North American Arms. It is the responsibility of users to make sure they are using current design standards Current Roadway Design Construction Standard Drawings Fax: 1-801-374-9998. Superior Networking - Connect with the top acquirers and networks as well as senior level payments executives from the top merchants. 445 W Center St Suite 200 Now more than ever, consumers want buying experiences that are seamless as they move across channels - online, in-store, or a combination of both. 2023 ADOT- This is a Free Drupal Theme, Law Enforcement Resources/AZCrash Report/Training Resources, Transportation Systems Management and Operations, Location Survey P-Codes for Bentley InRoads, Civil Rights/External EEO Contractor Compliance. The pandemic brought about a shift to digital channels, and most merchants were quick to react with new, or amended, solutions to enable their customers to pay. This transition has been ongoing for over two decades and includes electronic and digital representations of banking cards, healthcare cards, and now drivers licenses. We have also seen current market participants expand their products to include variations of deferred payments. Juneteenth: June 19, 2023 - Closed Delivering an exceptional customer experience doesnt just end at the checkout. 3 Revised Painted Symbols, Addendum No. Automation, more visibility, less errors, lower resource demand are all advantages. In this roundtable discussion, MAG merchant members, attorneys, and staff will share we are doing to amplify the merchants voice through collaboration efforts in current Communities of Practice and payments industry stakeholder discussions, education efforts through the Merchant Payments Professionals e-learning series that now has over 250 graduates, and advocacy efforts with governmental stakeholders and industry partners. 9-6, MAG Standard Specifications and Uniform Details for Public Works Construction, 9-6-1, MAG standard specifications and uniform details for public works construction. MAG develops population estimates and projections for the region. With millions of connection points already built, networks are the central point for direct to bank transactions, cryptocurrency payments, and everything in between. Have you ever wondered how some merchants always seem to integrate new payments or talk about what they are doing to innovate in the payments space? MAG conferences offer a unique experience, attracting payments professionals as well as those with organizational responsibilities that include payments and related matters. Join the strategic discussions and learn best practices for todays rapidly changing payments environment. Only fixed-rate first mortgages are allowed. 9-6, MAG Standard Specifications and Uniform Details for Public Works Construction 9-6-1 MAG standard specifications and uniform details for public works construction. Presenters: Eddie Torres (CyberSource, a Visa Solution)Tim Stallard (CyberSource, a Visa Solution). NeighborWorks Provo can be reached at 801-375-5820 or 39 W. 300 N. in Provo. Copyright 2022 State of Indiana - All rights reserved. If the home is sold or vacated within two years of purchase, a $5,000 pre-payment penalty will be applied. WebThe purpose of these standards is to aid developers, homebuilders and their designers in the planning and designing of public and private infrastructures. Section 6-4 Transportation Traffic Signals Toll Free 1-800-821-5783 International 1-801-374-9990 Fax: 1-801-374-9998. In this session, our data-equipped experts will explore the three top challenges that merchants face in the modern state of payments: transaction efficiency, fraud, and the cost of payments acceptance. through panel and keynote sessions, as well as within the exhibit halls at in-person events. MAG Standards. Both spouses/partners are required to be on our loan even if they are not on the first mortgage and must have a qualifying credit score. Avondale AZ In this session, learn how ML based payments back-office platforms can boost productivity, lower revenue leakage, and reduce payments incidents while also streamlining your business operations, reducing overhead, and unlocking growth. These are the companies that innovated, transformed, and succeeded in 2021. Interested in hearing about the breakout sessions which were only available in person? How is your company approaching the one-in-six American adults who use digital currencies? Opticare works to S3 - Revise the Manhole Wall Thickness - Olson Precast of Arizona, Addendum No. Property may be a single-family home, a home with a legal-accessory apartment, one half of a twin home or town home, or a condo. WebStandard Specifications 2022 Standard Specifications Effective for Lettings on or after September 1, 2021 2020 Standard Specifications Effective for Lettings on or after September 1, 2019 thru August 31, 2021 2018 Standard Specifications // Index of Changes Effective for Lettings on or after September 1, 2017 thru August 31, 2019 Accessibility Street Planning and Design Reference Materials . They will also give you a quick overview on the state of the payments ecosystem and what work can be done to make it better. Adopting to cloud computing processes is not an easy initiative. Those certain specifications entitled MAG Standard Specifications and Uniform Details for Public Works Construction, sponsored and distributed by the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) are adopted by the City of Goodyear and made part of this chapter the same as though said specifications were specifically set forth in full herein; at least three copies of said specifications shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk and kept available for public use and inspection. MAG conferences offer a unique experience, attracting payments professionals as well as those with organizational responsibilities that include payments and related matters. The MAG Standard Specifications and Details Committee, with assistance from five specialized working groups, considered 37 cases during the 2011 session. Of these, 27 were approved and included in this edition. New specficiations: Indianapolis, IN 46204 Income is calculated as a projected income based on the last three month's of pay stubs using the actual hours worked. MAG standard specifications and uniform details for public works construction. single family/duplex or 445 W Center St Suite 200 Merchant-only day is a great time for us to hear how the MAG has worked to achieve its mission of being the voice of the merchants. Merchants need to be aware of the different models that providers are bringing to market, as well as possible regulations on the horizon. We have seen restaurants and grocery stores launch or update eCommerce sites and mobile apps, deploy contactless payments and delivery options, offer a range of pickup and takeout options available, and pilot self-service and self-checkout processes. Kathy Hanna, MAG Chair, and John Drechny, MAG CEO, will discuss the MAG team and its merchant communitys accomplishments since our last meeting. Cloud migration introduces its own challenges. We have also seen current market participants expand their products to include variations of deferred payments. They recognize the value of analytics in optimizing declines, fraud, chargebacks, cost of acceptance, etc. Session panelists will highlight how the use of advanced technology solutions brings successful payments outcomes to merchants. David Schneider (Pulse, a Discover Company), Moderator: Scott Anderson (The Home Depot). Labor Day: September 4, 2023 - Closed 100 N. Senate Ave., Room N758-CM Presenters:Chinmy Gupta (EG America) - VirtualAnuragKshirsagar (T-Mobile) - VirtualModerator: Robert Savage (MAG). No worries, we have you covered. You will hear how real merchants have solved the real struggle to connect the disconnected. Home may not be occupied, or have been occupied, by renters within six months to the date of contract who would be displaced by the purchase. Presenters:John Drechny (MAG)Kathy Hanna (MAG Chair, The Kroger Co.). In order to ensure public health, safety and welfare for all design and construction projects, Provo City has adopted APWA Standards and Specifications 11 - Water Design Standards - Fire Hydrants, Addendum No. Robert Goldberg (Universal Orlando)Justin Staskiewics (Restaurant Brands International)Brad Timbes (ExxonMobil)Ken Grogan (Wakefern Food Corp.)Wes Sweet (Walmart)Scott Ethington (ExxonMobil)Jim DuBoyce (W. Capra Consulting Group). While the concept of omni-channel has been top of mind for merchants, we are starting to see them grapple with the convergence of the digital and physical worlds. With identity fraud on the rise, the importance of digital representation for physical identities is becoming increasingly critical on all fronts. *This session is for merchant members and Tech Forum Sponsors only. out to you shortly! SP-1Request 1 Major Intersection Cross Slope, Addendum No. Additionally, ADOT and the Citizens Transportation Oversight Committee serve as ex-officio members for transportation related issues. 302 N. First Ave. The Tech Forum provides attendees with the latest insights necessary to understand and use these new and emerging technologies in payments. Each spouse/significant other must be listed as an applicant/co-applicant. This interactive session will provide valuable insights to help participants develop or enhance their companies fraud strategies and operations. You must be able to put down $1,000 of your own money. City Hall Administration Hours: Saturation of tokenization products from acquirers, wallets, and card networks has increased complexity and fragmentation for today's merchants. View the MAG Annual Sponsor Listing here. The challenge is getting IT resources to consume, normalize, and enrich data files from payment vendors. Tune into the replay of today's morning session. Indiana Department of Transportation Phoenix, AZ 85003 WebNEW IN THE 2022 REVISION Uniform Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction2022 Revision to the 2020 Edition The MAG Standard Specifications and Details Committee, with assistance from specialized working groups, considered 15 cases during the 2021 session. Participants in this session will learn how to identify various types of fraud, strategies to prevent, and actions to take in case fraud occurs (because, yes, it will occur). By 2024, digital wallets will account for more than half of all e-commerce payments worldwide and 33% of in-store payments. SIG documents are proprietary and confidential. Applicant's liquid assets (defined in policiesmanual) cannot exceed $15,000 up to time of closing. They need to juggle several tokenization products, thereby increasing program costs and fracturing visibility into insights about their customers. Applicants must take "Pre-Home-Ownership Counseling" offered through Community Action or NeighborWorks Provo. As omni-channel expands sales across all hours, and global markets bring sales across all time zones and days of the week, no longer can we run the risk of technology failures that impacts revenue. Sewer design standards and guidelines Accessibility Issues. Maricopa County 2023 Supplement to the MAG (Standard details are included) Maricopa County 2022 Supplement to the MAG ; Guide for Copyright Arizona Department of Transportation All rights reserved. Section 3-5 Well Sites, Section 6-1 Transportation Impact Analysis Customers have more choices than ever when deciding where to shop and offering flexible payments options at checkout for all types of customers can help your brand gain a competitive edge. Presenters:Callum Godwin (CMSPI)Randy Gibbons (Southwest Airlines). Technologies in payments continues WebStandards & Specifications. Suite 300 For example, when purchasing alcohol, why do we share our complete physical license with all our data on it, versus maybe just the data that the merchant needs to know? Merchants have been focused on building their presence outside of the store to online and on mobile for a while now. Presenters:Greg Witten (Verifi, a Visa Solution)Joe Vasterling (Best Buy). No payment is due as long as the applicant(s) continues to own and live in the home as their primary residence. When MAG was formed in the mid-1960s, local elected officials recognized the need for long-range planning and policy development on a regional scale. MAG is the regional planning agency for Maricopa County, which includes the metropolitan Phoenix area. TIA 1 - On-Site School Queuing, Addendum No. Well Head Equipment Layout 35506 With parts of the world opening back up, the entire merchant industry is sure to see a surge from eager consumers and bad actors alike. You will hear real-world examples of merchants who are making payments a business priority, how to support secure digital experiences that allow you to optimize revenue streams, and why enabling choice is essential to providing the experience your customers crave. WebConstruction requirements Site plans for new developments must include preparations for sewer and storm water system connection and use. Memorial Day: May 29, 2023 - Closed Panelists will share a coherent approach in responding to merchant needs in this ever-changing financial ecosystem. These funds can be used for down payment, closing costs, and/or rate buy down. REMINDER: You must be a current MAG Annual Sponsor in good standing to be a Mid-Year Conference and/or Tech Forum Conference sponsor. Christmas Day: December 25, 2023 - Closed, City Hall 7:00AM - 6:00PM There are now more techniques than ever before to take the mountain of data from transactions and put them into a visual form. WebCode of Ordinances Chapter 9, Buildings and Building Regulations Art. Disclaimer: The City Clerks Office has the official version of the Goodyear Code of Ordinances. Recent technological advancements have drastically changed the payments ecosystem, and merchants must enhance their IT strategies to meet customer preferences. The SIG sessions are the ultimate networking sessions that give merchants an opportunity for an open and honest chat with their peers on what keeps them up at night in a no-pressure environment. The original document has been converted to the Microsoft Word standard to facilitate easier modification and sharing for future revisions. The detail drawings have all been updated to the 2010 AutoCAD standard, and converted into a linked PDF file. The MAG Standard Specifications and The ultimate networking session! While these changes bring opportunities, they also introduce new challenges for business leaders, especially IT departments. 5 - Cul-de-sac-2020-04-23 -Signed, Addendum No. A 0% interest, deferred payment loan to assist first-time home buyers in becoming home owners in Provo City. Must be on current job for six months. MAG was the first regional planning agency formed in the state of Arizona. This panel of experts will discuss everything from Super Apps in Asia to the Payment Security Directive in Europe to Open Banking and real time payments in markets around the world. As we see more of these initiatives become global in nature, gaining knowledge of what it means for your business will be critically important to your long-term strategies. Updated March 05, 2022 8:54 AM ORDER REPRINT After more than three hours of debate, Washington House Representatives passed a ban on high-capacity magazines in the state late Friday night. Applicant must qualify for a first mortgage through a lender of their choice(see underwriting criteria for ratio requirements). Presenters:Anand Goel (Optimized Payments)Nitish Pandit (Priceline). It is a pivotal time for merchants to build the infrastructure to incorporate these innovations in an integrated manner, especially as customers get more comfortable in the digital world. Our panel discussion will explore how sellers and acquirers currently remove unnecessary disputes from the ecosystem, the strides solution providers and card brands are making to improve the process and how these are impacting the customer experience. Come join the most highly rated sessions of a MAG conference - these merchant-only discussion groups - led by merchant leaders - give you an opportunity in a no-pressure environment for an open and honest chat with your Apache Junction 1001 N Idaho Rd, Apache Junction, AZ 85219 (480) 982-1055 . These procedures are different depending on the type of construction, whether a ADOT Materials These files represent an official issuance of the Department of Transportation. CI/CD allows for smaller, more frequent deployment into production using the CI/CD framework. The bill prohibits the sale of magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds. This section is included in your selections. The amount of data available through transaction processing continues to grow at an exponential rate, but how do you use this data to help improve your processes. W4 Request No. Monday - Thursday Applicant must be income eligible (see income chart)(effective June 15, 2022). Two and a half days of pure payments knowledge with the best in the industry. Thanksgiving Day: November 23, 2023 - Closed These winners realized the investment in getting prospects to check-out are squandered if payments and fraud prevention are not optimized to convert more prospects into buyers, as well as customers into loyal customers. This indicates that flexible payments methods are expected now more than ever. Standards Committee. Recent technological advancements have drastically changed the payments ecosystem, and merchants must enhance their IT strategies to meet customer preferences. Presenters:Angie Grunte (Redbridge DTA)Daniel Crisologo (Nordstrom)Joe Myers (Elavon)Pablo Cohan (Mastercard). Presenters: Owen Glist (Constantine Cannon)Joe Vasterling (Best Buy)Moderator: Eric O'Brien (MAG) &Beth Provenzano (MAG). Section 6-3 Street Planning And Design Criteria The days of large scheduled release cycles with major code updates and product deployment are becoming a thing of the past. The pandemic has been a catalyst for significant change in the way we access food. The payments landscape is changing at a record pace, and networks are not standing still while it evolves. Emerge with a better understanding of how digital payments can be implemented and why your business needs to start developing a digital asset acceptance strategy today. Log in, Phone (in Alberta only): If you are buying in a Utah County city other than Provo, go to the Loan-to-Own Program. As an example, on a $350,000 home using a conventional mortgage, a qualified applicant can receive $17,500, plus estimated closing costs (from your Loan Estimate), minus $1,000, PLUS an additional $17,500, capping at $40,000. International 1-801-374-9990 Come join the most highly rated sessions of a MAG conference - these merchant-only discussion groups - led by merchant leaders - give you an opportunity in a no-pressure environment for an open and honest chat with your peers about what keeps you up at night. Christmas Eve: December 21, 2023 - Closed Did you miss being in person for the first round of SIG sessions? This list is provided as a centralized resource for standards required when working with ADOT. This site does not support Internet Explorer. 302 N. First Ave. This list is provided as a centralized resource for standards required when working with ADOT. Web2150 South 950 East Provo, UT 84606. The panel will help merchants navigate the sea of options and gain practical insight. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Start, Stop, Transfer and All Other Forms, Section 6-1 Transportation Impact Analysis, Section 6-3 Street Planning And Design Criteria, Section 6-4 Transportation Traffic Signals, Addendum No. Users should contact the City Clerks Office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. Beginning September 1, 2022, the way that we calculate the amount a person can receive changed. Traditional, four-installment BNPL options burden merchants with high fees and increased returns. This is a great time to learn how you can become more plugged into the MAGs ongoing efforts as a MAG member. Beginning September 1, 2022, the way that we calculate the amount a person can receive changed. to evolve at a rapid pace. MAG is the MPO for transportation planning and the governor designated MAG to serve as the principal planning agency for other issues, including air quality, water quality, and solid waste management. WebFor over three decades, Opticare Vision Services has provided premium, risk-based vision insurance products to help patients improve and preserve their eyesight. These documents are for the MAG members only and must not be circulated outside of the MAG Membership. Presenters:Kelly Andrus (EG America)Jacqueline Chilton (McDonalds)Scott Anderson (The Home Depot)Kelly Haren (Walmart). MAG Conferences bring together all key stakeholders in the payments ecosystem to Engineering Standard Details. Web2012 City of Phoenix Supplement to the 2012 MAG Uniform Standard; 2021 Mag Uniform Standard; AutoCAD Standards; DCM AutoCAD Standards; Materials Lab; Stormwater Hear how developing and maintaining a faster payments strategy is key to use-case identification and implementation and meeting customer expectations and gain insights into how merchants can prepare for the faster payments solutions that will drive adoption and ultimate ubiquity across the U.S. payments ecosystem. In this session, Patrick Raycroft, a Partner with W. Capra Consulting Group, will dive into the fraud ecosystem and dissect the different types of fraud and the associated bad actors. These procedures are different depending on the type of construction, whether a single family/duplex or commercial/multi-family development. If you are a lender, the underwriting criteria can be found here. Last Supplemental Specifications were published to 2006 Standard Specifications, Scott Trammell The MAG 2022 Mid-Year Conference and Tech Forum brought together key stakeholders in the payments ecosystem and focused on the latest in payments technology. While this was an experience consumers craved previously, the pandemic has catalyzed their expectations. Presenters:Jim Cunha (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston) - VirtualIssidorIiiev (Mastercard) - VIrtualModerator: Beth Costa (Oliver Wyman)John Drechny (MAG). We also accept the following online course only: Copyright 2023. Many merchants look to add a Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) payments option because of the opportunity to increase revenue; however, it is important to consider whether the potential revenue bump will offset the cost of offering BNPL. Presenters:Rick Oxenhandler (Oliver Wyman)Mathieu Barthelemy (Oliver Wyman). Given the fast pace of digital transformation, it has become crucial not only to analyze data but to act on it. Presenters:Juan Garrido (Bank of America)Robing Reodica (Bank of America)Sara Walsh (Bank of America)Luis Lenor (Bank of America). Water/Wastewater S tandards & Policies. Section 7-3 Small Wireless Facility, Well Site Layout and Clear Zone Requirement 35502 On the other hand, some people would like to take back control over their identity. This interactive session will provide valuable insights to help participants develop or enhance their companies fraud strategies and operations. peers about what keeps you up at night. Water/Wastewater Systems, Design Standards Manual. An emerging solution of data services is coming to the market, which would allow merchants to remove all the headaches of file monitoring and data normalization and spend their time analyzing data, using their preferred BI tool of choice Tableau, Power BI, Domo, etc. Presenters:Clint Myers (Fiserv) - VirtualOn-Stage Moderator: Robert Savage. The MAG membership currently consists of the 27 incorporated cities and towns within Maricopa County and the contiguous urbanized area, the Gila River Indian Community, the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community, Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, and Maricopa County. Adot and the ultimate Networking session if you are a lender of their (. Be listed as an applicant/co-applicant participants expand their products to include variations of payments. An easy initiative to help participants develop or enhance their it strategies meet. Major Intersection Cross Slope, Addendum No Code of Ordinances Chapter 9, Buildings and building regulations.! The Tech Forum Sponsors only been updated to the Microsoft Word Standard to facilitate easier modification and for. Have drastically changed the payments landscape is changing at a record pace, and in. For down payment, closing costs, and/or rate Buy down their primary residence opticare Vision has. 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