“Greek oregano has the best flower for culinary use and is the easiest to grow indoors,” Brandt says. They grew and grew but I never got tomatoes. You want to keep the soil moist, but not damp or dry. Basil, parsley, chives, thyme, sage, oregano, rosemary, mint and sage all grow well in containers. Plant the seeds in a pot that is 6 inches or larger, and place in a sunny spot where the plant can get at least 7 hours of sunlight per day. If the room does not present efficient light, gardeners may consider purchasing grow lights. They tend to do best around 70 degrees F. Some of the best varieties for indoor growing include: chives, parsley, cilantro, oregano, mint, rosemary, sage, and thyme. Some top choices for apartment gardening include mint, chives, parsley, lavender, basil, and thyme. Growing Vegetables in an Apartment. Plant your veggies or seeds in your container using indoor potting soil, which is specially formulated to help plants grow in indoor conditions. Each product we feature has been independently selected and reviewed by our editorial team. They'll grow in as quickly as four weeks in compact spaces. Try adding them to sandwiches for a nutritious crunch. Sides of the building – It’s time to that the spaces at the sides of your house are teeming with life. Good luck to you, and many juicy tomatoes. Fruits are one of the most difficult types of vegetables to grow but there are some apartment gardening projects that allow you to grow fruit like pears, peaches, apples, and grapes. All you need is a six-inch square pot, some fertilized soil, and water. Herbs (a subset of vegetables) love the sunshine, so you're going to have to make sure they get a lot of it: 12-16 hours a day. Kale, one of the healthiest vegetables, can be grown in a small apartment. Because they're not subject to intense outdoor heat, they will not dry out as frequently, so be careful not to overwater. (02/19/2007) By jantoo ,
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