63 49 19. The neck is thick, heavy, and feathered at the throat, and the tail is short-fringed. $10.99 $ 10. A Clumber Spaniel is only about 20 inches tall, at maximum, but large males can weigh up to 85 pounds. Of course, consulting with a vet for each individual dog is important because dietary needs can range from one dog to the next. She is Heartworm negative, has been spayed. Read more about Clumber Spaniel Health. The ideal height for dogs is 18 to 20 inches at the withers and for bitches is 17 to 19 inches at the withers. At SunMagic Clumber Spaniels we are motivated to provide a respectable performing dog that will represent the Clumber Spaniel breed well. The forelegs are short, straight and heavy in bone, with elbows held close to the body. While Clumbers are born hunters, they don’t require the usual amount of exercise and activity of one. Some haw may show but excessive haw is undesirable. Clumber Spaniel Dog Watercolor Print Pet Gift Pet Dog Love Puppy Friend Dog Poster Dog Art Dog Wall Art Doglover Gift Animal Poster-1438 CocoMilla. It’s thought they were first bred in France some 200 years ago. Cocker Spaniel Dog. A little about the Cavaliers Coat. The hocks drive in a straight line without rocking or twisting. If you have questions or comments regarding the CSCA website, please contact the CSCA Website Administrator. FREE Shipping. It is the largest of the spaniels, and comes in predominantly white with either lemon or orange markings. Excessive tearing or evidence of entropion or ectropion is to be penalized. The Clumber Spaniel dog is a breed of dog of the spaniel type. The brisket is deep and the ribs well sprung. A head with lemon/orange markings and an all-white head are of equal value. Facial markings include color around one or both eyes, freckling on the muzzle and a spot on top of the head. Raising a Clumber alongside a toddler or young child can produce a lifelong bond. This build, in combination with a deep chest, heavy brow, and powerful hindquarters, once enabled the dog to move through thick underbrush when hunting. Whether the task is hunting, hiking, swimming, or sleeping, the Clumber will be there. The flews of the upper jaw are strongly developed and overlap the lower jaw to give a square look when viewed from the side. Their strength and steady stamina will keep them right alongside even the most avid hikers and trekkers. His white coat enables him to be seen by the hunter as he works within gun range. The gait is comfortable and can be maintained at a steady trot for a day of work in the field without exhaustion. They are heavily built and big-boned. To learn more, just click any of the coat color or trait names below. Be thorough and consistent when checking your dog’s ears. While the breed makes “an excellent first-time dog” it does tend to create a trail of mess wherever it goes! Clumber Spaniels suffer from a very high rate of hip dysplasia. Clumber Spaniel - Vintage Color Dog Print - MATTED. While the Clumber spaniel is a relatively rare breed—it ranks at the 143 spot of the AKC’s 193 breeds—there is a devoted and committed community of Clumber spaniel breeders in North America. This DNA bank, housed at the University of Missouri, requires ten mls of blood in an EDTA (purple top) tube. Recognized 1884 - App: 1/8/01- Eff: 3/28/01 . It’s also just as important to schedule routine visits to the vet. Ears are broad on top with thick ear leather. Harshness in the voice can cause the dog to pull back and disconnect from the training. While this breed appears a bit brutish due to its long, low, and thick body, that assumption is well off the mark. Clumber Spaniel Dog Watercolor Print Pet Gift Pet Dog Love Puppy Friend Dog Poster Dog Art Dog Wall Art Doglover Gift Animal Poster-1438 CocoMilla. Generally a Clumber will be a combination of three colors – white, orange and lemon/yellow color.. Often the coat will be mainly white with flecks and areas of orange/yellow. Without someone to follow, this breed will always find a way to get what it wants. Clumber Spaniels are, in a nutshell, sweet-natured companions and family pets that always seems to be on their best behaviour around the home and anywhere else their owners take them. Gait The Clumber moves easily and freely with good reach in front and strong drive from behind, neither crossing over nor elbowing out. Introducing an adult Clumber to a child or cat for the first time might throw it off guard. Its better than average memory makes it easy and quick to train. Shop for clumber spaniel art from the world's greatest living artists. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a popular toy breed which has a medium length wavy coat. So, if you want to add a Clumber Spaniel in your family, then you must know about their origin, temperament, personality and trainability. This breed is a heavy shedder. The tests for those variants have been combined for simplicity in ordering. Gender Female. A lack of boundaries and rules might cause this dog to become stubborn, hard-headed, and motivated to act out. Male Clumbers weigh between 30 and 34 kg, and are around 45 to 50 cm in height, with females weighing 25 … Clumber Spaniel #1 Happy Dog Breed Pedigree Canine K-9 Animal Pet Hound Puppy Head Logo .SVG .PNG Digital Clipart Vector ... Clumber Spaniel Embroidered Face Mask Filter Pocket Nose wire Washable cotton Multi colors Hand Sewn Made in USA Free Shipping for U.S. PalatiumShop. Socializing a Clumber Spaniel as a puppy will help the training process run smoothly. Coat color is mainly white with some lemon or orange markings. The Clumber Spaniel is a hunting breed with an excellent nose and retrieving ability. The Clumber Spaniel can be a wonderful companion to both families and hunters alike. Expect to put both time and effort into training, and remember to be patient. From shop CocoMilla. They are freindly with everybody even strangers. FREE Shipping. The Clumber Spaniel looks like a more rugged version of the Cocker Spaniel, but the two breeds are very different. Meek or timid personalities don’t tend to mix well with training this breed. Because of the dog’s long ears, air circulation gets blocked and can lead to frequent infections (otitis externa and media). The Clumber Spaniel is the heaviest of the Spaniels, and is a slow, quiet hunting dog able to work in both packs or alone. The 2020 Clumber Spaniel Club of America National Specialty has been cancelled. Clumber Spaniels have long, low-set bodies with long forelegs and powerful hindquarters. Find clumber spaniel stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. The Clumber Spaniel Club of America also subsidizes a DNA bank, which allows us to store DNA from *all* Clumbers, pets and show dogs alike. From shop PalatiumShop. Depicted in a painting of the Duke of Newcastle in 1788, the Clumber Spaniel got his name from the Nottingham Estate of the Duke, Clumber Park. Because of his wide body and short legs, he tends to roll slightly. It is of good weather resistant texture, which is soft to the touch, not harsh. However, they show no tendencies toward aggression. All clumber spaniel artwork ships within 48 hours and includes a 30-day money-back guarantee. They’ll trot endlessly on a hunt or hike, but tend to suffer hip problems when running is a part of their routine. Clumber Spaniels are known for their mellow and calm nature. The most popular color? Character The Clumber Spaniel is a very sweet, loyal and affectionate breed that is not overly active once they have reached maturity. The rear legs may be trimmed up to the point of the hock. Clumber Spaniels have a general lifespan of about 10 to 12 years and are typically healthy dogs. However, the way they are paired with other color genes (and … Their heavy build makes them perfect for moving through thick brush unphased, and their level of energy allows them to do so for hours on end. Trimming of whiskers is optional. Choose your favorite clumber spaniel designs and purchase them as wall art, home decor, phone cases, tote bags, and more! Not all dogs of this breed do well with strangers and other animals, but being proactive with your Clumber puppy will likely make a significant difference. Mens Clumber Spaniel Shirt Design for Clumber Spaniel Dog Lovers Premium T-Shirt. Search Keywords. The fewer the markings on a Clumber Spaniel, the better. Drooling tendency: The Clumber Spaniel is a big drooler, so if you're disgusted by slobber spots on your clothes, you should choose a … Their loyal nature makes them eager to please, and their laid back personalities make them wonderful companions for most families. ... Clumber Spaniel Embroidered Face Mask Filter Pocket Nose wire Washable cotton Multi colors Hand Sewn Made in USA Free Shipping for U.S. PalatiumShop. Forequarters The Clumber shoulder is well laid back. Early standards and actual written descriptions mention a preference for the color lemon. They often do well living in families with children and other pets, but training and socializing them from a young age is important to ensure this compatibility. Shedding Level: Clumber Spaniels are heavy shedders. Color And Markings The Clumber is primarily a white dog with lemon color or orange color markings. Contact the breed health co-ordinator for the Clumber Spaniel. Clumbers are recognized by the American Kennel Club as a Sporting Dog. The Clumber Spaniel is believed to have descended from Basset Hounds and Alpine Spaniels, originating sometime around the French Revolution. ... Color Brown. He is a wonderful little man, ready to fit in any home situation. The Clumber, which is technically only as tall as a medium sized dog, has a thick, white coat that is excellent for protecting it while outdoors and keeping it in sight of its hunting partners. Clumber Spaniel Breed Standard Approved March 2001. His stature is dignified, his expression pensive, but at the same time he shows great enthusiasm for work and play. The Clumber spaniel has a double coat. Clear rules are vital to instilling good behavior in your Clumber. The muzzle is broad and deep to facilitate retrieving many species of game. If natural, the tailbone should extend to the point of hock, but should not extend to the ground. Evidence of shaving is to be penalized. Frequent bathing will help keep dirt and other outdoor debris from accumulating, and trimming of the rear legs, feet, and tail will keep this breed looking sharp. Mens Clumber Spaniel Shirt Design for Clumber Spaniel Dog Lovers Premium T-Shirt. Ideally, the Clumber Spaniel should be predominantly white in colour, with small lemon or orange markings on the body, and freckling around the head and muzzle. They have distinctive feathering on the feet, chest and tail, which is longer than the fur on the rest of the body. This breed has an all white body with some acceptable markings. $12.50 +$3.95 shipping. The nose is large, square and colored shades of brown, which include beige, rose, and cherry. Clumber Spaniels are quite unique with their lovely white coats and orange or lemon markings. Genotype Breakdown. Clumber Spaniel Dog CZ Lady Stainless Steel Italian Charms Bracelet Watch BJ1096. Physical Abilities of the Clumber Spaniel, More Great Bargains added for Amazon Prime Day, 9 Things to Expect After Bringing Home a Cocker Spaniel, K&H Pet Products Original Pet Cot Elevated Pet Bed Review, 6 Inexpensive Ways to Ensure the Highest Quality of Life for Your Aging Pet, 18-20 inches tall at the withers for males and 17-19 inches tall for females, A weight of 70-80 pounds for males and 55-70 pounds for females, A comfortable gait that can be maintained at a steady trot. This breed has an incredibly long body in relation to its height, which makes it easy for the dogs to plow through fields while on the hunt. Like all dogs with long, floppy ears, Clumber Spaniels need to have their ears checked routinely (at least once per week). Early standards and actual written descriptions mention a preference for the color lemon. The ears are triangular in shape with a rounded lower edge, set low and attached to the skull at approximately eye level. Clumber Spaniel *Croatian Sheepdog* *Curly Coated Retriever* *Czechoslovakian Wolfdog* Dachshund Dalmatian *Dandie Dinmont Terrier* *Doberman Pinscher* *Dogo Argentino* Dogue de Bordeaux *Dutch Shepherd* *Dutch Smoushond* English Cocker Spaniel English Foxhound His heavy brow, deep chest, straight forelegs, powerful hindquarters, massive bone and good feet all give him the power and endurance to move through dense underbrush in … Setting rules and boundaries during puppy-hood will keep this quick learning dog well behaved and completely loyal. Slow paced outdoor enthusiasts will love having this breed along for the ride, and vice versa. With a diverse mix of bloodlines from the UK - show and working, Sweden, Denmark and Australia. The coat is generally straight, flat, and soft; its density provides durability and great protection from the elements. This project subsidises free eye tests for Clumbers aged 8 years and over and owners of older dogs are urged to participate as this could also help in our understanding of PRA in the Breed. The Clumber Spaniel can be found with any of the above characteristics, but its Breed Standard is much more specific. The white color helps the hunter locate the dog. If you have questions or comments regarding the CSCA website, please contact the. The coat is straight and flat with some feathering on the chest, legs, tail,and ears. The rear feet are not as large or as round as the front feet but compact, with thick pads and are of substantial size. High-speed activities are not in a Clumber’s nature, but task this dog with a slow paced, all day excursion, and it will thrive. Facial markings include color around one or both eyes, freckling on the muzzle and a spot on top of the head. Eye problems are also a concern in the breed. Coker Spaniel English. The Clumber Spaniel has an interesting history and boasts being one of the oldest spaniel breeds around having been around for over 250 years. The Clumber Spaniel is a long, low dog, rectangular in shape and with massive bone. The top skull is flat with a pronounced occiput. Clumber Spaniel Colors; Croatian Sheepdog Colors; Curly Coated Retriever Colors; Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Colors; Dachshund Colors; Dalmatian Colors May (6) 2012 (129) November (26) September (35) July (19) May (47) April (2) Female Clumbers on the small end might weigh as much as 55 pounds, and males can reach up to 85 pounds. Cocker Spaniel Dog Pet. Look at pictures of Clumber Spaniel puppies who need a home. Some doubt exists about the origin of the Clumber Spaniel, but most believe the breed originated in 18th-century France with ancestors such as the Basset Hound and early Alpine Spaniel. The coat’s color is always white with lemon or orange markings. The Clumber is a rare breed with mysterious origins. Choco looks like a mini chocolate Labrador. Find Clumber Spaniel dogs and puppies from New Jersey breeders. 61 84 3. Potential health problems. The most popular color? Markings are frequently seen on one or both ears and the face. Shop for clumber spaniel art from the world's greatest living artists. They are sometimes reserved with strangers, and they tend to be more aloof than other spaniels. Clumber Spaniel Physical Appearance . Some genes have more than one mutation, such as those genes involved in Agouti and determining a brown coat color. “Laid-back” is a term often used to describe the Clumber, and it will remain that with only one or two walks per day and an occasional run around the backyard. Our focus is multifaceted and includes health, temperament, and proper structure. Parentage/Genetic Marker Report. One of the the theories suggest that French Duc de Noailles handed over his precious kennel of hunting dogs to Duke of Newcastle at Clumber Parkdue to threat from French revolution. The Clumber Spaniel is believed to have descended from Basset Hounds and Alpine Spaniels, originating sometime around the French Revolution. This mostly white dog is intelligent and aims to please. Facial markings include color around one or both eyes, freckling on the muzzle and a spot on top of the head. As a medium sized dog breed, average body height of the mature dog is between 17 and 20 inches at the withers. These days the manufacturers are adding movable slides and other adjusting components in their dog collar models so that you can adjust the fit according to your spaniel’s comfort. The upper arm is of sufficient length to place the elbow under the highest point of the shoulder. Free shipping. Aside from hunting, Clumbers also make excellent hiking partners. Freckles on the legs and/or a spot near the root of the tail are also frequently seen and acceptable. Make Offer - Clumber Spaniel - Vintage Color Dog Print - MATTED. At the same time, Clumbers are hard working and strive to please their human companions whenever possible. Coloring Standard of the head name of the breed makes “ an excellent first-time ”... And determining clumber spaniel colors brown coat color is predominantly white with either lemon or orange.... All white body with some acceptable markings shows great enthusiasm for work and.! Find and retrieve game birds for hunters to train dignified, his expression clumber spaniel colors, but males... Are paired with other color genes ( and … a little about the colors, weight and of... Images: dog Spaniel Animal puppy Pet Cocker sweet cute doggy completely content time! Are generally bred for the best experience, we recommend you upgrade to the class! 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