If you see this card in a reading, its imperative you are in a healthy place to make a good decision. Seven of Cups depicts a person who is standing before seven cups filled with seven images. Perhaps youre finding it difficult to open up about a certain issue or are afraid to let go of something that is no longer working. In financial context, you should have lots of opportunities to make money but you need to be careful before making investments. You should check any investment opportunities out thoroughly and consult a professional financial adviser first as they might not be as good a deal as they initially appear to be! This person could benefit from taking some time for themselves to think about what it is they truly want to accomplish and make a solid plan that will help them get there. All Rights Reserved. I am categorically promise you that your soul is incredibly unlikely to be cheating. It can say a lot about your current relationship or what you can expect from a future partnership. This cup represents an ouroborus, which is a snake biting its own tail. But realize there could be more to the story. If you were thinking about exchanging your current career for a new one, you must first think about why you want to do this. All rights reserved. and drug use is sometimes associated with an adverse aspect of Neptune. In the future position, this card is not menacing at all. This gets messy and sticky very quickly and never seems to end well for you as people take advantage then seem to almost plead ignorance to their debt. In the classic Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the Seven of Cups card shows a man standing before seven chalices containing gifts (like jewels, a castle, and a victory wreath) and curses in the image of a snake and a dragon. You might be feeling confused, overwhelmed, or scared to commit. Talk about the Seven of Cups as feelings! For those who read tarot reversals, the Seven of Cups reversed can have a different meaning compared to the ones mentioned above. You may come up with your own criteria to help you make decisions in alignment with your inner being. The next cup has a laurel wreath and a skeleton face. No relationship is perfect and thats ok. There might be many external influences that affect their judgment. Such an instance can muddle your mind and negatively affect your decisions. And despite the rather Generally, theres the hint that youll get past whatever obstacle is These differences cause chaos in your relationship. And brain fog is another interpretation, with your mind The Seven of Cups reversed reminds you to reawaken to playfulness, joy and curiosity. When the 7 is reversed, you are beginning to make them and to move toward action. is related to the situation and what is really going on, observe. Web6.2 Reversed; 7 Eight of Cups Cards Combinations. Seeing the Seven of Cups reversed in your reading can also imply receiving mixed signals from your partner. Reduce your options and focus on what is important to you. However, if there is just one card from this suit among the many in your reading, your feelings are not playing a big role in your life at this time. This card is inviting you to move out of the ideas and options phase and choose. When this Minor Arcana card appears in a Tarot reading, it indicates that you need to make a decision in your life and realistically look at where you are. You must also try to be patient because being aggressive with your love wont help make them comfortable around you. Keep you mind sharp and open to solutions. Plans fall through and dont materialize. You need to use this clarity to take stock of the relationship and take action to fix any issues that need to be resolved. Your task now is to act on this advice and reach out to him, because there is a slight chance he may not feel confident enough. Would you like to think having all these options is a comfortable position to be in? This is why you firmly believe the only way to achieve your goals is to be making enough money in order for them to become a reality. In a health Tarot reading, the Seven of Cups reversed can represent poor lifestyle choices having a negative effect on health. The beauty of this card in reverse is that you have learned your lessons, and now see attractive choices as distractions from what you really want. Webpsychic | 41 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Zalora: Was Nicola Bulley MURDERED-! 3. You may find that your ideas are not grounded in reality. Perhaps you are sitting around daydreaming too much. mean that it and all the others are closed off to you. You, your soul, or the both of you have reflected healthily on your past mistakes, and formed new habits for the future to keep your union strong and stable. These are open doors, and they all lead to abundance. All these shiny new objects in front of you have a certain magic power over you right now, and youre at risk of losing focus if you chase after pipedreams. In a health Tarot reading, the Seven of Cups reversed can represent poor lifestyle choices having a negative effect on health. You may have to be creative in your solutions to find them. This job has much more responsibility but this is something you are now ready for. For example, you may wish for a fitter, more healthy body, until The Seven of Cups warns us not to give in to temptation, seduction, or addiction. If you are finding it difficult to stop your negative indulgences get help from a professional or speak to your doctor. Are you the one with the feelings? The dreams may even be gone; So here, for the ill-dignified 6 of Cups, over which Judgement towers: would you guys say that the person feeling this. If you are finding it difficult to stop your negative indulgences get help from a professional or speak to your doctor. Age is nothing but a number. Remember, the grass isnt always greener on the other side. As mentioned earlier, the Seven of Cups signifies new opportunities, numerous choices, and sometimes illusions. Irresponsibility: When The Seven of Cups is in the same reading as The Sun, someone else is paying the bills, and you are taking full advantage of having a second childhood with few foreseeable consequences. If this is the case, then it is time to make some powerful changes! sure. issues. Dont limit yourself, you are capable of so much more than you realise!. Here is a love reading based on the 7 of Cups tarot card that will help you gain insight into your current love situation. Cups are the emotional suit, so in the upright version of the Seven of Cups and Moon: a. Madness.b. It could be for several reasons, but I have a feeling you are ready now because you are fed up of how this present life makes you feel. The King of Cups and Temperance appearing in a love tarot reading suggests that the apple of your eye is attracted to you but hesitant to act on it. Your house is abuzz with constant activity. You can also head over tothis articleI wrote about thebest questionsto ask during a tarot reading. In a financial context, you should be feeling more decisive about financial matters.. Reversed Seven of Cups as Feelings. Also, it is important to be honest with yourself and those around you. When the Seven of Cups and the Fool appear in a love reading together, it means you wish to start anew. One reason could be your hesitance to clarify what you truly desire to get from the relationship. Or, perhaps you exhibit lust as represented by the woman, or you seek the glory only a laurel wreath can indicate? It could also mean that you have to make a change to your path This can also indicate drug addiction because when we are high, nothing is clear It represents getting a reality check. A cards meaning changes based on its location in a reading including whether or not its upright or reversed. Minor Arcana is a focus or reflection on your thoughts, feelings, notable changes, and daily struggles. The cards in the Suit of Cups signify human emotions, social relationships, and intuition, to name a few. This rare occasion can bring two soulmates together whom otherwise may have given up and gone their separate ways. All seven cups are floating in the clouds. An opportunity with promises of more money, more fame, or more power may sound appealing, but as you look deeper into what is on offer, you may realise its not everything its cracked up to be. However, the Seven of Cups in reverse also indicates that someone sees you as being wise beyond your years. I asked how this certain guy feels about me and got the 7 of Cups reversed. Love Meaning: Relationships take work to maintain but if youre willing to put in the effort, you will experience personal growth and stronger bonds with your partner. The cups are floating in the clouds. The Seven of Cups reversed represents the intuitive ability to see through the distortion of your recent life form a clearer path ahead of you. If you spend most of your time wishing but not doing the work, then its time to choose just one thing and make it happen. Either youre refusing to decide on something, or you feel as though youre at a dead end with no resolution in sight. As the symbolism of the imagery suggests, there are too many choices, temptations, and questions at hand, preventing a clear decision from being made. Reversed Seven of Cups Meaning For Job and Career, Reversed Seven of Cups Meaning For Money and Finance, The Esoteric Meaning of Major Arcana (0 - III). Clouds represent dreams, illusions, thoughts and imaginations. Unconditional love means you take the good and the bad. This brings us back to the Sun card and represents the solar energy. Yes, they were fun and yes, they gave you the freedom you desired, but those choices have been outgrown and replaced by meaningful and studious events. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The Seven of Cups, reversed, can mean he is focused on being realistic about his feelings--maybe determined to decipher what is real and what is fanciful about them. This card this position can also suggest that you will find clarity and direction after a period of uncertainty and doubt. The seven of cups tarot card is an auspicious card to pull in a love reading. When you are constantly in the idea phase, you miss the chance to bring your designs into fruition. Creativity fueled at night. In order to improve this, the time has come to save and repay rather than borrow more. Dancer. You could come to the conclusion there isnt real substance in your life, whether its good friend, a stable family or a long-term relationship. Its also worth noting that its best to be on the watch out for some tarot card combinations that include the Seven of Cups because these card pairings have profound meanings. The Seven of Cups has an overall positive meaning in tarot readings about love and relationships. Little looks or smiles, offers to walk you to your car or perhaps chance encounters that may have been strategically planned by this person. You used to love the idea of casual work. It can also be a warning not to spend all your time brainstorming and forget to take practical steps to make your dreams a reality. WebThe Reversed Devil can mean one of two things. The 7 of Cups in reversed position can represent a number of things, depending on the context of the situation. When you reverse the card, though, the Do people tell you that your dreams are just illusions? If you have been overindulging or binging on food, alcohol or drugs for instance, the Seven of Cups reversed tells you its time to get back your control. The Seven of Cups represents an idea or a wish a vision you can turn into reality if you act proactively. Put something aside each month and in no time you will have a nice amount saved. Want to become a more powerful Tarot reader? The Seven of Cups in reverse can also represent someone who is holding back information or is acting dishonest. A silhouetted figure stands in the foreground of the card, looking deep into it. It is often an indication that you need to take more time for yourself and make sure youre in a good place before you start dating again. WebOften, the Seven of Cups can be a sign of wishful thinking and projecting into the future about what you would like to create, rather than taking action here in the present to make it happen. When The Seven of Cups is in the same reading as. Yes, even the bravest of souls can feel somewhat insecure, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. On the top shelf of the cloud, only three cups remain. Each cup is filled with a different illusion. Great surprises live amongst your days as you encounter a very surprising offer or proposal and finally you can eradicate all other choices as they lay meaninglessly in your perimeters. Its time to let go of negative thoughts that are holding you back from becoming your greatest version. Or check out the rest of the Minor Arcana orMajor Arcanain The Tarot Guide for free tarot meanings online! Dont commit to things you cant see through to the end. The Seven of Cups, one of the 14 cards in the Suit of Cups, represents choices, opportunities, illusions, and wishful thinking. Try to loosen up and date people you might not normally date. These irreconcilable differences cause you to lack focus on healing the relationship. Jupiter is represented by the Wheel of Fortune and there is a fortune in that cup. WebReversed Nine of Cups Love Meaning If you pull the Nine of Cups in the reversed position for a love tarot reading, the card could suggest that someone is not making a move on the other person. Your tarot reading includes many cards, and they all influence each other. If you are in a relationship, the Seven of Cups can indicate that a new potential love interest may appear and cause issues in your current relationship or cause you to question the relationship. 1/ is haunted by the past and wants to go back to how it was (for things to "resurrect"), or. Seven of Cups and Nine of Swords: a. You give the impression of being a source of wisdom and guidance. 10 MINUTES FOR $1.99 (New Customers Only), Pisces Horoscope and Predictions for 2023. Perhaps the two of you are talking about making a huge step, such as moving in together or getting married, and you feel unsure about it. There is somebody in your life who sends your heart a flutter. If youre already in a relationship, you might have decided to end things for some time now. Hence, the Seeker must consult their Higher Self before making a significant decision. When the Seven of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, you have many options and opportunities from which you can choose. If you are single, the Seven of Cups reversed indicates that you may be limiting the possibilities for romance by sticking too rigidly to an unrealistic or idealised notion of your perfect partner. This uncertainty, this pre conceived idea that moving forward or taking that next step is scary has been banished from your heart and replaced with new confidence that you are and can make good decisions. obstacles take hold. And of course, the Magicians magical figure 8 reminding us that the universe is really a gigantic infinity sign swinging back and forth. Do the right thing and keep your money to yourself. Yes, that could mean your plans The tarot deck has four suits of cards that describe the fundamental ways in which we all take in experiences: thought, feeling, creativity, and material reality. The number seven can represent many things on an esoteric level: seven ancient planets, seven interior stars (chakras), the seven seals and seven trumpets in Revelations, and so on. The universe here is asking you to spot those serendipitous moments and recall them as subliminal hints of love. It can also be a warning not to spend all your time brainstorming and forget to take practical steps to make your dreams a reality. You dont need to keep searching for that big idea; you have what you need. You may appear to them as a bit disconnected from reality or preoccupied with your own thoughts and feelings. choices, or putting daydreaming to better use (such as making those dreams come The reversed Seven of Cups often appears when you face several different choices and, instead of choosing the option that may appeal to others, you are relying on your inner wisdom and guidance to show you the best way. Or you might wish for a successful business fuelled by passive income, but youre not ready and willing to put in the hard work now to enjoy the fruits of your labour later. This tarot card in reverse can be taken as a sign of a need to let go of something in order to move forward with confidence. If youd like to learn more about other tarot card meanings, make sure to browse through ourtarot section! The, Relationships take work to maintain but if youre willing to put in the effort, you will experience personal growth and stronger bonds with your partner. You may feel spread thin and exhausted when it comes to family and home life. Money Meaning: Your finances are going to increase soon. If this is the case, try to choose a handful of spiritual practices that appeal most to you and work on them one at a time. something is going on there, please do seek the treatment you might need. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. Give them the time to understand their feelings and emotions. Its Make your decision and go for it. With the Wheel of Fortune as a clarifying card, perhaps he is trying to pinpoint what his true feelings are based upon all the things that have happened between you two up to this point. Advice. When a tarot reading commences, the cards are all placed in specific areas based on when they are pulled from the deck. You can realize that you dont want to be chained to a vice, a blood sucking corporate job or a draining relationship and release the cords. 2023 Biddy Tarot. But others hold gifts that are not gifts at all; instead, they are curses, such as the snake or dragon. The number 16 also reduces back to 7, so this is a perfect representation of the how the negative energies of the 7 of Cups can manifest. They view you as a missed opportunity. If you pull this card in response to an answer, its a wise to pull clarifications cards or take a step back from the situation and give it time to clear your head before making a choice. Perhaps a lack of purpose is having a deadening effect. WebIn one sense, the Seven of Cups indicates that you are a dreamer who is both excited and afraid of the things that you see in your unconscious. In another, the Seven of Cups is a reminder that although it is good to have dreams and wishes, it is even better to take action attaining those dreams. Rely on your sexy, seductive side to spice up your life. In a career context, the Seven of Cups is a good omen indicating that multiple possibilities for career advancement are open to you. Painter. that you may want to address with help from others. You might also suddenly realize that you were too hasty to commit to a serious romantic relationship when you arent ready yet. I think past mistakes have led you to a very sensible no. You have different values. the bad. You need to limit the amount of things you are taking on to a manageable amount. WebTypically when the Seven of Cups comes up in the reversed position there will be excess worry or feelings of insecurity. For example, you may wish for a fitter, more healthy body, until it's time to get out there and exercise. Trust your gut feeling and let your intuition guide the way. Youd rather be wrapped up in fantasy and illusion. What can you find? Welcome to Calming Cosmos! The Seven of Cups can be a card of inaction. Do you have a plan to get rich quickly? This description is fitting, given that the tarots Major Arcana is also known for being called the Fools Journey. In a career context, the Seven of Cups is a good omen indicating that multiple possibilities for career advancement are open to you. Unfortunately, the 7 of cups is a neutral card, not suggesting a clear yes or no answer. Given the many options you have, its tempting to rush into things, especially when it comes to romance. Advertise with us. REVERSED: Alignment, personal values, overwhelmed by choices. Privacy and Terms. A tarot reading with many cards from the suit of Cups is about emotions. How are you towards this soul? Sevens are not considered unwelcome in a spread, but they do bring some sort of obstacle with them. Manage Settings In tarot readings about love, the Seven of Cups reversed means chaos, confusion, and ambiguity. Try to loosen up and date people you might not normally date.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'thetarotguide_com-banner-1','ezslot_10',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-banner-1-0'); In a career context, the Seven of Cups reversed can indicate that you may be feeling trapped in your career or that your opportunities for advancement are restricted. It is so easy at times like these to feel as though you are trapped. Dont place your impression of people on them, allow them to show themselves to you. Instead, you may find yourself stuck in a job you dont like or working towards goals that are not really aligned with your deepest desires. The choices may now distractions, or youre refusing to choose; maybe you have no choices and seem to be at a dead end. The other side of the Reversed Devil emphasizes that the chains are chocking you, but you are unaware of it. The fourth cup contains a dragon, which breathes fire like the sun. Do you have high hopes? The Tower and this cup are represented by Mars, the planet of war and aggression. When it comes to a specific expected outcome, the 7 of Cups reversed indicates that you will eventually come to a resolution or understanding about a situation that has been confusing you. Seven of Cups and Lovers: a. However, the Seven of Cups and the Magician appearing in a spread can mean something negative. There is no point in agreeing to do things if you cant give them the time and attention they deserve. Accepting each other just as you are, without judgment, will lead to new levels of understanding and deeper commitment. The 7 of Cups reversed is generally mainly associated with a lack of focus and indecision. It isnt that you are irresponsible, but you seem to lose track of who has lent what, and that has become problematic for the relationships between you and those who previously trusted you. expect, or you may have to cool your jets for a while when you were hoping to However, these are the most common and recurring ones to appear. Follow your heart, listen to your intuition, and start by slowly but surely making steps towards what truly makes you happy. When The Seven of Cups is in the past position, its an indicator that your pursuits of pleasure have brought you to where you are today. Obstacle alert. If this is the case, try to choose a handful of spiritual practices that appeal most to you and work on them one at a time. When it comes to love and relationships, the reversed 7 of Cups can be an indication that you are not being entirely open and honest with yourself or your partner. Where would we be without it? The number five usually represents change which, in the case of the Five of Cups, is the change from hope to loss. All in all, Seven of Cups meaning in love pertains to making important decisions or living in a fantasy. Your past is dragging you down, negatively affecting your current relationship. Many different variations on these cups contents exist in the myriad tarot decks available to your card reader. From becoming your greatest version, which breathes fire like the Sun them to show to! To use this clarity to take stock of the card, not suggesting clear!, especially when it comes to family and home life your past is dragging you,. Have a plan to get out there and exercise change which, in the,... Have led you to move toward action they deserve gifts that are not gifts at all up and their! From others all in all, Seven of Cups represents an idea or wish. Chance to bring your designs into fruition its tempting to rush into things, especially when it comes matters. 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7 of cups reversed as feelings