March 30, 2022 (35 years old) View obituary. Funeral mass is scheduled Read More, Pauline McGee, 104 and 11 months, passed to her heavenly rest January 20, 2023 in Spearman, Texas. She died on February 13, 2023 in Dallas. A memorial service is scheduled for 2:00 p.m., Friday Read More, Jerral Allred, 85, of Perryton, Tx passed away on January 31, 2023. She served on numerous committees during her association with TPA and the Texas Gulf Coast Press Association. A residence in the 300 block of SE First was burglarized. Our trusted partners offer additional helpful tools: At, you can find obituaries from any high school in your local community, you can make a charitable donation in a loved ones memory, and you can plant memorial trees in a loved ones name. It is always difficult saying goodbye to someone we love and cherish. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in History. She was later appointed to the Region 7 Education Service Center board of directors, one of 20 regional education service centers in Texas. Over a 66-year period, Mrs. Whitehead and her late husband utilized the print and broadcast media platform they built to support causes benefiting Rusk and Cherokee County. PLAINVIEW A private memorial service was held in Plainview on Nov. 24 for retired newspaper editor Gary Radford Ott, 64. The board has lots of goodies planned for the menu such as: sausage, biscuits, gravy, egg, The Top of the Panhandle Amateur Radio Club of Perryton has received a grant of $7,500 from the American Radio Relay League Foundation to help local Boy Scouts, Charlotte Hale received congratulations from many well-wishers after she was named the Citizen of the Year on Feb. 23 during the Perryton-Ochiltree Chamber of Commerces annual banquet. A memorial service is scheduled for 11 a.m. Roxie Newcomb, 67, of Perryton, died Feb. 5, 2023 in Amarillo. Arrangements under the direction of Boxwell Brothers Funeral Home of Perryton. February 20, 2023 (82 years old) February 21, 2023 (83 years old) View obituary. Her 300-page dissertation on the history of the Rusk Cherokeean established the newspaper as the oldest continuously published weekly in Texas. Perryton was founded Aug. 22, 1919, when the towns of Ochiltree, Texas, and Gray, Okla., merged; houses, churches, stores, and the then- Ochiltree Herald were all hauled on wagons to the newly laid tracks of the Panhandle & Santa Fe Railway. Brittanie Chandler, 40, of Perryton, passed away Oct. 8, 2022. Perryton, TX 79070-3012 He was also a board member, director and cast member of the Longview Community Dinner Theater in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The Jones Act forbids shipping anything between, TxDOT proposes $100b transportation plan facebook. A funeral service is scheduled for Read More, Thelma Irene Holdman, Perryton, Texas August 14, 1930 -February 12, 2023 Thelma Holdman, 92, of Perryton, Texas has passed away after a short Read More, Raymond Holman, Jr., 80, of Perryton, Texas passed away January 3, 2023. Based on her research, the Texas Historical Commission awarded a state historical marker in 2001, recognizing the Cherokeean as the oldest weekly in the state. The commissioners recognized the County Clerks, Perryton High School choir members traveled to Canyon High School on Feb. 25 to compete in UIL Vocal Solo and Ensemble Contest, with a number of students, Members of the Top of the Panhandle Amateur Radio Club (TOPARC) met recently to celebrate the clubs 50th anniversary. Borger: News-Herald. Anthony Phillip Darnell. Browse Obituaries and Death Records in Perryton, Texas Tracy Bailey, 50 - Apr 13, 2020 James Frederick Stute, 89 - Apr 10, 2020 Claro Vizcarra, 52 - Apr 10, 2020 Francisca Mercado Chairez, 73 - Apr 9, 2020 David Cervantes, 21 - Apr 6, 2020 Bryan Austin Dingman, 25 - Mar 18, 2020 Funeral Services will be held Friday, December Read More, Dorothy Earlene Anderson Greene, age 82, of Lake Kickapoo, Texas passed away December 20, 2022 in a Wichita Falls hospital after a short illness Read More, Jerry Don Robertson, 87, of Darrouzett, passed away on December 19, 2022, in Spearman, Texas. Perryton is hometown of Hank the Cowdog, the lovable character in the series of books by award winning Perryton author, John R. Erickson, and the hometown of baseball's Mike Hargrove.Perryton is also the hometown of Angela Arenivar, finalist in the 1999 Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee who starred as herself in the Oscar nominated documentary Spellbound. Box 179; the Museum of the Plains, 1200 N. Main, all in Perryton, or a favorite charity. A funeral service is scheduled for 10:00 am Thursday, August 20, 2020 at the First Baptist Church in . He was preceded in death by his parents, Kenneth and Betty Stone; two sisters, Linda Rhodes and Debbie Standerfer; and one brother, Frankie Stone. His family was at his side as he was welcomed into the loving hands of God. Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. The award was presented by Kerry Symons, who read from the official nomination before he introduced Hale. The funeral service will be held at 12 noon on. Jerome Doerrie and Hugh Barton were, Aug.14, 1930Feb. The Ochiltree County Commissioners Court met on Monday morning, Feb. 27, in the Ochiltree County Courthouse. Perryton, TX 79070-3012 A memorial service is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Saturday, February 25 Read More, Kendra Jo Vela, 31, of Perryton, Tx passed away on February 5, 2023. A residence in the 300 block of SE First was burglarized. Breakfast Menus for Grades K-12 Lunch Menus for All Grades Unless Noted Otherwise At PJH and PHS Students Have a Choice of Salad Entree, Fruit & Milk for Lunch Each Day Monday, March 6: Breakfast: Pancakes and bacon or cereal and toast, fruit, fruit juice, milk. Family and friends are welcome to send flowers or leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family. Perryton, TX 79070-3012 Meanwhile, you can find your obituary & funeral information with the links below. They loved spending summers in Angel Fire, NM and winters in Horseshoe Bay. A funeral service will be Read More, C.A. Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click Start now or Create an obituary for your loved to begin. A chain barrier at 2900 S. Main was broken by a white older model pickup driving through the lot, Wright Elementary has named the students making the honor rolls for the third six weeks of school. Funeral mass is Read More, Sean Eylar, 47, of Balko, Oklahoma passed away Saturday, February 18, 2023 in Ft. Worth, Texas. LENNA LEAR OBITUARY. Raymond Holman, Jr., 80, of Perryton, died Jan. 3, 2023. The Panthers prevailed, 20-, The Rangers will make the short trip to Borger Friday night, to play their next to last district game. Under the reign of Pope Pius XI and presidency of Franklin, Breakfast Night is on the calendar for Jan. 19, beginning at 6 p.m. Betty C. Perry January 5, 1934 - February 24, 2023 Rock Hill, South Carolina - Mrs. Betty Crocker Perry passed away at home on February 24, 2023. . The Gladewater Chamber of Commerce named him man of the year in 1994, and he received the chambers Bradley Award for outstanding community service on two occasions. Thats a $15 billion increase over the original plan and comes after record, Perryton High School choir members traveled to Canyon last weekend to compete in UIL Vocal Solo and, Charlotte Hale was named Citizen of the Year at the Perryton-Ochiltree Chamber of Commerce Annual, A large thunderstorm Sunday night brought high winds but only a little precipitation. Tuesday, March 7: Breakfast burrito, hash brown, fruit, white milk. As a member of Jennie Junes, she served as President twice. A tornado warning was declared for Ochiltree County, but no damage was reported from the storm. There is one misdemeanor capias pro fine warrant for Crawford for driving while intoxicated. Graveside services will be held Monday, January Read More, Robert Glynn Overton, 55, of Perryton, Tx passed away on January 17, 2023. A memorial graveside service will be Read More, Luis Gustavo Macias, 22, of Perryton, TX passed away on Tuesday, December 13, 2022. (806) 435-3631. A funeral service is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. Read More, William Edward Hall, 62, of Perryton, Texas passed away on Thursday, November 24, 2022. Obituaries Allen rites set Monday News Staff Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Georgia Marguerite "Rita" Allen, 95, died Feb. 13, 2023. Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. RUSK Marie Hall Whitehead, 88, former owner of the Cherokeean Herald newspaper and radio stations KTLU-AM and KWRW-FM in Rusk and the widow of state Rep. Emmett H. Whitehead, died Nov. 26 at her home in Rusk. Charlotte Hale received congratulations from many well-wishers after she was named the Citizen of the Year on Feb. 23 during the Perryton-Ochiltree Chamber of Commerces annual banquet. Simply browse the Perrytons obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved ones name. La misa fnebre est Read More, Mildred Reynolds, 95, of Booker, Texas passed away Tuesday, January 3, 2023. Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. A funeral service is scheduled for 2:00 p.m., Monday, January 30, 2023 at Read More, Juan Pallares, 72, beloved father and grandfather was called home to the Lord on January 23, 2023 in Perryton, Tx. Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. The association promotes the welfare of Texas newspapers, encourages higher standards of journalism, and plays an important role in protecting the publics right to know as an advocate of First Amendment liberties. Yes, flower arrangements are fulfilled and delivered by local florists from Perryton. Debbie Thompson Taylor. GLADEWATER Former Gladewater Mirror Publisher Gerald S. Jerry Kates, 81, died Dec. 9 at his home. Perryton, TX JUNE COOK OBITUARY June Cook March 4, 1935 - January 6, 2021 June Lavonne Wilcox Cook, 85, of Perryton, TX, passed away Wednesday, January 6, 2021. Georgia Marguerite Rita Allen, 95, died Feb. 13, 2023. Also on Friday, Seminole and Levelland will face off,, The Rangers narrowly missed picking up their second district win, losing a 4542 squeaker to West Plains Friday night. Ott wrote a twice-weekly column for the Midland paper. Georgia Marguerite (Rita) Howell Allen was born August 19, 1927, in Bogalusa, Louisiana to John Franklyn Howell and Mary Louise Watts Howell. Georgia Marguerite (Rita) Howell Allen was born August 19, 1927, in Bogalusa, Louisiana to John Franklyn Howell and Mary Louise Watts Howell. Amarillo: Globe-News. Funeral Services will be held Tuesday, December Read More, Shirley Virginia Templeton Gist Clark of Pampa, Texas passed away on November 23, 2022 in Booker, Texas. Funeral services were held Dec. 1 at the First United Church in Rusk. Melissa Brillhart News Staff Wednesday, February 15, 2023 He went on to launch White Oaks first newspaper, The Texan, in the late 1960s. Cates rites held Jan. 28 A native of Perryton, she returned to her home to teach art and handwriting in Perryton schools after graduating from Stephens College in Columbia, Mo., in 1944 and Southern Methodist University in 1946 with degrees in English and art . Rita grew up in Sonora with her two younger brothers, Frank and Charlie. Elizabeth Allred, Janeth Almanza, Kane Alvarez, Nevaeh Amado, Jonathan Arce, Maite Badillo Salas, Rosalie Banks, Marlee Barnett, Daniela Becerril Hernandez, Logan Brauer,, After a recent hurricane, Puerto Ricans desperately needed fuel. He sang in several barbershop quartets over the years and directed the chorus for the Longview Chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing of America. She served on numerous boards and service organizations, including the Rusk school board. A funeral service is scheduled for 10:00 a.m Read More, Georgia Marguerite Rita Allen, 95, of Perryton, Texas passed away Monday, February 13, 2023 in Dallas, Tx. Leslie Graves Obituary. Fortunately, an oil tanker was right offshore. Memorial service will be held Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017, at 11 a.m. at Key Heights. Fajen, Donald Louis passed away February 24, 2023, in Oklahoma City at the age of 90. A funeral service is scheduled for 2:00 p.m., Friday, March 26, 2021 at the First Baptist. A private family graveside service will be held Friday, October 28, 2022 Read More, Willie Rae Tregellas, 98, of Perryton, TX passed away October 22, 2022. Rita attended the University of Texas in Austin where she met her future husband, Jack M. Allen. She was named the Rusk Chamber of Commerces citizen of the year in 1975 and businesswoman of the year in 2010. Drew Evan Mosteller. Unfortunately, the United States government forit to come ashore! He graduated from Plainview High School and received his degree in journalism from the University of Houston in 1974. A funeral service is scheduled for 2:00 p.m., Saturday, January Read More, Edward Lee Halpain, Sr June 30, 1931-January 14, 2023 Edward Lee Halpain, Sr., 91, of Perryton, Texas passed away Saturday, January Read More, Loretta Halpain October 3, 1933-January 5, 2023 Loretta Halpain, 89, of Perryton, Texas passed away Thursday, January 5, 2023 in Perryton Read More, Ricardo Olivas, de 73 aos, amado padre y abuelo, fue llamado a casa con el Seor el 9 de enero de 2023 en Perryton, Tx. Hale was a past, A large thunderstorm Sunday night brought high winds but only a little precipitation. A funeral service is scheduled for 2:00 p.m., Read More, Jim Collinsworth, 73, of Perryton, TX passed away on Thursday, December 8, 2022. Monday, March 6: Pancakes, bacon, fruit, white milk. They expanded their media interests in 1981 to include an FM station, KWRW. (806) 435-3631. Kenneth Word Kenneth Ray Word, 81, of Perryton, died Jan. 25, 2023. The family suggests memorials to the Capital Campaign of Wayland Baptist University, 1900 W. Seventh, CMB 1295, Plainview, TX 79072, or a charity of choice. Aug.14, 1930Feb. After working as a reporter and then news editor for the Plainview paper for six years, he joined another Hearst-owned publication, the Midland Reporter-Telegram, as city editor in 1983. Kates was a third-generation newspaperman. She also received The Texas Road Hand Award from the Texas Department of Transportation for public service promoting highways. Freshmen Freshmen: Landry Anderson, Isaac Arellano, Alexa Armijo, Kayden Barton, Evelin Becerril Olvera, Ever Campos, Juan Canssino, Valerie Castaneda, Angel Castillo, Alex Chavez, Liam Drum, Angel Flores, Brianna Galvez, Gian Garcia, Saul Garcia, Miguel Gibert Contreras, Ryan Hargues, Jose Llamas, Evelyn Lopez, Kyleigh Pickett, Kaleigh Potts, Stryven Pshigoda, Samuel Saucedo Pasillas, Reeci Scott, Haley Searcy, Cristian Soto, Austin Trejo, Hayden Trejo, Kisha Valenzuela, Hipolito Vasquez, Juan Vasquez, Alejandro Venegas, Kaiden Walsh. They married on December 28, 1947 and lived in Austin while finishing their degrees. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to the Dean Allen Willis Foundation, P.O. Pronounced deceased by Dr. Childers. She was an accomplished pianist, a member of the band, and was selected to attend Bluebonnet Girls State. Height, 510, weight, 170 pounds. Memorial contributions may be directed to the church or to Hospice of East Texas ( She attended Sonora schools and graduated Salutatorian of her 1944 class at Sonora High School. A funeral service is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., Monday, December Read More, Samuel Sam Nitschke, 59, passed away on Saturday, December 3, 2022. Why? Other Newspapers . He attended the University of Oklahoma in Norman and earned a bachelors degree in music from Northeastern State University in Tahlequah. Officiating will be the minister, Arthur Golden. Come and Go visitation will be held Read More, Fred Hale, 92, of Perryton, Texas, passed away Sunday, October 2, 2022 in Booker, Texas. Perryton High School has released the counselors honor roll for the fourth six weeks. Jerome Doerrie and Hugh Barton were honored as founders of the organization, and president Jim Lear presented the club with a certificate from the American Radio Relay League for, A home burglary and a criminal mischief incident were reported and investigated during the week. The high winds managed to stir up plenty of dust which combined with the rain to leave a healthy coating of mud on, Perryton High School choir members traveled to Canyon High School on Feb. 25 to compete in UIL Vocal Solo and Ensemble Contest, with a number of students qualifying for the State competition in May. Lunch: Breaded drumstick, biscuit, tossed salad, cherry tomato cup, fresh orange, milk. Mr. Hudson served as publisher of the Perryton Herald until his death in 1991. She attended Sonora schools and graduated Salutatorian of her 1944 class at Sonora High School. Perryton Texas Online. Copyright 2023 Echovita Inc. All rights reserved. A memorial service is. She is survived by one son, John Hudson of Seguin, a daughter, Mary Dudley of Perryton, a brother, six grandchildren and six great grandchildren. A private family graveside service will be held Saturday, Oct. 15, at 2 p.m. at Elmhurst Cemetery in Guymon, OK with Mike Nixon officiating. Jerral Allred, 85, of Perryton, Tx passed away on January 31, 2023. make a charitable donation in a loved ones memory, plant memorial trees in a loved ones name. 401 S. Amherst St. Georgia Marguerite (Rita) Howell Allen was born August 19, 1927, in Bogalusa, Louisiana to John Franklyn Howell and Mary Louise Watts Howell. Hospital board approves contract for surgery equipment, TOPARC meets to observe its 50th anniversary. Memorials may be made to the Heritage Center of Cherokee County, P.O. Were refreshing the website for a better experience! Wavelyn Cates Wavelyn Cates, 95, of Booker died Jan. 25, 2023. The Whiteheads moved to Rusk and The Cherokeean on June 1, 1950. Maria Dominguez Loya. Prentice Waymon (Cotton) BucknerOct. The city honored the family with the Emmett and Marie Whitehead Heritage Park, a tourist information park featuring a train caboose. It was an offensive battle most of the, The family of Dr. Patricia Ann Sargent is thrilled to announce her 90th birthday on February 12. Perryton, TX 79070-3012 Her survivors include children Kathryn Louise (Kay) Ferrell (Bob) of Garland, Nancy Allen Bowdre (Marty Halliburton) of Rowlett, Suzanne Faye Willis (Barry) of Perryton, and Jack Brent Allen (Pat) of Amarillo; Brothers, John Franklin Howell, Jr (Lynn) and Charlie Watts Howell (Mollie); Grandchildren Elise Hart (Michael), Stephanie Hines (Matt), Charlotte Willis (Tony DiPiazza), Heather Haglund (Ryan), Kristen Bowdre, and Shelby Ramaekers (Troy); Great-grandchildren Ethan and Collin Hart, Gabriel and Nathan Willis DiPiazza, Addison and Austin Hines, Hannah and Blythe Haglund, Hope and Ally Ramaekers; and many nieces and nephews. A microfilm project launched in 1952 became the source for digitized archives. She and Jack helped establish the Allen Campus of Frank Phillips College in Perryton as well as the Pathways program which allows qualified Perryton graduates to attend the campus at no cost. James Max Gillpatrick. Services will be held Monday, Feb. 20, at 10:30 a.m. at First United Methodist Church in Perryton. 401 S. Amherst St. He later became the Mirrors editor and then publisher, serving until selling the paper to the Westward newspaper chain in 1989. A memorial service is scheduled for 11:00 a.m., Saturday, February 11, 2023 Read More, Roxie Newcomb, 67, of Perryton, Texas passed away Sunday, February 5, 2023 in Amarillo, Tx. Add Photos Add a Memory James South James Edward South, 61, passed away Monday, February 6, 2023 in Borger. She was preceded in death by Jack M. Allen, her husband of 65 years; her parents, Dr. J.F. Serving Perryton and Ochiltree County. connects you with memorial, funeral, and obituary resources you can use online and in your local community. She loved to fish and taught her children and grandchildren her fishing skills. Because of a stupid law with a stupid name: The Jones Act. (806) 435-3631. Perryton Obituaries at echovita Perryton Obituaries in the Dallas Morning News, past 30 days, past year, all records in Perryton, TX Perryton, TX Obituaries at Boxwell Brothers Funeral Home Obituaries in Perryton, Texas. The commissioners recognized the County Clerks office for earning an outstanding rating from the League of Women Voters of Texas in their 2022 general election county website review. Log in to a funeral home below and get started. A native of Perryton, she returned to her home to teach art and handwriting in Perryton schools after graduating from Stephens College in Columbia, Mo., in 1944 and Southern Methodist University in 1946 with degrees in English and art. . Home News Public Notices Sports Columns/Opinions Lifestyle Obituaries Contact. The board members approved a contract with Steris Corporation for preventative maintenance surgery equip-ment, including sterilizers, washers, and other devices designed to clean and sanitize equipment. A memorial service was held Dec. 16 at the First United Methodist Church in Gladewater. Memorials may be made to the First United Methodist Church, P.O. 12, 2023 Thelma Holdman, 92, of Perryton, passed away Feb. Sean Barrett Eylar, 47, of Balko, OK died Feb. 18, 2023 in Fort Worth. Good Samaritan Funeral Services Obituaries in Booker, TX She instilled in her children a love of music, art, and learning. A funeral service is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., Saturday, Read More, Josefina Dominguez, 92, of Booker, Texas passed away on Thursday, December 15, 2022. A funeral service will Read More, Brittanie Chandler, 40, of Perryton, TX, passed away October 8, 2022. A graveside service will be held 10:30 a.m., Saturday, December Read More, Linda Nall of Longview, Texas, formerly of Perryton, Texas, passed away Wednesday, December 21, 2022 in Longview. Birthdaysthismonth:Loretta Mick, Doc Pearson, Susan Courson, Ken Wooster, Joe Johnson, Debra Cowan, Darla Rutz, Don Neufeld, Cindy Randolph, Kenny Kile, Jim Dear, Janelle Cochran, Ruby Piersall, Cavita Kile and Jayne Pointer. Click or call (800) 729-8809. She later died from the injuries sustained in the crash. Austin, TX 78759 Simply browse the Perrytons obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved ones name. After his newspaper career, he and his wife began an antiques business themselves, buying the old First State Bank building in Gladewater and opening Ford Office Supply with an adjoining antiques mall. Hash brown, fruit, white milk Hospice of East Texas ( ) Center board directors... Held at 12 noon on her two younger Brothers, Frank and.. 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