Dr Shannon Curry (R) appeared in court as Dr Dawn Hughes (L) testified. There she claims to have 15-years of experience in several areas including research, therapy and psychological evaluations and specialises in trauma, violence, and relationships. We celebrate your wins, help you process your losses, and revel in the joy of sharing in your lives. Shannon Curry revealed that she reached this diagnosis after conducting 12 hours of interviews with Amber and reviewing her medical records. Life racing by leaving you feeling old and defeated? A forensic psychologist called by #JohnnyDepp's team diagnosed actress #AmberHeard with borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder. View our online Press Pack. Dr. Curry's office is located at 200 Newport Center Dr Ste 204, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Dr. Curry with glasses pic.twitter.com/Udm9a8f1lv But Curry refuted claims she had told her husband about her involvement with her A-list client, which would have broken confidentiality rules. I am committed to helping my clients decrease anxiety and manage healthy relationships. Who is Dr Shannon Curry and whos her husband? The couple parted away after 2008 but it is not known when they exactly publicized their divorce. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. These aren't them (as there should be a silver line on the outside of the hinges per this image), but they're close: https://www.vintandyork.com/products/dapper-eyeglasses?variant=40749462028478. Dr. Shannon Curry was born in 1979 and grew up in New Port Beach, California. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); Twitter users have been flooding the social media platform with reactions since Curry took the stand and popped on a pair of thick-rimmed professional-looking glasses. Struggling with substance use and feel rehab isnt an option? All of it is like pistons of an engine, kind of firing off and igniting one another, Dr Curry said. The psychologist says she has worked in military, forensic and community settings, adding that she helps people transform relationships, overcome grief and trauma, and achieve overall life improvement.". And I didnt see myself as a victim. ), Press J to jump to the feed. In the midst of this painful journey, you do not have to go through it alone. Is Amber Heard Still a LOreal Brand Ambassador? Describing histrionic personality disorder, Dr Curry said its a need to be the centre of attention, adding that those with the condition will need to make up stories to put themselves at the centre as either the victim or princess. If you want to see Dr. Hammack, please contact him. I'd count it a privilege to work with you to bring relief and a deeper understanding of yourself or a family member. Dr. Shannon Curry's career in clinical and forensic psychology spans over 15 years. For the moment, Dr. Shannons estimated net worth is somewhere around $3 million to $5 million. ins.style.minWidth = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; Anxiety hurts. Leaving your family, job, school or other responsibilities for an extended period is not always needed to get yourself healthy and on the right track. I also have extensive experience working with adults with addiction and mental health issues in a residential setting. Kelly Rowlands New Childrens Book, Always With You, Always With Me, to Be Released ThisApril, Mindful Morning Routine to Conquer Your Day. She works on the UC advisory board, describes herself as an expert on mental health issues, and helps people who are going through various issues ranging from trauma to military and forensic applications. Whether it wakes you up in the morning and lingers all day or hits you like gang busters when you least expect it. According to her website, she owns a counselling centre in Orange County, California called. The first step to solving any problem is identifying it. Ms Heard has filed a $100m counterclaim against Mr Depp for nuisance and immunity from his allegations. SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH, She looks so very cute and beautiful during the Johnny Depp trial <3 (without make-up and all). She is currently holding the position on the advisory board for the University of California Center for Unconventional Security Affairs (CUSA). Empathy and insight. The individual suffering from the disorder would put themselves in the role of the "victim" or "princess.". The psychologist further specialised in trauma and forensic psychology at Hawaii State Hospital. Dr. Curry has received her immense training to combat the psychology, trauma, and assessment or treatment of PTSD. A compassionate approach underlies all my work in helping you and your loved one(s) mend and heal hurts, and find a way back to a more fulfilling, loving & meaningful life. Dr Curry (Takes Off Glasses) Psychologist - Amber Heard Johnny Depp Court Case JC Reviewz 6.74K subscribers Subscribe 169 Share 18K views 8 months ago Please Subscribe and Like for more. My enjoyment in the therapeutic process is one of discovery and collaboration in identifying difficulties and solutions to the patient's problems. Provided unconditionally. 40.4k Followers, 1,608 Following, 394 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Dr. Shannon Curry (@currypsychgroup) currypsychgroup. . I work with individuals, couples and families. According to her LinkedIn, Dr. Shannon Curry received her BA degree in Psychology and Social Behavior from UC Irvine. She testified about the observations she concluded when working with Amber Heard related t. Relationship and career problems. Curry said she came to the conclusions by looking at previous assessments by Heard and two direct examinations after she had been asked to complete "a psychological analysis" of the actress. Shannon is the most passionate personality who presents herself as an expert in the field. The couple tied the knot in April 2021 during a ceremony at a courthouse. You tried burying your pain hoping it would go away. Writer Penned Article About Breast Reduction Surgery, Jennifer Grey Transforms for Role as Gwen Shamblin, Unlearn The Idea That Women Must Be Saints, On Spain and The Need For Official Menstrual Leaves, The Shaming Of Religious Women Who Are Feminists Needs To End. You identify personal goals, and together, we chart your course toward your best and truest self. I like basic black frames too, theyre just so versatile! It can our connect past, future and the present, forming continuity and reviving hope. Bella Ramseys Christian Faith in the Spotlight Ahead of HBO Adaptation of The Last Of Us, Who is Melissa Febos? The psychologist hired by Johnny Depp to analyse Amber Heard appeared in court while a defence expert refuted her testimony from the witness stand. Dr Curry has a counselling centre based in Orange County, California, and is licensed. According to her website, Shannon is the director of the Curry Psychology Group, a counselling centre in Orange County, California. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. She also testified that the Aquaman actress does not suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after her relationship with Johnny Depp, as she has previously claimed. According to her official website, Curry is licensed in both California and Hawaii, and she owns the Curry Psychology Group, "a leading multi-specialty counseling center" in Orange County that was . Does Dr. Shannon Curry, PSY.D offer telehealth services? Fad treatments that arent backed by research are not only a waste of your time and money but can make underlying issues worse. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged inPlease refresh your browser to be logged in, Dr Dawn Hughes says Heard demonstrated very clear psychological and traumatic effects, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile, Related video: Johnny Depp lost $40m after publication of Heards op-ed, says forensic accountant. But Curry refuted claims she had told her husband about her involvement with her A-list client, which would have broken confidentiality rules. We @currypsychology, Dr. Curry's precise, highly professional and easy to understand explanations of borderline, histrionic personality disorder, ways of conducting patient analysis etc. We hold these privileges dear and have built a team of providers who are not only exceptional in their professional skills, but also in the quality of their character. I TREAT AFFAIRS- I invite you to pause and pay close attention to your inner voice. You lose a person, relationship or perhaps a dream and you're left in a puddle of pain. Dr. Curry has been working in the profession of handling mental health issues for more than 15 years. A post shared by Charlotte Lea (@shankie5). Celine frames have three silver dots at the corners, and it seems like Dr Currys just have two silver dots. On Wednesday, May 25th, Dr Curry returned to the stand to refute Heards claims of PTSD. Dr. Curry with glasses pic.twitter.com/Udm9a8f1lv, Okay when Dr. Shannon Curry put her glasses onnnn >>>>>>>>>>>, Shiratori New Vintage Fashion Half Frame Semi-Rimless Clear Lens Glasses, Dollger Rimless Rectangle Sunglasses for Women, Pro Acme Non-Prescription Clear Lens Glasses Retro Small Round Metal Frame, AZORB Round Clear Lens Glasses Classic Metal Frame Non-Prescription Eyeglasses for Women, FEISEDY Oversized Cat Eye Glasses Frame with Clear Lenses Eyewear for Women. Curry went on to elaborate the impact of the disorders on Heard's relationship with Depp. Johnny Depps defamation trial against Amber Heard is currently in its seventh week in Fairfax, Virginia. Restoring one's personal history can prove to be invaluable in healing pain. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. According to her website, Shannon is the director of the Curry Psychology Group, a counselling centre in Orange County, California.. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Can't stop compulsive shopping or cybersex behavior? ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; Weird question to put in herebut anyone know what brand Dr Curry's glasses are? A forensic psychologist who was hired by Johnny Depp's legal team testified on Tuesday that she believes Amber Heard has borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder and does not have post-traumatic stress disorder. I welcome anyone who is willing to work with me, together, to improve relationships, self, family, and/or overall well-being. Edit: I'm starting to think they're Ray-Ban, as they have a similar logo in the same spot. Possible brand: Tommy Hilfigure from looking at picture. Hughes disputed that Amber suffered from personality disorders and had suffered from PTSD at the hands of by Mr Depp. And there were also pretty significant indications that she was grossly exaggerating symptoms of PTSD when asked about them.. "I've tried to get my child to connect with so many therapists and I've never felt like any of them connected with him like you have. Many of our experiences have come from a place of great suffering and fear. Testifying for Amber Heards defence on 3 May, Dr Dawn Hughes said that the actress does suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) stemming from domestic violence. Do you feel stuck in managing difficult life transitions? including clarifying muffin-gate moment and not letting the opposite counselor to make something out of nothing. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A community of people trying to provide facts as to why we support Johnny Depp (w/ live thread discussions starting @ 6am PDT/9am EDT during trial days!) Does your relationship lack intimacy and passion and feel alone when together? Curry has been married to husband Ty since 2021. Urban Woman Magazine. She stated that she diagnosed Heard with two disorders, namely Borderline Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder. container.appendChild(ins); The actor sued his ex-wife for $50 million after she posted an op-ed in The Washington Post in which she claimed she was a victim of domestic abuse. Shannon also regularly serves as a psychology expert for state courts and law enforcement as well as being a certified forensic examiner. (541) 579-5507. She is the master of the psychological field and provides clear, well-researched opinions on both civil and criminal matters. Our Newport Beach therapists will make you feel welcome, understood, accepted, and empowered on your path to a life well-lived. We provide high-quality mental health care rooted in science, compassion, and heart for adults, children, couples, and families. There she claims to have 15-years of experience in several areas including research, therapy and psychological evaluations and specialises in trauma, violence, and relationships. Weve studied, trained, and built our practice together so this is a place where everyone can be themselves. https://ca.moscot.com/blogs/moscot-moments/johnny-depp. And she provided testimony in a manner that presented her own opinions and the self-report of Ms Heard as facts, she said. Therapy sessions are offered online, by phone, and in-person. She then took to stand to explain her findings after conducting a mental health evaluation on the actress. Dr. Shannon Curry is the recipient of a masters and a doctorate in clinical psychology. They didn't look special, she just looked good in them. Dr. Curry is a certified forensic examiner for the Hawaii Department of Courts and Corrections and a registered psychological evaluator for California courts and law enforcement agencies. Dr Curry is a clinical and forensic psychologist hired by Depps legal team to evaluate actress Amber Heard. Very impressed. I genuinely wonder about JD's frames too! Harry and Meghan evicted from Frogmore Cottage by King Charles after Spare memoir, Amy Nuttall caught cheating hubby when he bought sexy lingerie, Constance Marten and lover arrested over manslaughter, Woman found murdered is missing mum who had not been seen since before Xmas, News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. In other news, Bill Maher and Greg Gutfeld get high together on Club Random podcast. ins.style.width = '100%'; You have managed to avoid your concerns yet know at some level you are not satisfied. She owns the Curry Psychology Group, a leading multi-specialty counseling center in Orange County, CA, serves on a UC advisory board, and is an expert in a broad swath of mental health issues from trauma to relationships to military and forensic applications. Psychologist Dr. Shannon Curry was first called as a witness in the Depp-Heard defamation trial in April 2022. Dr. Curry is a psychologist who holds an independent position as a forensic evaluator for state courts, the U.S. military, private attorneys, law enforcement agencies, and many more. Dr Curry took the stand on Tuesday 26 April, saying that she met with Ms Heard on "two separate dates" as she conducted her evaluation - 10 and 17 December 2021. The Curry Psychology Group is the premier center for counseling and psychological assessment in Newport Beach. } We also especialy appreciate the optician, Tina, who is so very patient and informative when the time comes to choose frames, and has repaired my daughter's frames many times, and always with a smile! This means giving you the practical tools you need to live a happier, more fulfilling life. Meet Elin Alexander, the Actress Who Plays Holly on Days of Our Lives, Who is Tezlyn Figaro, Policy Consultant on Netflixs Documentary Civil: Ben Crump, Jennifer Lopez Gets Backlash After Comment About Sharing the Stage With Shakira, Muslim Podcast, The Digital Sisterhood, Becomes Safe Haven for Women Around the World. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). You wonder how much more you can take. Above all, I believe the relationship between the patient and therapist is the cornerstone to achieving the patient's goals. Many of these changes are positive ones, but at times hardships can follow, needing assistance and guidance in finding solutions. lol..i have nothing to saywatch trial LIVE with me: https://www.twitch.tv/corgisaantiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@corgisaanAdditional sources for this case:. When you look in the mirror are you dissatisfied? Those negative experiences reopen old wounds and cause new ones. https://www.fashioneyewear.com/en-us/products/celine-cl50041i. Youre allowing us to be a part of your life and trusting our insight and guidance. Mr Depp is arguing that she defamed him in a December 2018 op-ed published in The Washington Post titled I spoke up against sexual violence and faced our cultures wrath. ins.style.height = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; In her 2018 op-ed, Ms Heard wrote that like many women, I had been harassed and sexually assaulted by the time I was of college age. Not just that, it was also inevitable [], When I was an English undergraduate in Babcock University, one of my favourite feminist pages on Instagram that I used to destress, was Feminist Matters. She also regularly serves as a psychology expert for state courts and law enforcement as well as working as a certified forensic examiner. I dont think they are though. These very real difficulties of living represent potent opportunities for growth and transformation. I incorporate a whole-person approach that emphasizes physical, mental, emotional, and interpersonal factors. I educate and provide workshops on couple and family dynamics especially when addiction/recovery and mental health issues are involved. Most of us know what it feels like to feel anxious, and a lot of people have seen war movies and movies that depict somebody having PTSD., Ms Heard did not have PTSD, she added. Making A-Turds lawyer look like an idiot, and getting her all riled up. The doctor said that she was asked to check for the mental health and psychological aspects of Amber Heard but was never told to check the same with Johnny Depp. As a prominent figure in the Depp-Heard defamation case, Dr Shannon Curry has had attention from the media now and again but now the attention is shifting towards her again, thanks to a pair of glasses! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Do you feel confused or alone? The Instagram post reads: "When Shannon was nervous about it Ty said to her, 'It's ok, we are just going to choose to be married today and every day.'" . I am Co-Director of the Family Program at PCH Treatment Center in Santa Monica; providing monthly family intensives to clients and their family members. With several bachelor, doctoral and post-doctoral qualifications to her name, Dr Shannon is licensed to practice in both California and Hawaii. But it is possible. Dr. Hammack received his license to practice in Alabama (591). Tired of repeating the same negative patterns? Johnny Depps legal team called psychologist Dr. Shannon Curry as a witness. And the $500 an hour or whatever is probably her fully packed rate (benefits, overhead plus salary). In front of the court for a second time Dr Curry accused Dr Hughes of misrepresenting the tests and the results she utilised in her evaluation of Ms Heard. We keep up with the current research and deliver the most reliable and effective therapies available today to our clients. 1234 Pearl St Eugene, OR 97401. Verified. According to an Instagram post on the Curry Psychology Group page, Dr Curry is married to a man named Ty. Curry said she came to the conclusions by looking at previous assessments by Heard and two direct examinations after she had been asked to complete "a psychological analysis" of the actress. Oftentimes people face issues which feel so overwhelming and whose consequences seem so far-reaching that the individual may not be able to access the internal strength to solve the problem on their own. She said she thinks Ms Heards childhood affected her. Are you struggling with depression, anxiety, or anger? Now, she serves on the advisory board for the University of CaliforniaCenter for Unconventional Security Affairs(CUSA) and has done lots of extensive research for them. In a bizarre interaction during the live streamed trial, Amber Heards lawyer Elaine Bredehoft suggested Curry was so excited about her evaluation of Ms Heard that she told her husband about it. Being a therapist comes with responsibility. Mr Depp is seeking damages of not less than $50m. 394 posts. in Clinical Psychology. These thoughts may come from familial, social or cultural experiences and can cause people to live a life where they feel out of place or unable to achieve to their fullest potential. Are you struggling with a family member or a big decision? I am currently taking new clients. I invite you to call me, so we can begin this wonderful journey! The psychologist holds a postdoctoral Master of Science (M.S. All rights reserved. I established my practice in Newport Beach in 1983, after serving as a psychologist for the U.S. Navy following completion of internships at the Orange County Mental Health Department and National Naval Medical Center Bethesda Maryland. var ins = document.createElement('ins'); I work collaboratively with clients to identify and achieve their goals by meeting them where they are in the present moment. When you work with us, you can trust youre getting a true expert in her field someone who is driven, dedicated and will go above and beyond to support you. Is anxiety, depression, or trauma holding you back from being your true self? DR Shannon Curry is a clinical and forensic psychologist with an expertise in intimate partner violence. Curry reportedly analyzed the medical notes of the actress and other case details. Dr. Shannon Curry she/her/them Clinical + Forensic Psychologist Director, Curry Psychology Group ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive = 'true'; The psychologist was contacted by Depps legal team in 2021 to help evaluate Heards mental health and more. In a sense, they may become trapped in what is known and familiar. Dr Shannon Curry has been a prominent figure in the Depp-Heard defamation case, and attention is shifting towards her once again thanks to a pair of glasses. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); Please logout and login again. Dr Hughes said she spent 29 hours with Ms Heard over Zoom and in her New York City office. Dr Curry said Ms Heard externalises blame and can be self-righteous, judgemental and has anger. DR Shannon Curry is a clinical and forensic psychologist with an expertise in intimate partner violence. Dr Shannon Currys net worth in 2022 is $2 million, according toExplore Net Worth. Finding a psychologist or therapist who is a good fit for you is the most important step to discovering what type of therapy, or combination of therapeutic approaches, will meet your individual needs. In May 2022, Curry was again called to the stand to rebut evidence presented by clinical psychologist Dr Dawn Hughes on behalf or Ms Heard. Curry's were basic black frames you can get on Zenni. Thats not typical of even somebody with the most disabling form of PTSD, Dr Curry said. Every person will face challenges in life in their own unique way. Lasting love takes work. 40.4K followers. Dr Dawn Hughes told the court that her main opinion is that Ms Heards report of intimate partner violence as well as the documents she was looked at in connection to the case are consistent with what we know in the field concerning intimate partner violence. Dr. Shannon flaunts a high-profile status in society. He seems to have different colors but all have a similar/same round shape. Dr. Shannon Curry is an American personality who is working as a clinical psychologist and possesses an experience of over 10 years with well-approved licenses in both Hawaii and California. The psychologist said Ms Heard claimed to suffer from bruises, cuts, and vaginal pain stemming from sexual assaults. While explaining Amber Heards Borderline Personality Disorder to the jury, Curry mentioned that the diagnosed have a terror of abandonment and face problems in relationships as a result. Your login session has expired. You are not obligated to do so, but it does help fund these videos in hopes of bringing value to you! He is currently working at Montgomery Counseling Center to provide care. The doctor elaborated that the histrionic disorder would entail vying to be the centre of attention. Feeling bored professionally? I view human experience as an inherently creative process, and work to empower clients to harness their innate potential to create meaningful and fulfilling lives through committed action based on personal values. Then, she went on to get a Masters and Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. Though she ended up capturing the hearts of Twitter users, apparently, Curry was using the glasses to enhance her eyesight and Twitter users showered her with love. We encourage you to read our bios to learn more about us and see who feels like the right fit for you. All therapists know how to listen. She also said that Ms Heard demonstrated very clear psychological and traumatic effects from statements made via Mr Depps lawyer, which have prompted Ms Heard to countersue Mr Depp. Heard is countersuing Depp. (You'll feel so much better). She alleged that Heard had a borderline personality disorder and a histrionic personality disorder an overwhelming desire to be noticed. Psychologists generally specialize in Anxiety and Depression, in addition to other issues. She was earlier the talk of Twitter for weeks when she had a funny exchange with Heards lawyer about muffins. While being in the court pursuing the trial of the lawsuit, Dr. Shannon described that Johnny Depps former wife Amber Heard had shown signs of borderline and histrionic personality disorders. Dr Shannon Curry is a psychologist licensed in California and Hawaii, and certified as a forensic evaluator for the state of Hawaii, who was "contracted by Johnny Depp's team to provide a psychological evaluation of Amber.". The psychologist says she has worked in military, forensic and community settings, adding that she helps people transform relationships, overcome grief and trauma, and achieve overall life improvement.". Dr. Shannon Curry was hired by Johnny Depp in April 2022 for his lawsuit against his ex-wife Amber Heard. Now, every little thing becomes super overwhelming. Attention shifted towards Dr Shannon Currys thick-rimmed glasses when the psychologist took to the witness stand on 25 May. Shannon Curry is beauty and brains! Dr. Shannon Curry is an American personality who is working as a clinical psychologist and possesses an experience of over 10 years with well-approved licenses in both Hawaii and California. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; Reaching out for help can be a scary first step, and you are so courageous to be doing so. Are you? Bill Maher and Greg Gutfeld get high together on Club Random podcast, {{#media.media_details}} {{#media.focal_point}}. Psychologist with an expertise in intimate partner violence heart for adults, children, couples and! Built our practice together so this is a clinical and forensic psychologist with an expertise in intimate violence... 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dr curry psychologist glasses