The media got a hold of it and stories of the Bunny Man flew off the shelves. there is nothing of substance to the story and the none of the stories listed by the OP have been substantiated. Then, he threw a wood-handled hatchet through the front car window. Alexandria Gazette, Sept. 25, 1918, P.1, 22Recants Confession. He tracked down the police and investigation reports that confirmed that the Fairfax County police looked for a male in his late teens or early 20s dressed as a bunny. Holober later confessed to investigators that he had planned the murder for three weeks and had not intended to report the disappearance of his wife, but changed his plan when the car got caught in the mud.7 The case came to trial on January 16, 1950. So for years after the death of Douglas J. Grifon, carcasses are found hanging on Halloween and some people even claim to see the Bunny Man on the bridge. Of course one story isn't enough to base anyhting on but the fact that there was enough of a buzz to generate four stories suggests to me that someone was up to something in the Fall of 1970. it really sucks that this isnt the top post. + 475 iii Alanson 6 Griffin [1895], born 15 Oct 1819 in Smithville, Ontario, Canada. The crime was discovered by a neighbor who heard moans coming from inside the house. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Weeks passed, and rabbit corpses began appearing in the woods. 2001. To this day, its said that if you are at Bunny Man Bridge at midnight on Halloween night, you too will meet the fate of those teens and rabbits. While this can vary widely depending on culture or setting, the basics of an "evil" character or society is one that holds very little regard for other people's rights, emotions and well-being, as well as taking little to no care to respect life and safety of others. March 14, 1971. Then one Halloween night, a group of kids were hanging around the bridge. And what was the significance of the bunny costume? Police say they have the hatchet, but no other clues in the case. "39 Interviews with other neighborhood children had similar results. Conley thinks the Fairfax Station Bridge, which Google Maps now even calls Bunny Man Bridge, was nothing more than a a nearby local teen party spot and a creepy-looking (and potentially dangerous) bridge that got incorporated into the story. Photograph by Ryan Weisser. The bridge itself is way out in the woods. You know, this giant bunny just ran out of the woods, you know, from behind the trees and all. The aspect of the story which gets the most attention are the alleged murders. Children of Smith GRIFFIN and Harriet DOUGLAS were as follows: 473 i Douglas 6 Griffin [1396], born 24 Mar 1815 in Smithville, Ontario, Canada; died 1879. The Bunny Man has actually begun appearing in print in recent years, having been mentioned in several high school newspapers,1 and more recently, on the Internet. James W. Robinson Secondary45School opened the next year with nearly 3,900 students. Actor: Hap and Leonard. With him resided his eldest daughter Caroline, her husband William K. Jerman, and his younger daughter Eva. Public records show that the phone number (254) 547-2756 is linked to Dorothy Marie Rusin, Donna J Walker, Katherine A Grunden, Ronald L Grunden. Children are always welcome for services, but due to the nature of our Educational Facility and the possibility of injury, we must ask that only the guest receiving services be allowed on the clinic floor. Neighbors were soon enlisted to help, but it was some 24 hours later that her body was found tied to a tree in the woods near the old Hanse House, her apron strings tight about her throat. Moments later a man broke their window with a hatchet and screamed at them. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. He specifically cites historical inaccuracies for why the account is falselike that Lorton Prison wasnt open until 1916, theres no Fairfax court record of Douglas Grifon and the old Clifton Library (where the articles author tells skeptics evidence exists) never even existed. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Doug James Griffin, 49 Resides in Gilbert, AZ Lived In Chandler AZ Related To Kristen Griffin, Arlene Griffin, James Griffin, Cindy Griffin Includes Address (7) Phone (5) Email (1) See Results Doug Griffin, 85 Resides in Chicago, IL Related To Evette Griffin, Teresita Griffin, Bernard Griffin, Charles Griffin, Clinton Griffin Your Profile? First, although the tale is told in jurisdictions all around the Washington, D. C. area, the bulk of them take place in Fairfax County. All were found except one inmate, Douglas J. Grifon. 45Fairfax Schools Bulletin, Sept./Oct. But, is this story true or is it just an urban legend? All 30 men are either dead or have been removed from . Until the second World War Fairfax County was a rural farming community. Washington Post. Hopefully, you wont be standing in the way. Clauda Griffin, 47. An investigator sent by the Commonwealth of Virginia to interview Ruben concluded that he was not responsible for the crime, but extradition papers were filed anyway.21 On September 26 Ruben was escorted to the scene of the crime by Sheriff Allison, Commonwealth Attorney C. Vernon Ford, Assistant Commonwealth Attorney Wilson M. Farr, Dr. Swetnam, and acting counsel for the defense F. D. Richardson.22 After being unable to locate the scene of the attack or the tree where the body was left, Ruben denied killing Eva. GRIFFIN Douglas Culver II, Doug, 74, husband of Donna Argue Griffin, passed away on August 27, 2015. The couple quarreled and Mrs. Holober took the child and walked away from her husband and never returned. Pam Jinks, 68 - Apr 17, 2020 Robert Lester Blake, 62 - Apr 15, 2020 Lynda Posey, 76 - Apr 9, 2020 Lester Arnold, 71 - Apr 8, 2020 Judy Shumway Purdy, 74 - Mar 31, 2020 Charles Edward . The investigation report confirms the basics of the event as told in the October 31 Washington Post article. [8] During Halloween 2011, over 200 people, some from as far away as the PennsylvaniaMaryland state line, were turned away during a 14-hour traffic checkpoint into the area. A constant trickle of Bunny Man questions re-engaged Conleys interest in the story. Im not sure which stories are worse though, the real one or the fake urban legend. Still finding no evidence of his family, the police were finally notified.5 An intensive search of the area was organized involving Fairfax County Police, Washington Detectives, and Boy Scouts. At the urging of a fellow employee I finally began a more serious search for the Bunny Man. I was even further surprised to find a second appearance recorded two weeks later: The "Rabbit" Reappears34 Legend has it that there is a bridge in Clifton, VA that is inhabited/ haunted by some sort of bunnyman. They say his maniacal laughter echoed as the train hit him. First, she identifies the television news as her source of information. She remembered very clearly combing glass from the shattered glass window out of this girls hair, says Conley. He held the SOHIO Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Physical Chemistry at the University of Cambridge. Although FCPD is not required to release any information relating to misdemeanor offenses, they kindly supplied a redacted36 copy of the report for this project. "29 This paper was compiled as part of the course work for a class entitled Introduction to Folklore (English 460). All three victims were taken to Alexandria Hospital, where Loretta later died. Two things are more likely to happen than the Bunnyman showing up. Their closure means theyre tasked with the duty of transporting all inmates to another facility. The 2011 slasher film Bunnyman is an exploitation-style version of the story. Learn more about J. Kenneth Griffin Jr., MD, Internal Medicine doctor in Savannah GA and how their MDVIP practice can provide you fully personalized primary care. It was so much more fun (and creepy) back in the 90's, when you had to find it by word-of-mouth and the internet didn't yet have the answer to every question. It is absolutely okay to use the roadway for its intended purpose whether in a vehicle or as a pedestrian. After his disappearance locals allegedly began to find clearly skinned, half-eaten carcasses of rabbits hanging from trees nearby a bridge overpass locally known as the Bunny Man Bridge. Most of the stories occur around Colchester Overpass, a Southern Railway overpass spanning Colchester Road near Clifton, Virginia,[1] sometimes referred to as "Bunny Man Bridge".[2]. Leonardwas born on November 24 1887, in Droitwich, Worcestershire. Name: Douglas L Griffin, Phone number: (419) 865-4563, State: OH, City: Holland, Zip Code: 43528 and more information Person Phone Address Enter a full name Enter a city and a state Log in Douglas L Griffin from Holland, OH Age:71 years old Also known as: Mr Douglas L Griffin,Mr Douglas Griffin,Douglas Griffin View Full Report Mobile number Located near the end of a gravel road in a remote part of Fairfax County there was no through traffic to deal with. The 1950s saw tract housing being built in Springfield, McLean, Annandale, and Fairfax. 1971. Even though these fictional tales of spectacular crimes are easy to dismiss as fiction, the question of the story's origin is not. thanks for the info. And they found that it hadn't been but three people that had .. Uhm .. Bought costumes. Maybe thats why the Bunnyman hasnt been found! She interviewed 33 students from Prince Georges County, Maryland ages 15 to 18. I was elated (and not a little surprised) to find the following: Man in Bunny Suit Sought in Fairfax33 In 1904, an asylum prison in Clifton, Virginia was shut down by a successful petition by the growing population of residents in Fairfax County. 16Untitled handwritten document, Fairfax County Circuit Court Archives. Fairfax County Police Department. Current address. They both remembered seeing his face clearly, but in the darkness, they could not determine his race. P.2. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Skip to main content Find a physician. Facebook gives people the power. Mass Density Human - Considerate Ninja [Higher Love Recordings] 10:40 - Smoke the Demon [Bandcamp] La Guardia de la Luz - The Magnetic Field [Hell Yeah Recordings] Justin Deighton There was no murder, no asylum for the insane, and not even a bridge. He had recently been released from an insane asylum, but was found that he was nowhere near the scene of Eva's murder.17, The next suspect to emerge was a soldier who deserted from Camp A. "16 Hall, a 33-year-old woodcutter, lived about 1/2 mile from the scene of the crime and was seen in the woods near the time of the girl's disappearance. (2015, December 22). Then they, you know, long put theirs away and brought them back and all. 37Brown, Officer J.S. I was listening to the news. Silly as this may sound at first, the Bunny Man has been a fixture of local legend for at least 30 years. A man wearing a furry rabbit suit with two long ears appeared-again--on Guinea Road in Fairfax County Thursday night, police reported, this time wielding an ax and chopping away at a roof support on a new house. This material has finally come to rest in the holdings of the University of Maryland. He is affiliated with medical facilities such as Banner Baywood Medical Center and Banner Gateway Medical Center. 29Johnson, Patricia C. The Bunny Man (May 12, 1973). If you come any closer, I'll chop off your head."[3]. The soldier, a sergeant whom the papers fail to name, was located some days later near Charlottesville, Virginia. His office accepts new patients and telehealth appointments. But the police were unable to turn up anything conclusive, writing, After a very extensive investigation into this and all other cases of this same nature, it is still unsubstantiated as to whether or not there really is a white rabbit. The police deemed the case inactive. After this, phone calls poured into the police department of bunny man sightings near the bridge. Special Collections, University of Maryland Libraries, College Park, Md. Or, 2) There are multiple copy cats doing this in different locations. I have been to the "Bunnyman" or Colchester Overpass bridge many times when I was a teen and in my early 20s and its a great, spooky place to smoke weed and feel up on significant others (before the police or landowners chase you away, which only leads to more feeling up later on in my experience). For the next several weeks more reports came into local PD and resulted in several articles in the Washington Post. Early life [ edit] To start with, there was never an asylum in Fairfax County Virginia. 16, 1951, P.1, 11Holober to Have New Trial. 2901 Tanglewood Drive Kempner, Copperas Cove, TX is the last known address for Douglas. The police suspected Douglas Griffin for the crime and he became known as the Bunny Man. Was he trying to make an existing legend come to life? It is true that Colchester Road is a public roadway. Vol. Little effort was required to show that all of the specifics given in the Forbes version are false. He then decided to leave Gotham for a while after having a parent's association, and later the police, on his case (which resulted in Gordon becoming alcoholic and cheating on his wife) and had to shift his focus on the countryside, spending most of his time in scouts camps, wearing a scout chief uniform over his Batsuit, to cover his identity as the Batman. Alexandria Gazette, Sept. 20, 1918, P.1, 20To Undergo Grueling. [5], Colchester Overpass was built in about 1906[6] near the site of Sangster's Station, a Civil War era railroad station on what was once the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. While they didnt particularly want to talk about the 45-year-old incident, they did confirm it happened. And then, after that, the police tried to investigate, but they couldn't get anything. Fairfax Herald, Aug. 30, 1918, P.3, 19Confesses to Crime. Hospitals and medical centers are very complex operations, treating thousands of patients, not yearly, but monthly. And it wasn't them. I think it would have to be either: 1) The "crazy" guy with an hatchet, actually has a car, is sane enough to drive, and keep it hidden. They say his maniacal laughter echoed as the train hit him. Maryland Folklore Archive, Box 32. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Douglas George Griffinwas born on month day1920, to Leonard John Griffinand Amy Agnes Griffin (born Tandy). Submissions should outline a mystery and provide a link to a more detailed review of the case such as a Wiki article or news report. For Welsh, it comes from the Old Welsh "Gruffydd", meaning dragon-lord; with English, it's the High German "grifan", which means to snatch, as a dragon was thought to do. He found no rabbit, but did receive a call shortly after his visit from someone who worked at Kings Park West.38 The caller claimed to have just received a telephone call from someone identifying himself as "the Axe Man." Fairfax Herald, Jan. 19, 1951, P.1, 12Makes Admission. They were not hurt. Ruben, who had been serving a three-year sentence for housebreaking,19 was arrested by Washington, D. C. police on September 19 for assaulting a little girl. The October 22 news story is clearly the origin of the tale she told. Conley first heard the tale when he was an area youngster in the 1970s. from Cornell University, and took his M.S. Find Douglas Griffin's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading people search directory for contact information and public records. c. Fourteen tell of attacks on cars But neither of these events, even if they are true accounts, are really "unsolved" in the sense generally understood in this subreddit. March 14, 1971. "All you people trespass around here," Phillips said the "Rabbit" told him as he whacked eight gashes in the pole. B1. More importantly, the earliest versions (dating to the 1970s) did not mention any deaths at all. Thursday night's rabbit, wearing a suit described as gray, black and white, was spotted a block away at 5307 Guinea Rd. The Asylum Prison in Crimson Virginia made their way from point A to point B. And nobody had seen it. It turns out the legend of the Killer Bunnyman comes from a couple of real events that happened near the Colchester Road bridge in Virginia. Johnson interviewed the son (age 8) and eventually learned that he had not actually met the Bunny Man but "had only heard of the Bunny Man at school, from the rest of the children talking about him. A creepy guy, on Halloween, dressed oddly, throwing hatchets at peopleits just too bizarre to possibly be true, says Fairfax County Archivist Brian Conley, But it is.. [Colleen, 10/26/2008] Bunny Man's Bridge - Urban Legend 9126 Sunnywood Dr, Houston, TX, 77088-3603. The November 11, 2000 Washington Post28 ran an article highlighting an interesting collection called the Maryland Folklore Archive. James is a gay Latino traveling the world, working on projects he loves. The legend has many variations; most involve a man wearing a rabbit costume who attacks people with an axe or hatchet. The Axe Man further stated that "you can make everything right, by meeting me tonight and talking about the situation." Marilyn Griffin Other occupants: Marilyn Griffin View 3 Douglas Griffin The Phoenix Force becomes the Dark Phoenix and consumes the power of a star and . [7] Interest increases around Halloween, and starting in 2003, local authorities began controlling access to the area during that time. 33Man in Bunny Suit Sought in Fairfax. And he had a hatchet, and he threw it through the car and just turned around and went back away. Frances Holober had been beaten and then shot once in the head and once in the heart. 39Johnson, William L. Investigation Report 858-748. Although he has been reported as far south as Culpepper, Virginia. 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douglas j griffin bunnyman