It was invisible as the sun had not yet been born. 5. r/mythology 28 days ago. What is the origin of the legend that Jesus visited what are now Cornwall and Somerset in England? He is the creator-god, and god of sun and fertility; originally an Elder God known as Atum who was created to slay the "demons" (corrupted . This document provides singular evidence of the liturgical and experiential elements within . This word-sound can now be described as the Ankh. The names of Nu and Naunet are written with the determiners for sky and water, and it seems clear that they represent the primordial waters. The Ogdoad ruled from the Earth city Hermopolis, AKA Khmun, near modern-day el-Ashmunein, Egypt, and became known to mortals as the Hermopolitan gods. This is another way to look at the ankh. That is what it seems day by day. You [the Eight] have made from your seed a germ, and you have instilled this seed in the lotus, by pouring the seminal fluid; you have deposited in the Nun, condensed into a single form, and your inheritor takes his radiant birth under the aspect of a child (Edfu VI, 11-12, and Esna V). It was originally compromised of only Nun, Heh, Kek, Qerh, and their female counterparts, before gaining four other separate members, some who were worshiped by the Gnostics rather than the Ancient Egyptians. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If we consider these as Primordial Creators, as ancient Kemet believed, or even as important forces, then their names have primordial sounds. The Secret of the Ankh also reveals more about the Infinity Puzzle, where Infinity (Heh) with its opposite Nothingness (Hehet), and Nwn (Dark Radiation) with its opposite Nwnt (Anti-Matter), and the Resultant Matter, are analyzed in creation. At first glance, it may appear that the proof of the Secret of the Ankh might come from phonetic inspirations alone, as much as it might not come about with linguistics entirely. 2 He was with God in the beginning. For instance, the luck god Bes can bend probability to his advantage or to the disadvantage of others. Lepsius, The Coffin of Heqata: (Cairo JdE 36418): a Case Study of Egyptian Funerary Culture of the Early Middle Kingdom, Maat, the Moral Ideal in Ancient Egypt: A Study in Classical African Ethics,, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles containing Ancient Egyptian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 19:41. There are other groupings like the one from the city of Memphis, where priests of Ptah consider the god Ptah to be superior to Atum. All has not be lost and that makes me feel a lot better. What are the punishments for the seven deadly sins? PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? What are those 2 heavens exactly is pretty much left unanswered. Finally, this cosmology with the Ogdoad, the Eight, becomes startling when you look at the living Dogon Creation Story, Here we find that the Eight again appear during procreation even in Dogon philosophy. She was the sister and wife of Ammon-Ra, monarch . In Egyptian mythology, the Ogdoad (Greek "", the eightfold) were eight deities worshipped in Hermopolis during what is called the Old Kingdom, the third through sixth dynasties, dated between 2686 and 2134 BCE. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. But the Ankh does not appear until after creation, in which the life of the Creation God as Ptah, or as Amen becomes whole. [2] Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, is often included in this creation tradition. Indeed it seems more and more that we have inherited quite a bunch from our Ancestors. The Ankh in Mdu Ntr Hieroglyphics is a representation of E=mc2. The theory is that the symbol took the names of the Ogdoad into consideration for its pronunciation. We have elements of the soul, Ka, Ah. But yeah, thanks for spending time to discuss this matter here on your web site. Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? According to the theology of the Ogdoad the universe was formed from the interaction of eight elements (instigated by one of a number of possible gods including Thoth, Amun, Horus, and Ra); water, nothingness or invisibility, darkness, and infinity.. Water was represented by Nun (or Nu) and Naunet (the female form). For that reason, the explanation of the Secret of the Ankh while effortlessly fitting into the existing African paradigm already in place for the explanation and the comprehension of Kemet, may require a complete Paradigm Shift in the West. While myth states the Ogdoad spawned Ra and Thoth (the Ogdoads senior appearance causing this misconception) and created Earth, Amaunet, Hauhet, Hu, Kauket, Keku and Naunet are believed to be Ras spawn. Now, the very term Ogdoad varies in significance during the time of its uses. Ogdoad. rev2023.3.1.43269. Wave plus Matter, to our Ancestors, produces the elements of Life or the God Particle. From this perspective, the Ankh encodes not only the meaning of life, but the creation of life itself. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. One must remember first that the Mdu Ntr is in fact the Sacred Words of the Ntrs or Deities. Ammit devoured the heart and soul of those whose sins outweighed their good. The Mystery System of Kemet is also both Scientific and Spiritual. Then, offer guidance on how to be successful in solving problems that exist inside these boundaries that is, offer a model for problem solving. Subsequently ambushing several of the Ennead, Seth drained their power and conquered Heliopolis. The gods of the Ogdoad were mostly seen as humans with the heads of animals, or just depicted as snakes and frogs. They have been worshiped by the humans of Egypt as early as 10,000 BC. With Tefnut, Shu begat earth god Geb (with an affinity for mountains and the Earths crust) and sky goddess Nut (specifically the starry heavens), who eventually succeeded their parents when they became too old and weary, and sired another generation of Ennead: Osiris, the benevolent god of the dead, followed by fertility goddess Isis, the evil Seth and benevolent death goddess Nephthys, who also protected female household heads. Change color of a paragraph containing aligned equations. It only takes a minute to sign up. Required fields are marked *. THANK YOU I do believe we need to understand the ANKH and its symbolic beauty. Ogdoad of Hermopolis (Khmunu) Hermopolis means "the city of Hermes" in Greek. The current definition of the Ankh has not been challenged or expanded since its appearance in the Western World. The scarab transformed into a young boy whose tears formed the first human beings. The point is that the 4 pairs of primordial forces or deities resolve themselves into the word Ankh. The Ennead or Great Ennead was a group of nine deities in Egyptian mythology worshiped at Heliopolis: the sun god Atum/Ra; his children Shu and Tefnut; their children Geb and Nut; and their children Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys. Story of Creation. He reads every comment. History: Amaunet is a member of the Ogdoad, the first generation of the Egyptian Gods. Amon Ra or just Ra is the "God of the Sun" and "King of the Gods" and one of the most powerful of the pantheon. Amun is generally seen as part of the Ogdoad. Heka-Nut later became the necromancer Glitternight. The gods of the Ogdoad were mostly seen as humans with their animals' heads, or just depicted as snakes and frogs. The code of the Ankh is the Ogdoad, and it is the only symbol that speaks to pre-creation, creation, and the transmission of energy in the after-life. Language is not able to reveal this. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Lastly, there's the most famous duo of the Ogdoad - Amun and Amaunet, the gods of the unknowable and hidden nature of the world. After the Great Ennead was well established, the cult of Ra identified with Atum recovered much of its importance until superseded by the cult of Horus. Some have frog heads and others have serpent heads. The Ennead are gods worshipped by the Egyptian people on Earth in Northern Africa. Don't confuse the Ogdoad with the Ennead, which is also a collective of nine major Egyptian gods and goddesses that are regarded of the highest importance in ancient Egyptian mythology. The ancient Egyptians created several enneads as their unification under Dynasty I brought numerous local cults into contact with one another. They are often doubles of themselves (four deities, doubled) or male/female pairs (four male/four female). The first held that the world was born from a cosmic egg created by the gods of the Ogdoad. However, Bast maintained his status as the patron deity of the landlocked East African nation Wakanda. C.f. And second, the Mdu Ntru symbol for the sound N, which represents a Wave and then the Mdu Ntr symbol for the sound KH, which represents Matter. Centering layers in OpenLayers v4 after layer loading. At first in . A cookie which helps me track how many visitors come to my site and what pages they look at. [2] As close as Memphis (also within modern Cairo), the priests of Ptah celebrated him as superior to the Nine. The names of the eight were Nu/Nunut, Heh and Hehet, Amn, Amnt and Ku, Kukhet. International Journal of the Platonic Tradition. These words include Khufu and TKN. Nun and Naunet represented the primeval waters; Heh and Hauhet represented eternity; Kuk and Kauket represented darkness; and Amun and Amunet represented air (or that which is hidden). NOTE: These settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. This is called the Ogdoad by the Greeks. The Ankh has four distinct sides and one of them is the Loop Nun/Nunet. Millions years ago, Atum battled his uncle, the Elder God Set (Apep). 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. [1] From it arose a mound on the First Occasion. The Ogdoad eventually perished under unrevealed circumstances, and Ra started anew, siring the first of the Ennead, the next generation of Egyptian gods, including Shu and Tefnut. The symbol Ankh is connected to the Ogdoad and it is believed to get its name from the Odoad. At some point the Eight fused themselves together bounded by Maat and Tehuti and a Deity Ptah was formed out of this chaos (the God Particle), he steps on a mound and Aton is formed, and then lands on his shoulder then The Ennead is created or the 9 deities. I just follow the path before me and it led me to the ankh (without prior knowledge) in my minds eye. More often than not, Seth goes to war with his fellow Egyptian deities and even the Elder God Set, stealing his acolytes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Only dispersal of a major portion of an Enneads bodily molecules will cause death, and even then resurrection via other gods may be possible. The Ogdoad are defined as "a group or set of 8" each one having a masculine and feminine pair and . Allen, James P.Kejadian di Mesir: Filsafat Kisah Penciptaan Mesir Kuno (Seminar Yale Egyptological: Universitas Yale, 1988. [1] The Ennead sometimes includes Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis. I was not conceived, but my father Atum spat me out together with my sister Tefnut The baby of Ra was that from which Atum came to be as Heh (chaos), Nun (the watery abyss), Kek (darkness), Tenem (gloom substituted for Amun in this verse). Thus, wherever the Ankh is translated in Ancient Kemet literature it must be re-translated with the following insight: The Ankh is the Life Code; Kemet's "Infinities or Chaos" Gods: Amen/Amenet, Nun/Nunet, Kuk, Kukhet, Heh/Hehet - the Ogdoad. This is taken from one of the oldest cosmologies of Hermopolis or Khmnu. The netherworld Duat is associated with Celestial Heliopolis and connects to Earth at a nexus near modern-day Naama Bay, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. Throughout ancient Egypts history, there existed several enneads with slightly different member gods. A flat look at Tehuti, who himself is Vibration itself bounded by Maat who by using the Ankh is giving life will not do. They are both the primordial elements that ushered in life itself and the primordial elements that facilitate transition when energy is exchanged from one state to another. After the Eight joined or the Ogdoad joined or the Khemenu joined there was a wave of energy or some sound wave (N) that went as fast as Heh/Hehet or Infinite Distance and Infinite Speed then separated Kek/kekhet or created light from darkness for the First Time Sep Tepi. "Since the Ogdoad of Hermopolis is an Ogdoad, there are 8 deities, in 4 pairs of males and females. The records show that our Ancestors believed that the Ankh exists prior to creation, during creation, during life, during the time of transition, and in the after-life. The Great Ennead was only one of several such groupings of nine deities in ancient Egypt. Maat is said to be the mother of the Eight! There are other groupings like the one from the city of Memphis, where Priests of Ptah consider the god Ptah to be superior to Atum. This is an ancient code Take the first letters of each of the Ogdoad names and you get NHKI/ NHKA Look again and it resolves itself into INKH/ANKH. The word ennead comes from Latinized Greek word. Following the end of the Hyborian age, circa 8000 BC, Seth posed as and usurped the worship of Set, establishing a large following in the pre-Egyptian civilization. These primordial deities have a direct relationship to the attributes of the Goddess, Maat and the attributes of the Primordial Diety, Tehuti. A depiction of the Ogdoad from a Roman era relief at the Hathor temple in Dendera. You are the great winged-scarab within Nut, who protected a heaven and earth in their entirety, while rising from Nun within the primeval mound. Alternatively, the egg was laid by a celestial goose called the Gengen Wer (the primeval goose who was associated with Amun who took this form as a creator god). This understanding speaks to the Oneness of the creator, summarized some 5,000 years ago by Kemet Scholars on the Temple walls of Hibis the center of the Southern el-Khargeh Oasis in a hymn to the Ba (in conjunction with the Ka) of Amun. Out of Focus: The only two Ennead who get any real focus are Atum and Seth, and while the others are given distinct personalities and designs, . A paradigm, in this sense, is a system of rules and regulations that does two things: First, set limits or establishes boundaries just like a pattern sets the edges. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Voices Rising: The Music of Wakanda Forever, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. However, the cult of Thoth developed after the original myth of the Ogdoad, so it is probable that this story was an attempt to incorporate Thoth into the pre-existing Ogdoad (who were sometimes known as the souls of Thoth or the Eastern Souls, eight baboons who helped the sun to rise every morning). The A is disputed and may have been added for convenience of pronunciation. You may change your settings at any time. An ogdoad (literally four, doubled) is a group of either four or eight deities that are worshiped together. Is it ethical to cite a paper without fully understanding the math/methods, if the math is not relevant to why I am citing it? Remember also that in the Book of John, now a vital addition to the Christian Bible, we have: 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The symbol Ankh is connected to the Ogdoad and it is believed to get its name from the Odoad. The Ennead, AKA the Pesedjet, Heliopolitans or Egyptian gods, cease aging at adulthood and cannot die by conventional means. The KH sound also appears in other cosmological words and names in Ancient Kemet. 79: the cathars medieval gnostics? Antonyms for ogdoad. The ennead, according to the Pythagoreans, circulates all numbers within itself, and there can be no number beyond it. I think this story points us in the direction that there can be more and more decoding of the meanings behind Kemets mystery systems. They do not store any information about you other than that which is strictly required for navigation and function, and I have no aceess to any of the data. Your email address will not be published. Initially, only one Ennead existed and as time went on the term became more loosely applied to any group of Egyptian deities. As I continue my research in the whitewashing of Jesus can you please elaborate or recommend some literature to support the Ankh encodes not only the meaning of life, but the creation of life itself. to the four pairs. A flat analysis of the Ankh meaning life wont do. As a Culture Critic and a Guan Rhythmmaker, he is a dilettante, a dissident and a gadfly, and he eschews promotional intellectualism. We also share information about the use of the site with our social media, advertising and analytics . By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); World History Edu 2023. There are few, even in Africa, who claim that they belong to some mystery system and act as if this is some special preserve of cults. Some pharaohs established enneads that incorporated themselves as gods. The Ogdoad. Ogdoad disembah di Hermopolis, sedangkan Ennead disembah di Heliopolis. According to the final part of the Asclepius, God in His highest aspect must not be entreated with incense or other material offerings, but purely through faith and prayer, speech . The 9 Ennead Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. The cross is like a Christian cross but at first sight is very different. You have to be African to understand the Ankh. Then, the sun rose above the world, and life followed soon after. Pointing to the facts that the terms Ogdoads and Enneads are here to be used as Greeks not Egyptians at all (besides the fact Egyptologists are just using Greek terms there). [4] The term was a calque of the Egyptian name, written pst and also meaning "the Nine". Seth sealed Osiris, Isis and Horus in a pyramid in Egypt; Thoth ruled the Ennead during Osiris absence. Most Ennead are skilled therianthropes, able to shift from humanoid form into the animal form that is most sacred to them. [1] Atum either spat or masturbated, producing air personified as Shu and moisture personified as Tefnut. From the context of a number of passages in which eu is mentioned, however, Brugsch also suggested that the names may be a personification of the atmosphere between heaven and earth (c.f. The Elder Goddess Oshtur was also worshipped by the Egyptians as Maat, a goddess of truth, balance, order, morality, justice and law, predating even the Ogdoad. This artifact is also startling because it is made from Ivory that would be found in the South in the heart of Africa. The fourth myth is similar, except it held that a scarab beetle (Khepri the symbol of the rising sun) was revealed when the petals opened. The Egyptians called them The Hehu. May's 'Scarlet Witch' #5 will feature interior art by acclaimed artist Russell Dauterman. The Ogdoad was a system of eight deities, four gods and their consorts (the number four was considered to represent completeness). We can see how this text became a part of the theological dialogue in biblical times a curious attempt to explain away the ancient Kemet texts within a Hebrew context itself a much later African philosophy. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. For that matter, consider this quotation on the Temple walls of Hibis: You are Amun, you are Atum, you are Khepri, you are Re. the ogdoad and the ennead in a sentence - Use the ogdoad and the ennead in a sentence and its meaning 1. The gods were often depicted with frogs heads, while the goddesses had the heads of serpents. Thank YOU for So there is a correlation with what he uses to create with. Here we assume that the Ankh is pronounced with a long A sound knowing that the people of Kemet either made it silent or did not pronounce it at all. First it was a cult having Hathor and Ra; later changing to a cult where Hathor and Thoth were the main deities over a much larger number of deities; and even later, Ra was . The Ankh is still a central symbol in Voodoo and I hope that the connection can clearly be made between the belief systems of West Africa and that of Kemet without much effort. Anhur was the . What is the legend of the Knight Tondalo? By doing repeated attempts I verified and proved subsequently the fact that prepared the Nile cross off his millennial secrets. Atum was the first god who spontaneously emerged from the waters of Nun onto the first mound of dirt. I have just forwarded this onto a coworker The paradigm in explaining away the Secret of the Ankh should become the new problem-solving system for Egyptologists the world over, and anyone who does not comprehend this fully will suffer from Paradigm Blindness that is an inability to see change because existing rules preventing the sight and truth of reality or the future. Ptah (Pteh, Peteh) was one of the triad of Memphis along with Sekhmet (or Bast) and Nefertum.When Memphis became the capital of Egypt, Ptah became the ultimate creator who made everything including the gods of the Ogdoad of Hermopolis and the Ennead of Heliopolis and was given the epithet "He who set all the gods in their places and gave all things the breath of life". Egyptians are not renown for their astrological beliefs, contrary to the Greeks. Many gods established their own realms, with Basts Panther Palace existing bordering Heliopolis and Orun (the Vodu/African gods realm). The city is located in present-day Ayn Shams, Cairo. The Wikipedia articles suggest that this deity or that deity likely correspond to one another; it seems, so intuitively, that they are the same, but they are not." What is the mythological significance/symbolism of oxen? What does Osiris have to do with the new mural at AU and dna? Other names of the Ennead were the Great Ennead and the Heliopolitan Ennead. I realized soon any live blood in the vessels is the same as a conductor and forms something like a primary thread on the Ankh cross, electrically conductive, while the skin and blood vessel walls are insulators, a kind of insulation around the wire (vessels). Fran Lebowitz Calls Out White Terrorism In New York City, Queens Of Africa Dolls Spread Nigerian Culture, Idem. The Ennead sometimes includes the son of Osiris and Isis, Horus. Thoth (as Ibis) and Bast were each worshipped as early as 10,000 BC, and possibly before. It celebrated the family of the sun god Atum (sometimes referred to as Atum-Re[2]) and thrived from the Old Kingdom to the Ptolemaic period. Drawing of a representation of the Ogdoad in the temple of Philae. Group of nine deities in Egyptian mythology worshipped at Heliopolis, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Egyptian calendar of lucky and unlucky days, "Shifting milestones of natural sciences: The ancient Egyptian discovery of Algol's period confirmed",, Articles needing additional references from January 2016, All articles needing additional references, Articles having different image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Articles containing Ancient Egyptian-language text, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles with incomplete citations from November 2022, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from December 2009, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 February 2023, at 23:27. [] Hence it is not possible there should be any elementary number beyond the . This lake was located in a park near the temple in Hermopolis. The Nwst who is Gods representation on earth is holding Maat, the symbol of order and in this context social justice in her hand. (2) Aspects of this story are used in the creation of Ptah, Ra, Amen, Aten in the other creations stories. The Nwst or King has in his hand the Goddess Maat and what she represents. When the Goddess Maat is shown or used she is represented for the qualities or attributes. The Ankh means more than life it is the most ancient symbol of a code of sounds and primordial deities. With the Asgardian thunder god Thors aid, Seth was defeated, his right hand disintegrated by Odin via the Atum-Force. These eight elements interacted causing an explosion (the Big Bang?) WP. Many of the Ogdoad eventually perished under unrevealed circumstances, and Keku fell under the Elder God Chthons dark influence. It seduces the ignorant into thinking that he cant lose. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on You said this is the sequence of the tradition." "Yes, my child, this is the sequence, but the promise was made about human nature. The Ogdoad that we know best, the one from Khmwnw, dates back to the Old Kingdom although names do not appear in writing until the . Upon the spread of monotheism in Egypt, many Ennead were abandoned by their worshippers, and Thoth relocated the remaining gods to Heliopolis around the 5th century AD. Ra and Amaunet spawned Chons, AKA Khonshu, and Montu. The Meaning of Life in ancient Kemet was not just a flat definition but a multi-dimensional definition of the scientific and spiritual of how life was created by itself. The Ogdoad, or the Eight, or the Hehu, or the Infinities, or the Chaos Gods are aspects of the Kemetic cosmology based on the philosophy of the Ankh. Equally important, the religion, history, spirituality and the philosophy of Kemet stood on this cosmological understanding of the Ankh. This concept is especially unique because no single story was more accurate than another, but rather the truth was a mix of them all. The Ogdoad was sometimes called the souls of Thoth. When they died they took up residence in the Duat (or Tuat the Underworld). . Returning to Duat, Seth later sent Siapep the Devourer (spawn of Apep, a manifestation or aspect of Set) to slay Horus. He represented the burning blazing emblem of masculine virility the Sun. A child in Ancient Kemet, for example, would have been told the creation stories and would have grown up understanding Science and Spirituality, both at the same time. 217: Once all eight Ogdoad deities emerged out of the primeval seas and created the great upheaval, the mound of the world emerged from their efforts. The Ogdoad then awakened - Nun and Naunet, Amun and Amaunet, Ku and Kauket, and Hu and Haunet. When Amun rose in prominence as a creator god in his own right, he and Amunet were replaced by Nia and Niat, gods of the void.
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