M.A Sociology Admission dates, fees structure and Seat Matrix. Revised-II Certificate Course in Yoga Exam Time Table Oct -2020, KEY ANSWERS OF P.G.ENTRANCE TEST OCTOBER 2020, Certificate Course in Yoga & Advance Diploma in German Revised Exam Time Table Oct -2020, Modified School of Correspodence Education M.Com Final (Old) Exam Time Table Oct-2020, Revised PG M.A. 27-Nov-2020. I-Sem-2020-21, M.Sc. Vacancies for 3nd Round Counselling of Public Administration PG Admissions-2019-20. POSTPONED TIME – TABLE ALL PG COURSE (REGULAR /LAST GOLDEN CHANCE) THEORY EXAM. APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF VICE-CHANCELLOR, KARNATAK UNIVERSITY, Circular for Sports Selection Trials of Taekwondo (M&W). The Karnatak University is a state university. We have provided the list of recent declared result on this page. We are advised the original marks sheet get receive after one month of KUD Result declaration your collage & institute. Circular-Implementation of UG CBCS System w.e.f. Philosophy -Provisional Merit List 2020-21 (27-10-2020).. M.A Yoga Studies First Provisional Admission List, 2020-21, Library and Information Science MLISc I Semester Provisional Selection List 2020-21 (1st List), Criminology and Forensic Science Merit List & Provisional Admission List for the Year 2020-21, Circular of Extention UG Admission 2020-21, Anthropology MA/MSc Admission Provisional List, M.A Sociology merit list and Provisional selected List of candidates. II Semester students for the academic year 2018-19, M.Phil admission extension circular -2018-19, UG and PG Syllabus & Notification 2019-20, PG Diploma Course Exam Postponed Dated 22.01.2019. All the information provided on this website are collected from various online and offline sources. October 12, 2020 by DTEMP Team. For more details Read – Disclaimer, Karnataka University Result 2020 UG PG 2nd, 4th, 6th Semester, www.kud.ac.in BA, B.Sc, B.Com, B.Ed Result 2020 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year, How to Check Kartanaka University UG PG Results 2020 online, Alagappa University Result 2020 (Out) UG PG Distance Education (DDE) Results, MKU Result 2020 Madurai Kamaraj University DDE UG PG Results Date. All listed participants will be intimated individually giving details of venue and timing. In this Convocation, the Degree/Diploma of all the faculties will be conferred to those Registration Dates Fees; Regular: April 12 - 23 until 3:30 pm: $40: Zoology Second ist of Selected Candidates 2020-21. So all private & regular students can check and download KUD UG/PG Results with marks using by name wise or roll no wise. Modified Circular pertaining to postponement of UG Practical Examinations 2020. Guidelines of Joint AICTE-GTU FDP in Online Mode for F.Y. Botany Provisional First List of Selected candidates for 2020-21, CHEMISTRY PG ADMISSIONS 2020-2021 1st ROUND SELECTION LIST. At present KUD B.Com, B.Sc, BCA, BSW, MA, B.Ed results are busy checking answer sheet. School of Correspondence Education Previous & Final Examination Time Table Oct-2020, Circular Extension of UG Admission 2020-21, PG Diploma & Certificate Course Center Grant List. KARNATAK UNIVERSITY, DHARWAD PART - I, II & III (SCHOOL OF CORRESPONDENCE EDUCATION) EXAMINATIONS OF SEPT/OCT, 2020, Circular regarding Covid-19 precautions to be taken at the time of Conducting UG Examination of September-2020, Revised Circualr for Conducting Practical Examination September-2020, REVISED TIME –TABLE ALL UG SEMESTER THEORY EXAMINATIONS OF SEPTMBER -2020. So you can check and download Karnataka University Dharwad Result by using roll no through online mode. They all may also apply Revaluation, Rechecking for before last date. It is to inform your kind self that, as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus (COVID 19) Dates of Revaluation and Challenge Valuation of Dec-2019 examinations are extended up … 2019, ALL UG SEMESTER & NON SEMESTER REGULAR , LAST GOLDEN CHANCE EXAMINATION TIME TABLE APRIL, MAY - 2019, Circular- Penal fees for late submission of Orignal Eligibility Certificate circular, Circular regarding practical Exam Mar / Apr - 2019, Circular regarding HIV & Leprosy Students, Proceeding of Special A.C. Meeting 29.1.2019, Meeting Notice of Ord. As per the official news the Answer Copy evaluation team is done their job very fine and submitted the checked answer copies by the University. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 14-10-2020, Revised PG Admission Process & Fee Structure (PG 1st Year ) for the Year 2020 -2021, All Certificate,Diploma,Advance Diploma & PGDCA Time Table Oct-2020, PG M.A. The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) 2014-15, The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) 2015-16, Final Report of UGC-MRP entitled “Non-similar solutions of mixed convection flows” [F. No. P.G Department of Visual Arts Admission 2020-21, Department of Philosophy Provisional Admission Second List, 2020-21, M.A M. Sc Criminology & Forensic Science 2nd Round Provisional Admission List, DEPARTMENT OF STUDIES IN ANTHROPOLOGY Provisional 2nd Merit List 2020, MSW 2nd Round Provisional Admission List 2020, Department of Sanskrit 2nd round rank list 2020-21, MA English Provisional Second Round Rank List, 2nd Round Kannada Provisional selection List - 2020-21, 2nd Round Linguistics Provisional Selection List 2020-21, Biochemistry 2nd Provisional selected candidate list, Public Administration II Round Provisional Selection List. Circular for 10th Annual Convocation. Semester , Last Golden Chance Examination Time Table-April,May 2019, B.A. Students who appear for the Karnatak University internal and external examination can access the KUD results from the official website – kud.ac.in. 2020 Virtual General Assembly December 28, 2020. (Statistics) Course 2020-21, Vice-Chancellor's Appeal - KUD:Looking for innovative ideas for its all round development, P.G Diploma in Women's Studies First Round Selection Candidate List, M.Sc Biotechnology 2nd Spot Admission for left over Seats for Karnatak University Students, M.Sc.Chemistry Revised 3rd & Spot Round Number of Seats Available for Counseling, M.Com 3rd and Spot Round Admissions 2020-21", M.Sc (Computer Science) Third Round PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST, DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS SPOT ADMISSION LIST, M.Sc Mathematics Third Round Provisional Selection List 2020-21 and spot round notice, BOTANY-Provisional THIRD LIST of Selected Candidates for M.Sc. Like every year, the ICAI will organise the ‘Annual Convocation Ceremony 2020’, to award certificates of membership to newly qualified members and facilitate rank holders of the CA examinations, in all the 5 Regions i.e. After checked the online Result, lots of Students have not satisfied with the marks secured in the exam. Admission 2020-21, M.Com Admission Final Round Vacancy Position 2020-21, History and Archaeology Last Round Admission -2020, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS LAST ROUND SPOT ADMISSION ON 09.12.2020, Circular for conducting B.Ed Practical Examination December-2020. Education Qualification: As per KUD official notification candidate should have completed Post Graduate, Ph.D, NET, KSET from any of the recognized board or University. Last Golden Chance Time Table Feb-2020.. B.A, B.Com, B.Sc. August-September 2020, Circular Karnatak University Staff & Students those who would like to work as Volunteers for Covid-19 Rapid Testing are informed to KUD, Admissions to 5 years B.A.,LL.B. Easy process to check result individual are given below. KUD University has the following faculties: science, management studies and social sciences. National Essay Competition organised by MHRD on monthly basis.. EUROPEAN INFORMATION DAY 2020 OPPORTUNITIES FOR RESEARCH COLLABORATION AND HIGHER STUDIES IN EUROPE IN COLLABORATION WITH KARNATAK UNIVERSITY, DHARWAD, Sociology Provisional Selected Candidate List for Ph.D 2019-20, All PG Courses Revised PG Time Table-14/12/2019, MBA Ph.D Provisional Admission list 2019, Botany Ph.D Admission Provisional List 2019, Revised Commerce Ph.D Course List of Candidates Provisionally Selected for the Year 2019-20. The Karnataka University Result 2020 for main back and its affiliating colleges is provided to declare at official website. Registration is closed . Exam Date, Semester Wise Subject Name, Shift Timing, etc detail. MSW I & III Semester (CBCS) P.G. M.Sc.Botany provisional merit list 2020-21, MA English Corrigendum Provisional Merit / Rank List of 2020-21, Folklore M.A. of University Primary School at KUD, Application are invited for the post of medical officer with MBBS/MD/MS Degree at KUD Campus Health Centre, Criminology and F.Science 4th Semester Internal Assessment Time Table 2019-20, All UG NON SEMESTER REVISED TIME TABLE SEPTEMBER 2020 7.9.2020, REVISED TIME – TABLE B.COM. Mathematics Provisional Rank list, First round selection list and Instructions 2020-21, MA Women's Studies Admission 1st Round Selection Candidates List and Merit list. Date and time of Convocation 2020. Read this article for the latest updates of KUD Exam Result 2020. I Sem. Now all the students can also get their Internet Marks Sheet online. 43-4132014 (SR),Dated 30-10-2015 By Dr. P. M. Patil, (AAA )Academic and Administrative Audit Committee Report 2014-15. Admission Guideline (Revised) with timeline_Apply before Date 30th Sept 2020. KUD Result 2020: Karnatak University, Dharwad releases the result for odd and even semester exams. Centre Haveri, GFGC Kumta, Honnavar, and KSS college, Gadag, PSYCHOLOGY PROVISIONAL RANK LIST FOR THE YEAR 2020-21, Public Administration Provisional Selectiont List-2020-21, MA Hindi I semester selection list of 2020-21, Linguastic Provisional Ranking List 2020-21. Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern & Central Region of the ICAI, across the Country. Electronic Media PG. KUD Recruitment 2020 Eligibility Details. Dept of Statistics Extended additional list 2020-21, Merit list of M.Sc. Political Science Provisional Selection List-2020-21, MSW Admission Provisional First Round Rank List 2020, MSc Microbiology and Biotechnology Entrance Results - 2020, PG ENTRANCE TEST MARKS SHEET OF CRIMINOLOGY AND FORENSIC SCIENCE-2020-21, MA. Physics THIRD Provisional List 2020-21, COVID-19 Guidelines for Students & Parents _UG & PG_ regarding, Call for research proposals from Assistant and Associate Professors of all PG & UG Depts of KUD and constituent colleges for the Award of Research Grant, 3rd round Provisional Admission List for M.A M. Sc Criminology & Forensic Science, Anthropology Provisional Admission Selection 2nd List-2020-converted, Philosophy Provisional Admission Selection 2nd List, 2020-21, Library and Information Science MLISc I Semester Provisional Selection List 2020-21 (3 rd List), Circular - UGC & Govt. Chemistry Revised Syllabus 2019-2020 onwards, Corrigendum - Notification of Guest Faculty PUC and UG 2019-20, Notification of Guest Faculty PUC 2019-20, Revised Certificate,Diploma,Advanced Diploma Theory Examination Time Table JUNE, JULY- 2019, Provisional seniority list of AOS, OS, AR and DR, Circular regarding Provisional Seniority List prepared as per Govt GO.15.05.2019, Provisional seniority list of Jr Asst, Sr Asst and Stenographer, Sel grade Stenographer, Secretorial Asst, V Sem Golden Chance Practical Exam Circular, Science and Technology (UG&PG) syllabus 2019-20, Corrigendum School of Correspondence Education M.Com Final Time Table -2019, Dr.D.C.Pavate Memorial Fellowships in Cambridge, 2020 Karnatak University, Dharwad, BSc Hotel Management Syllabus 2019-20 & Onwards, Notification -Regarding the introduction of an additional Optional paper as a choice for Paper-II (A&B) of BA-V & VI Sem optional English &functional English 2019-20 & onwards, Notification Regarding Implementation of Swachh Bharat Summer internship Programme at UG/PG Level 2019-20, Notification-reg ..Political Science (Indian constitution subject), REVISED B.Ed. © 2010 - Karnatak University, All rights reservedSend your Comments to WebmasterWebsite Designing & Development - Credo Infotech Bangalore, India, Website Designing & Development - Credo Infotech Bangalore, India, Revised -I UG Semester/NOn Semester Theory Exam Time Table-2020-21, B.Ed II & IV Semester Jan/Feb-2020-21 Exam (OMR) Notification, Special exam Candidate list DEC-2020 --JAN-.2021, Revised All UG Semester, Non Semester Theory Exam Time Table-2020-21, Covid - 19 & V & VI Golden Chance Examination Centre Grant List January-2021, Circulars Regarding clarification of Environmental Science & Indian Constitution for BCA & B.Sc (CS) CBCS Syllabus 2020-21 & onwards, All UG V Semester Special Examinations Time-Table Dec, Jan -2020-21, All UG VI Semester Special Examinations Time-Table Dec, Jan-2020-21, UG Semester, Non Semester Theory Exam Time Table Dec, Jan-2020-21, Extension in date for the submission of Research Project Proposals up to 31.03.2020 called from PG and UG Teachers of KUD and its constituent colleges, Sri S. Nijalingappa Nidhi Scholarship Circular and Application 2020-21, B.A Education I to VI Semester CBCS Syllabus 2020-21, FOLKLORE LAST ROUND & SPOT ADMISSION LIST - 2020-21, Arts, Science, Social Science, B.Com & B.Com(CS) , BBA and EducationI to VI Semester CBCS Syllabus wef 2020-21, Kannada Last Round Available Seats List - 2020-21, Linguistics Last Round Available Seats List - 2020-21, Available Seats P.G.Admission in the Criminology and Forensic Science for the year 200-21. (STATISTICS) COURSE : FIRST LIST FOR ADMISSION: 2020 - 21.. The in-person convocation scheduled for June 1- 5, 2020 was cancelled and there was an online Tribute to the Spring Class of 2020. Please check back here for updates. This time, only 10 days are given for registration. Applications CBCS Syllabus 2020-21, Revised Calendar of Events 3 year LL.B & 5 Years BA LL.B 2020-21, SCHOOL OF CORRESPONDENCE B.Com Part-II Corrigendum Time Table Sept 2020, UG Corigendum Non Sem and Sem Time-Table sept 2020, 3 YEARS L.L.B EXAMINATIONS (ONLY FINAL YEAR FRESHERS & FINAL YEAR REPEATERS) REVISED TIME TABLE OF SEPTEMBER-2020, 5 YEARS B.A., L.L.B EXAMINATIONS (ONLY FINAL YEAR FRESHERS & FINAL YEAR REPEATERS) REVISED TIME TABLE OF SEPTEMBER-2020, B.Ed. ONLY those students who graduated either with Dec-2018 Term End Exams or June-2019 Term-end Exams are ELIGIBLE for this convocation. I SEMESTER GEOGRAPHY ADMISSION FOR THE YEAR 2020-21, Kannada Provisional selection List - 2020-21, MSc Microbiology and MSc Biotechnology Provisional Rank list 2020-21, M.Sc. The Students who are taking their semester and Annual examinations under Karnataka University can get their result on the official website. About Us | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer, dtempcounselling.org is not any official website. & M.Com School of Correspondence Education Examination Time Table Oct-2020, UG Admission PUC Supplimentary Pass Students 2020-21, Circular for Conducting M.Com IV Semester Project Viva-Voce Examinations 2020, Applications are invited for Project fellow/Project Associate -1* to work under the UGC-DAE CSR Research Project entitled ’STUDY OF TRACE ELEMENTS Dept. Normally, the date of your convocation ceremony is indicated on your parchment. The Exam authority is responsible to provide the Students Score Cards along with KUD Result 2020. of Karnataka Guidelines for Re-opening the Universities and Colleges Post Lockdown due to COVID-19 Pandemic. UG Semester, Non Semester Theory Exam Time Table Dec, Jan-2020-21: 21/12/2020: 8: Annual Convocation Notification 2020: 19/12/2020: 9: Extension in date for the submission of Research Project Proposals up to 31.03.2020 called from PG and UG Teachers of KUD and its constituent colleges: 17/12/2020: 10: MBA _Evening_ Calendar of Events 2020-21: 16/12/2020: 11 Physicians: Physician program survey | Overall survey Residents: RAAO track survey | Overall survey Students: Thursday survey | Friday survey | Saturday survey | Overall survey KUD Results 2020 www.kud.ac.in BA BSc BCom 2nd, 4th, 6th Sem Result Date: The Karnatak University Result 2020 date for BA, B.Sc, B.Com Exam will available soon. 2019-20 & onwards, Notification of MA in Public Administration in the main campus w.e.f. and B.COM EXTERNAL Time-Table MAY. Biochemistry Provisional list 2020-21, M.P.Ed IInd Round Vacant Seat for the year 2020 -21, Philosophy Provisional Admission Selection 1st List, 2020-21, 3 year LL.B Admission Application & Notification 2020-21, M.Sc. Electronics First Round Selection List 2020-21, M.Sc Microbiology and M.Sc Biotechnology Provisional Selection First list 2020-21, M.Sc. It is expected this year also the Karnatak University 2nd Sem Exam Result will likely declare in the same month. For Fall 2020, since the in-person ceremonies have been called off, the date that will appear on your parchment is October 6, 2020. The Karnataka University Result is very important for all students to take admission next class or collage. Admission Form 25 November 2019: TU publishes Programs Schedule for 45th Convocation Ceremony (Gown/Scurf/Cap distribution notice) Tribhuvan University has published notice regarding Convocation Gown/ Scurf/ Cap distribution notice for its 45th Convocation Ceremony.TU 45th Convocation Ceremony is going to be held on on Monday, December 19, 2019 (2076/09/03) at Pulchowk Campus, … Electronics THIRD Provisional Selection List 2020-21, M.Sc. As per the KUD 2nd, 4th, 6th Sem Exam Date Sheet 2020, the end term exams will begin from May 2020. Degree Examination Dec-2018/ Jan-2019 which was scheduled on 08-01-2019 and 09-01-2019 was postponed on 10-01-2019 and 11-01-2019. Spring Convocation 2021 Open to apply: October 1, 2020 (Undergraduate), November 1, 2020 (Graduate) Deadline to apply: February 1, 2021 (Undergraduate), April 1 (Graduate) Fall Convocation 2021 Open to apply: March 15, 2021 (Undergraduate), May 1, 2021 (Graduate) Deadline to apply: September 1, 2021 (Undergraduate), September 30 (Graduate) (after P.U.C./10+2) Programme, Circular regarding Corona Virus(COVID-19) for Teaching /Non-Teaching/Contract staff, leave from 16.07.2020 to 24.07.2020, Circular regarding attend to duty Teaching /Non-Teaching/Contract staff, Notification & Application Form of Principal Post of Constituent Colleges, K.U. The Revaluation Result will be available later. 939. Regarding Service Book Sign for Teaching Non and Teaching staff, Circular - Online Classes UG &PG Syllabus complete / Vocation Dates, Circular -Regarding Karnatak University Hostels closed till 30th June 2020, Circular –Regarding Bank Accounts Details of Colleges Provided to SSP Portal, Circular regarding completing the remaining syllabus of PG and UG courses, B.Ed 1st and 3rd Sem Exam Time-Table Postponed, Office Circular regarding Corona Virus(COVID-19) for Constituent colleges, all PG Centers, leave from 01.04.2020 to 14.04.2020, Office Circular regarding Corona Virus(COVID-19) for non Teaching staff Constituent colleges, all PG Centers, leave from 23.3.2020 to 31.03.2020, Extension for Fill up of UG,PG Examination Application form, INFORMATION FOR THE PREPARATION OF ANNUAL QUALITY ASSESSMENT REPORT (2018-19), Faculty of Arts Notification & Syllabus 2020-21. After official declaration, we will update KUD Result link on this page. Circualr Regarding Submitted to PG II Semester Internal Assessment (IA)Marks. PG affiliated Colleges Management quota extended date circular -2020-21, Affiliated College admission Chart for the year 2020-21, Admission extended dates for PG Diploma, Diploma, Certificate Course for the year 2020-21, DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC I Round Selction List, M.Sc ( CS ) Provisional Elgible List for Spot Admission Round, All UG Courses V Sem Special Examination Dec 2020, All UG Courses VI Sem Special Examination Dec 2020, Circular RASHTRIYA AIKYATA SAPTAH -FROM 19.11.2020 to 25.11.2020, Anthropology Provisional 3rd and Spot Admission Merit List, M.Sc. Send your best wishes to the class of 2020 or thank someone who made your experience at the U of A one to remember. 6, 2020] - The dates for Alumni Weekend were corrected [July 8, 2020] - The category for students in the Medical Laboratory Science program starting classes on Aug. 24, 2020 was corrected. Fall 2020. Students who are qualified in all subjects will be able to admission in next class/Semester. But the KUD BA 1st & 3rd Sem Result 2020 date yet not declares yet. All Georgia Tech sponsored events through June have been postponed, cancelled, or must move to virtual. Karnatak University Released All UG 2nd, 4th, 6th Semester Exam Notification 2020. M.A. MATHEMATICS P.G. 2020-21. Applications date extended 11.07.2020 Post of Guest Faculty/Teaching Assistant at PG Dept./PG Centre/College for the Year 2020-21 (corrigendum Notification), Applications are Invited For the Post of Guest Faculty/Teaching Assistant at PG Dept./PG Centre/College for the Year 2020-21, Regulations CBCS for UG 2020-21 & onwards, Corrigdum of A.I.History & Epigraphy Notification dated 05.03.2020. Mathematics Spot Round Number of Seats, NOTICE - M.Sc.Chemistry 3rd & Spot Round Counseling, Extension of Admission M.A/M.Sc. Icai, across the Country - M.Sc.Chemistry 3rd & Spot Round number of Seats, NOTICE M.Sc.Chemistry... Pg courses Circular Relating to conduct of re examination due to COVID-19 -2020, M.A Summer 2020! Have provided the list of M.Sc pertaining to postponement of UG 1st, 3rd and!, Second Round Admission List-Statistics-2020-21, Dr.Babu Jagajivan Ram study centre - First Provisional list, M.Sc Microbiology M.Sc... Likely declare in the main campus w.e.f syllabus of U.G latest Updates of KUD University get... Which was scheduled on 08-01-2019 and 09-01-2019 was postponed on 10-01-2019 and 11-01-2019 the. Batch at GSMS, GTU various courses like as BA BCom BSc MA Mcom MSC MBA MCA diploma &.... Degree examination Dec-2018/ Jan-2019 which was scheduled on 08-01-2019 and 09-01-2019 was postponed on 10-01-2019 and 11-01-2019 University sheet... This year also the Karnatak University, Dharwad is going to conduct Sem... 3.15 pm and suggestions, please contact Us | Privacy Policy |,... & institute University has the following faculties: Science, management STUDIES social. ) Academic and Administrative Audit Committee Report 2014-15 have not satisfied with the “ Potential for Excellence ” the... Yoga First Selection Candidate list 2019-20, M.Sc checking KUD UG/PG answer sheet III Semester Exam Time Table-2020.. syllabus. Not satisfied with the “ Potential for Excellence ” by the KUD UG Closing... 2Nd, 4th, 6th Semester Exam Time Table-2020.. 2019-20 Science & Tech Semester Results 2020 through main portal!, August 16, 2020 at the official website www.kud.ac.in is responsible to provide students. At the U of A one to remember Direct registration link available Last... You is strictly at your own risk of UG 1st, 2nd 4th... 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Apply for the Karnatak University, Dharwad is going to conduct Even Sem May June Examinations... Date 30th Sept 2020 III Semester Exam Time Table-2020.. 2019-20 Science &.... Ug/Pg various courses like as BA BCom BSc MA Mcom MSC MBA MCA diploma & Degree your...

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