endobj <>/Length 82/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endstream We'll send you an email within two working days to let you know that we've started processing your request. This £20,000 covers the total amount paid into a stocks and shares ISA, cash ISA, an innovative finance ISA and a lifetime ISA. endobj H�2�350�45VH�2T0T��� Making a withdrawal from your investment funds If you would like to make a withdrawal from your stocks and shares ISA or General Investment Account (GIA) into your current account: Log in to the Aegon Customer Dashboard 973 0 obj H�L�� <>/Length 73/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endstream <>>>/Length 143/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream H�4�� 1368 0 obj endstream <>>>/Length 80/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endobj D, endobj <>/ExtGState<>>>/Length 162/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 13.534 13.534 0]/Subtype/Form>>stream x�3�37�402VH�2P0P04�362Q�Ɔ Switch from an OEIC to an ISA form; Switching form; Death processing – Additional Permitted Subscriptions Aegon AM US is also registered as a Commodity Trading Advisor with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and is a member of the National Futures Association. B1D���-�Yw�d[��Fv�F�{���$A����==��4wf�аx�� �g��B8Ggc5����\jm��. endobj %PDF-1.7 endobj ]��� �ޘ�lΗ��Mt�Ƙ�7\+]��̸�J���8�>z��k�c��� �� H�4�� B1D���-�Yw�d[��Fv�F�{���$A����==��4wf�аx�� �g��B8Ggc5����\jm��. <>/ExtGState<>>>/Length 160/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 13.534 13.534 0]/Subtype/Form>>stream B1D���-�Yw�d[��Fv�F�{���$A����==��4wf�аx�� �g��B8Ggc5����\jm��. Open a new ISA. Please note that due to HM Revenue & Customs regulations, the conversion has to take place as a withdrawal and an investment over two separate days. <>/Length 73/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endobj You can split your ISA allowance between a stocks and shares, cash, innovative finance and lifetime ISA as best suits your circumstances. <>/Length 73/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream H�2�350�45VH�2T0T��� x�3�37�402VH�2P0P04�362Q�Ɔ *�#������]l6���J*�x*���D��y�r���dTX�5�'�G| �k%� endobj 1446 0 obj endobj E�\i\ q�� endstream 25 0 obj endobj This form is to be used for non-advised clients only. 1224 0 obj endstream endstream 1365 0 obj endobj 38 0 obj About this form In this form, Aegon means Cofunds Limited. 1557 0 obj 06 Apr 20; 0.20MB; PDF; Download. <>/Length 73/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream c����~,8'��2�B/�E���j�̥�p� ��3?�&��0 ��� ���r You can choose to take regular or one-off withdrawal from your ISA. endstream <>/Length 31/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream <>/Length 82/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endobj H�2�37�402VH�2P0P0� ��T�4 7��P�P!D�+�p m� D9\F0�H�U�C��i�J0 Q Tk��9� � �cE 4 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Font<>>>/Thumb 989 0 R /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/ArtBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/TrimBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page/Parent 65 0 R /Contents 1082 0 R /Rotate 0/CropBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/Annots 957 0 R /Tabs/W/LastModified(D:20200731110906+01'00')>> endstream 1068 0 obj �@����fݽ��]+���]�&`!��/�0S �r��Ź@����{c� *�#������]l6���J*�x*���D��y�r���dTX�5�'�G| �k%� �V��)g�B�0�i�W��8#�8wթ��8_�٥ʨQ����Q�j@�&�A)/��g�>'K�� �t�;\�� ӥ$պF�ZUn����(4T�%)뫔�0C&�����Z��i���8��bx��E���B�;�����P���ӓ̹�A�om?�W= endobj endstream *�#������]l6���J*�x*���D��y�r���dTX�5�'�G| �k%� endstream endstream This form is to be usedfor Self-directed Explicit Pricing clients only. endstream H�2�350�45VH�2T0T��� 1467 0 obj <>>>/Length 94/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream H�L�� � ��y��@S�66�� ���ac����^�qV�%�o�? H�2�350�45VH�2T0T��� � l�� endobj endobj AEX. 1222 0 obj endstream <>>>/Length 136/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endstream AC�|EJm�ٙ�v���;E��B��/\=$E �$*%75��2����O|�1��. endobj H�L�� endobj 962 0 obj L��gab���,4�Y^�"��!�{�{�Lk��߃e=���� �v���d��SVU��������T2����B���D�jfҘZ�*�����-�7��K����Z�����R���-��+p�� �x3� Visit Retiready frequently asked questions (FAQ's) for information about withdrawls. D, Use this form to withdraw part or all of the value of the Aegon GIA and move it into a new or existing Aegon ISA. endobj <>>>/Length 136/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endstream � {� H�L�� endstream endstream H�2�350�45VH�2T0T��� The process for this is the same process as outlined in the � {� Receiving Scheme Warranty. x�+�2T B=c#senl�P��Ε��¥�蒤`�g`f`���e�gll`�`�gdia���e�gndj���e�` �0�T��r � B1D���-�Yw�d[��Fv�F�{���$A����==��4wf�аx�� �g��B8Ggc5����\jm��. 3375108) and The PEP Shop Limited (Registered in England No.2617099) are appointed representatives of Expatriate Advisory Services Plc (Registered in England No. <>/Length 82/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream 9\@B�) Q��2�i\z�F�`]`��`�LB�u!��` t�� endobj H�4�� 1D���)���$&��l��`�h�N��/���� ˾e�I! c����~,8'��2�B/�E���j�̥�p� ��3?�&��0 ��� endobj E�\i\ q�� endstream <>/ColorSpace<>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Font<>>>/Thumb 990 0 R /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/ArtBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/TrimBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page/Parent 65 0 R /Contents 1083 0 R /Rotate 0/CropBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/Annots 812 0 R /Tabs/W/LastModified(D:20200731110906+01'00')>> The maximum amount (also known as the ISA allowance) for the 2020/21 tax year is: £20,000 for a stocks and shares ISA, cash ISA and innovative finance ISA. endobj <>>>/Length 104/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream 1D���)���$&��l��`�h�N��/���� ˾e�I! endstream endobj endobj endobj endobj endobj endstream � {� SIPP Transfer In Request Form. You need to provide your National Insurance number during the online application process for an Aegon ISA or contact us to complete a paper form if you don’t have one. endstream H�2�350�45VH�2T0T��� [�9��R6-�;���©1q�b�H��+��j _e����YP��W��BB�>V���J��G�Y*���"�&d/,7d�S�,,�}� �(_ H�L�� endobj endstream �@T+�%�C����#�R�aۡ�_9Q�0���_�d_�9�4c���'0 ��~ �������8v!c����!� <>/Length 31/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream Client number 1 WITHDRAWAL TYPE 2 PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL DETAILS 3 PRODUCT (FUND, ISA, UNIT TRUST NAME) DEAL REF (for office use) a) A full withdrawal – please tick here and go to section 3. b) A partial withdrawal – please fill in section 2. E�\i\ q�� E�\i\ q�� <>/Length 73/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream x�+�2T B=c#senl�P��Ε��¥�蒤`�g`f`���e�gll`�`�gdia���e�gndj���e�` �0�T��r � 4 0 obj <>/Length 82/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream Once you’ve done this, use the links below to download any additional forms. 1D���)���$&��l��`�h�N��/���� ˾e�I! H�L��j�0��z If the Aegon ISA investor doesn’t already have an Aegon ISA with us and would like to apply … endobj endobj H��Wmo�H�n����6`+zY7i��,������pKc{���II��ɶ�X����@�H"�|��|�j<1aS������ix����fY�����Y�����i�vB���M��,Ӱ��I��ʹwE��b븈�������.���a�VP;� ��]��.L�^?4����&k��}{u�K��G������4��ݻwp�~�>З���=�S�X)d���\k{�I���3#�e^������&�~hy0�����Z����~��z8����Dky]^��m�w�I��u��5�d. 9\@B�) Q��2�i\z�F�`]`��`�LB�u!��` t�� <>>>/Length 117/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream ]��� �ޘ�lΗ��Mt�Ƙ�7\+]��̸�J���8�>z��k�c��� �� endobj endobj endobj 951 0 obj <>>>/Length 80/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endstream <>>>/Length 117/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream <>>>/Length 80/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream *�#������]l6���J*�x*���D��y�r���dTX�5�'�G| �k%� endstream Aegon GIA re-registration authority form. c����~,8'��2�B/�E���j�̥�p� ��3?�&��0 ��� Seymour Sinclair Investments Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and offers an execution-only service. <>>>/Length 80/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream <>>>/Length 94/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream 9\@B�) Q��2�i\z�F�`]`��`�LB�u!��` t�� H�L�� <>/Length 39/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream <>>>/Length 104/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endobj The overall ISA allowance for all customers is £20,000 for the 2020/2021 tax year. <>/Length 39/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream H�L�� 1D���)���$&��l��`�h�N��/���� ˾e�I! endobj endobj endobj <>/Length 82/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream 965 0 obj c����~,8'��2�B/�E���j�̥�p� ��3?�&��0 ��� x�+�2T B=c#senl�P��Ε��¥�蒤`�g`f`���e�gll`�`�gdia���e�gndj���e�` �0�T��r � <>>>/Length 143/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream <>/Length 82/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream A lifetime ISA can’t be used to increase your limit to £24,000. e)z ��(�r�h�9sۋ�K3'��;h��^;7��Y��"�N�}�v�}���>b�$���*�ۻ"��!p��M��~�}t�3�Ȭ�K+W�0�*�0�� ��M� 1211 0 obj endstream <>>>/Length 143/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endstream endstream Annuity Purchase Form. 1469 0 obj <>/Length 31/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream 20 0 obj Withdrawal from an Aegon General Investment Account (GIA) into an Aegon ISA form. December 24, … H�L�� endobj D, endobj 19 0 obj endstream E�\i\ q�� endobj • For any income units/shares you hold and if you don’t tick one of the boxes below, we’ll apply your existing income option. Choose ISA and then select Withdraw money. 1472 0 obj endobj AC�|EJm�ٙ�v���;E��B��/\=$E �$*%75��2����O|�1��. x�+�2T B3*J� 1352844) who are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Direct Debit Mandate to pay charges from your GIA only. endstream Withdrawal Form – Personal Representatives. H�4�� L�_d�d|�>#�'k��mX��$����bY��+�����D* =I��,��������4�݊U�:�a�9���R���jr���{ҫ���f��&� ��3� Dealing on my ISA General Tasks. �ҏJtIR04�356RI�2ҳ05V0�3�0TI�24ֳ�41V���0�T��r � endstream H�L�� <>>>/Length 143/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream <>>>/Length 117/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endobj 10 0 obj H�L�� �ҏJtIR04�356RI�2ҳ05V0�3�0TI�24ֳ�41V���0�T��r � AC�|EJm�ٙ�v���;E��B��/\=$E �$*%75��2����O|�1��. �@����fݽ��]+���]�&`!��/�0S �r��Ź@����{c� H�L�� H�2�350�45VH�2T0T��� x�3�37�402VH�2P0P0� ��T�4. E�\i\ q�� x�3�37�402VH�2P0P0� ��T�4. H�2�37�402VH�2P0P0� ��T�4 7��P�P!D�+�p m� D9\F0�H�U�C��i�J0 Q Tk��9� � �cE <>/ExtGState<>>>/Length 162/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 13.534 13.534 0]/Subtype/Form>>stream E�\i\ q�� ���r endobj ISA (Stocks & Shares) 2018/2019 Tax Year NON-ADVISED AC�|EJm�ٙ�v���;E��B��/\=$E �$*%75��2����O|�1��. Aegon GIA re-registration application form. This application form is used to subscribe to a Stocks and Shares ISA with ... Investment Funds Investment ISA Both 6 Withdrawal Authorisation (All holders mentioned in Section 1A MUST complete this section) ... from my Aegon ISA, or where relevant my Aegon GIA. ���r Features and benefits at a glance A tax-efficient way to save free of capital gains tax and income tax. Please be aware when transferring that it's important that you don't withdraw the money from an ISA; if you do, you'll lose the tax efficient benefits. 1552 0 obj <>>>/Length 104/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream <>>>/Length 104/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream c����~,8'��2�B/�E���j�̥�p� ��3?�&��0 ��� 1218 0 obj endstream 957 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>>>/Length 160/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 13.534 13.534 0]/Subtype/Form>>stream 1367 0 obj endobj <>>>/Length 136/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream <>>>/Length 104/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream 967 0 obj endstream endstream � l�� endstream 1D���)���$&��l��`�h�N��/���� ˾e�I! 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H�2�37�402VH�2P0P0� ��T�4 7��P�P!D�+�p m� D9\F0�H�U�C��i�J0 Q Tk��9� � �cE endobj 1072 0 obj H�L�� <>>>/Length 143/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream 1230 0 obj 1550 0 obj 1217 0 obj endobj 1471 0 obj Even under the restrictions imposed by the current corona virus pandemic AEGON always manage to provide access to one of their colleagues to assist and answer any questions within a very short period of time. 9\@B�) Q��2�i\z�F�`]`��`�LB�u!��` t�� ���r x�3�37�402VH�2P0P04�362Q�Ɔ endstream endstream <>/Length 82/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream ��w�G� xR^���[�oƜch�g�`>b���$���*~� �:����E���b��~���,m,�-��ݖ,�Y��¬�*�6X�[ݱF�=�3�뭷Y��~dó ���t���i�z�f�6�~`{�v���.�Ng����#{�}�}��������j������c1X6���fm���;'_9 �r�:�8�q�:��˜�O:ϸ8������u��Jq���nv=���M����m����R 4 � December 24, 2020, 14:00 CET. The investment into the Jupiter ISA will take place at the next valuation point following the withdrawal. 1D���)���$&��l��`�h�N��/���� ˾e�I! endobj Withdrawals. ]��� �ޘ�lΗ��Mt�Ƙ�7\+]��̸�J���8�>z��k�c��� �� H�2�350�45VH�2T0T��� endobj 970 0 obj endobj *�#������]l6���J*�x*���D��y�r���dTX�5�'�G| �k%� Forms for a Stocks and Shares ISA. <>/Length 39/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream H�TOK!��� <>>>/Length 143/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endstream 9\@B�) Q��2�i\z�F�`]`��`�LB�u!��` t�� endobj � {� endobj endobj H�2�37�402VH�2P0P0� ��T�4 7��P�P!D�+�p m� D9\F0�H�U�C��i�J0 Q Tk��9� � �cE c����~,8'��2�B/�E���j�̥�p� ��3?�&��0 ��� This means if you make a withdrawal from this Aegon ISA you won’t be able to replace it without it counting against your annual ISA allowance for the current tax year. 37 0 obj � l�� endstream endobj 9\@B�) Q��2�i\z�F�`]`��`�LB�u!��` t�� <>>>/Length 117/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream [�9��R6-�;���©1q�b�H��+��j _e����YP��W��BB�>V���J��G�Y*���"�&d/,7d�S�,,�}� �(_ <>>>/Length 136/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream Login or register for Aegon's secure online services. *�#������]l6���J*�x*���D��y�r���dTX�5�'�G| �k%� <>>>/Length 94/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream <>/Length 31/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endstream D, 894 0 obj x�3�37�402VH�2P0P04�362Q�Ɔ <>>>/Length 94/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endobj endstream :.������ x�3�37�402VH�2P0P04�362Q�Ɔ H�L�� 74 0 obj B1D���-�Yw�d[��Fv�F�{���$A����==��4wf�аx�� �g��B8Ggc5����\jm��. 1212 0 obj ... with how Aegon dealt with the same client's Isa … 1 0 obj endobj endobj 1476 0 obj 14 0 obj If the account is tied to a particular term, withdrawing funds before the term is over may result in penalties.The money is not taxable; in fact, you don't even have to report the withdrawal or income on your income tax forms. endstream <>/Length 39/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endstream endstream H�L��j�0��z ]��� �ޘ�lΗ��Mt�Ƙ�7\+]��̸�J���8�>z��k�c��� �� 1556 0 obj �ꇆ��n���Q�t�}MA�0�al������S�x ��k�&�^���>�0|>_�'��,�G! endstream endobj ]��� �ޘ�lΗ��Mt�Ƙ�7\+]��̸�J���8�>z��k�c��� �� H�L�� Withdrawal Form. 1555 0 obj endstream 1373 0 obj 1549 0 obj 1551 0 obj endobj <>/Length 39/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream � {� H�4�� <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Font<>>>/Thumb 1877 0 R /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/ArtBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/TrimBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page/Parent 890 0 R /Contents 1876 0 R /Rotate 0/CropBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/Annots 1445 0 R /LastModified(D:20200803144726+01'00')>> 1466 0 obj 1210 0 obj ]��� �ޘ�lΗ��Mt�Ƙ�7\+]��̸�J���8�>z��k�c��� �� 968 0 obj x�+�2T B=c#senl�P��Ε��¥�蒤`�g`f`���e�gll`�`�gdia���e�gndj���e�` �0�T��r � Retiready from Aegon. <>/Length 73/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream AC�|EJm�ٙ�v���;E��B��/\=$E �$*%75��2����O|�1��. *�#������]l6���J*�x*���D��y�r���dTX�5�'�G| �k%� endobj Regular withdrawal – if you request regular withdrawals from your Aegon ISA, we’ll pay the withdrawal from the cash facility of your Aegon ISA. 9\@B�) Q��2�i\z�F�`]`��`�LB�u!��` t�� 1055 0 obj ���r H�L�� endobj 1370 0 obj 1220 0 obj e)z ��(�r�h�9sۋ�K3'��;h��^;7��Y��"�N�}�v�}���>b�$���*�ۻ"��!p��M��~�}t�3�Ȭ�K+W�0�*�0�� ��M� � ��y��@S�66�� ���ac����^�qV�%�o�? 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[�9��R6-�;���©1q�b�H��+��j _e����YP��W��BB�>V���J��G�Y*���"�&d/,7d�S�,,�}� �(_ 1228 0 obj endobj 971 0 obj B1D���-�Yw�d[��Fv�F�{���$A����==��4wf�аx�� �g��B8Ggc5����\jm��. endstream <>>>/Length 94/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endobj <>>>/Length 94/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 12.327 12.731]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream 959 0 obj Aegon AM NL is registered with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets. endobj <>/Length 73/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream Aviva Platform Transfer in or re-registration form (non-Origo transfers only) Investment and ISA Portfolio (565kb) LF01071 - Drawdown Client Declaration Form to be used for Pension Portfolio (539kb) LF01074 - Aviva Platform - Cash Request or Regular Withdrawal Form (Trusts/Corporate only) (521kb) LF01088 - endobj endstream endstream <>/Length 73/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream ... Can I take a one-off withdrawal from my ISA or general investment account (GIA)? Aegon AM NL has also entered into a participating affiliate arrangement with Aegon AM US. <>/Length 73/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endstream E�\i\ q�� �ҏJtIR04�356RI�2ҳ05V0�3�0TI�24ֳ�41V���0�T��r � AEGON service to it's customers fantastic, even under the current sever pandemic restrictions. endstream 955 0 obj x�3�37�402VH�2P0P0� ��T�4. endobj endobj 9\@B�) Q��2�i\z�F�`]`��`�LB�u!��` t�� If there isn’t enough cash in the Aegon ISA cash facility to make the withdrawal payment, we’ll sell down some of your investments. 9\@B�) Q��2�i\z�F�`]`��`�LB�u!��` t�� <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Font<>>>/Thumb 1865 0 R /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/ArtBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/TrimBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page/Parent 890 0 R /Contents 1864 0 R /Rotate 0/CropBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/LastModified(D:20200803144726+01'00')>> Find out more. x�3�37�402VH�2P0P0� ��T�4. endstream � {� endobj �ҏJtIR04�356RI�2ҳ05V0�3�0TI�24ֳ�41V���0�T��r � <>/ColorSpace<>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Font<>>>/Thumb 1847 0 R /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/ArtBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/TrimBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page/Parent 890 0 R /Contents 1846 0 R /Rotate 0/CropBox[ 0 0 595.276 841.89]/Annots 1661 0 R /LastModified(D:20200803144726+01'00')>> The ability to withdraw from an ISA is dependent on the specific type of savings vehicle you choose. endstream <>>>/Length 80/Filter/FlateDecode/BBox[ 0 0 18 18]/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject/FormType 1>>stream endobj endstream 1100 0 obj A stocks and shares ISA is a tax-efficient way for your clients to save up to £20,000 (2020/2021 tax year) and put their money into a range of different investment funds - from shares and commercial property to fixed interest securities and cash. 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